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Winter Storms

  • The hazards of winter storms are dramatic: wind-driven snow that makes it impossible to see, creates large drifts and lowers the wind chill.
  • Blizzards and ice storms can knock down trees, utility poles and power lines. Even small amounts of ice are extremely hazardous to motorists and pedestrians. 
  • If you are stuck in a storm and are exposed to cold for an extended period, frostbite or hypothermia is possible and can be life-threatening.
  • Advisories are issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) when the public should be alerted to possible storms. A winter storm watch is issued when severe winter conditions are possible within the next 12 to 48 hours. The NWS issues a winter storm warning when severe winter weather conditions are occurring or expected to occur within a few hours.
  • Take action before a winter storm strikes.
  • Check NOAA's new wind chill index
  • "Winterize" your car with fresh antifreeze and a strong battery. Use snow tires. Keep a winter survival kit in your car.
  • During a storm, listen to NOAA weather radio, local radio or television for the latest weather reports and emergency information.
  • If you must be outside, wear plenty of layers of clothing. Don't over-exert yourself. Make sure you wear a hat, because the largest amount of body heat is lost through the top of the head.
  • If you get stranded in your car, stay with it until help arrives. Do not try to walk for help during a blizzard.

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