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During the 2000 hunting season, 926 hunting-related accidents were reported in the U.S. and Canada. These mishaps killed 91 people. Here are some ways to avoid becoming one of these statistics.
  1. Take a firearms-safety course. The more you know, the better.
  2. Keep your firearms unloaded. Keep your gun in its case until you get to the hunting area.
  3. Assume every firearm is loaded, and don't take someone's word for it -- check it yourself.
  4. Don't engage in horseplay with weapons.
  5. Never point a gun at something you don't intend to shoot. Always keep your gun pointed in a safe direction.
  6. Keep the barrel clear.
  7. Use the right ammunition.
  8. Keep the safety on until just before you are ready to shoot. Immediately put it back on when you are finished.
  9. If you aren't positive about your target, don't shoot.
  10. Know what is on the other side of your target.
  11. If you pull the trigger and the gun doesn't fire, wait 45 seconds before removing the cartridge.
  12. Don't climb fences or trees, cross slippery areas, or jump ditches and creeks while carrying a loaded gun. Unload, the reload when you arrive.
  13. Carry handguns in holsters.
  14. Don't drink, and be especially careful when you get tired.

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