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Joint Statement
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
December 16, 2002

U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee

1. United States Secretary of State Colin Powell and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz hosted Japan's Minister for Foreign Affairs Yoriko Kawaguchi and Minister of State for Defense and Director-General of the Defense Agency Shigeru Ishiba in a meeting of the Security Consultative Committee (SCC) in Washington, DC, on December 16, 2002. They addressed security and alliance issues facing the U.S. and Japan in the new security environment after the terrorist attacks in the U.S. on September 11, 2001, as well as other aspects of the relationship.

2. The Ministers agreed that the September 11 terrorist attacks represented an assault on the basic values of freedom and democracy shared by their two nations, posing a serious threat to the U.S., Japan, and the entire international community. They recognized that the international community, including its members in the Asia-Pacific region, remains vulnerable to international terrorism, as demonstrated by the tragic terrorist bombing in Bali in October.

The Ministers agreed that the international community's united response against terrorism following the September 11 terrorist attacks has contributed significantly to the prevention and reduction in acts of international terrorism but that continued action and cooperation remain of the highest importance. The Ministers expressed appreciation for each side's comprehensive efforts in the counterterrorism campaign.

The Ministers shared the view that, in addition to action in Operation Enduring Freedom, other measures, including efforts to suppress terrorist financing and enhance information sharing and law-enforcement, must be continued and strengthened. They underscored the importance of the world community's support for reconstruction and stability in Afghanistan. The Ministers confirmed that both sides would continue to cooperate closely in their determined efforts to eradicate international terrorism.

3. The Ministers discussed their efforts to eliminate the threats posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems, including ballistic missiles. They expressed serious concern that not only states but also international terrorist organizations are increasingly able to obtain and use weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems, exacerbating the threat to the international community. The Ministers confirmed their intention to maintain close cooperation in developing new approaches to defense and deterrence against these threats, including strengthening non-proliferation and arms control regimes.

4. The Ministers expressed their full support for the inspection and disarmament process in Iraq set in motion by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441. They strongly urged Iraq's full and unconditional compliance with Resolution 1441. The Ministers deplored Iraq's continued material breach of previous UN Security Council Resolutions. They recalled that Resolution 1441 provides Iraq with a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations under relevant UN Security Council Resolutions. They also recalled the warning that Iraq would face serious consequences as a result of its non-compliance. The Ministers stressed that it would be desirable if inspections conducted by the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Iraq led to a peaceful resolution of issues related to Iraq's disarmament. However, they confirmed that if Iraq's behavior requires further action on the part of the international community consistent with Resolution 1441, the two nations would coordinate their actions even more closely.

5. The Ministers discussed problems of persistent instability and uncertainty in the Asia-Pacific region, including the expansion and modernization of military capabilities and the continuation of tensions in the region. They also acknowledged that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems and the activities of international terrorists are taking place in the Asia-Pacific region. To complement their individual and allied efforts to address regional security issues, including under the U.S.-Japan security arrangements, the Ministers expressed the important role of multilateral organizations involved in regional security issues, such as the ASEAN Regional Forum. They reaffirmed the importance of China’s playing a positive and constructive role in the enhancement of regional stability and prosperity.

6. The Ministers expressed grave concern about the threat North Korea continues to pose to regional security and stability. The Ministers expressed great regret over North Korea's recent letter to the IAEA and public statement that it plans to resume the operation and construction of nuclear facilities, and agreed the North Korean decision flagrantly disregards the international consensus that the North Korean regime must fulfill all its commitments and, in particular, dismantle its nuclear weapons program. The Ministers also agreed that North Korea's pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability violates the Agreed Framework, the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, its IAEA Safeguards Agreement, and the South-North Joint Declaration on the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The Ministers stressed that the international community has made it clear that North Korea’s relations with the outside world will hinge on its willingness to dismantle its nuclear weapons program. The Ministers urged North Korea to give up any nuclear weapons program in a prompt and verifiable fashion in order to be in compliance with all of its international obligations. They also expressed serious concern over North Korea's ballistic missile programs and urged North Korea to cease all ballistic missile-related activities, including the development, testing, exportation, and deployment of ballistic missiles and related technology and know-how. The Ministers also urged North Korea's full compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention and adherence to the Chemical Weapons Convention. The Ministers stressed that North Korean use of weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, would have the gravest consequences.

Reaffirming their commitments under the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, they reiterated their strong interest in a peaceful resolution of security issues associated with North Korea. The U.S. side reaffirmed that the U. S. has always been open to dialogue in principle. The Ministers also reaffirmed that the Japan-North Korea normalization talks and the Japan-North Korea security talks, based on the Pyongyang Declaration between Japan and North Korea, serve as important channels to resolve security issues and the abduction issue. The Ministers called for the expeditious resolution of such issues.

7. Based on the shared recognition of the growing threat posed by the proliferation of ballistic missiles, the two sides emphasized the need for a comprehensive strategy to address such proliferation, including both defense systems and diplomatic initiatives.

The Japanese side reaffirmed that a ballistic missile defense system is an important consideration in Japan’s defense policy, which is exclusively defense-oriented. The Japanese side noted that a ballistic missile defense system would be an inherently defensive capability to which there would be no alternative, with the purpose of protecting lives and property in Japan. The Japanese side also expressed its intention to address this subject on its own initiative during review of its defense posture, based on the rapidly evolving state of technological developments relating to all elements of the ballistic missile defense program.

The Ministers acknowledged the need to continue current U.S.-Japan cooperative research on ballistic missile defense technologies and to intensify consultation and cooperation on missile defense.

8. The Ministers welcomed continuing progress on bilateral defense planning in case of an armed attack against Japan, and mutual cooperation planning for situations in areas surrounding Japan under the Guidelines for U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation. The Ministers decided to pursue further improvements in bilateral planning.

9. Both sides reaffirmed the important role of their bilateral security arrangements as the cornerstone of peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and reaffirmed their commitment to those arrangements. The Ministers confirmed that the U.S. military presence in the region is essential for regional stability. They reiterated that Japan's Host Nation Support is vital to such a presence.

The Ministers shared the view that, for the smooth and effective implementation of the U.S.-Japan security arrangements, both Governments must continue serious efforts to resolve issues related to the stationing of U.S. forces in Japan, including efforts to promote "good neighbor" relations between U.S. forces and local communities. The Ministers emphasized that effective implementation of the Status of Forces Agreement is important for both countries.

The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen cooperation to protect the environment under the principles of the Joint Statement issued by the SCC in September 2000 and confirmed the importance of making further efforts in environmental matters. Both sides welcomed progress on resolving the Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) issue associated with U.S. forces in Japan and emphasized the importance of continued constructive cooperation on environmental matters in the Joint Committee.

The Japanese side took up issues regarding the relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma (Okinawa) and the return to local use of land now occupied by the present facility, in accordance with the Japanese Cabinet Decision of December 1999. The Ministers reaffirmed the commitment of both Governments to implement the Special Action Committee on Okinawa (SACO) Final Report. They expressed appreciation for the close consultations between the two Governments in drafting the Basic Plan for the Futenma Replacement Facility, consistent with the aims of the SACO Final Report to realign, consolidate, and reduce U.S. military facilities and areas in Okinawa, while fully maintaining the capabilities and readiness of U.S. forces in Japan. The Ministers welcomed the July 2002 adoption of the Basic Plan as an important step on the part of both Governments in reducing the burden on the people of Okinawa, and confirmed that the relocation should proceed promptly on that basis.

10. The Ministers discussed defense and national security strategies and the need to review their respective defense postures in the new security environment, with serious threats posed by international terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. They decided to intensify security consultations between the two countries to explore areas of cooperation to reinforce effectively their national efforts. The consultations could address such issues as bilateral roles and missions, forces and force structures, bilateral cooperation in facing regional and global challenges, participation in international peacekeeping and other multilateral efforts, further consultation and cooperation on missile defense, and progress on resolving issues related to U.S. facilities and areas in Japan. The Ministers directed the Security Subcommittee (SSC) to report to the SCC on the progress of such consultations.

Released on December 16, 2002

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