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Heavy Trailer Trip Permits
General Information
The heavy trailer trip permit is required for trailers operated at a loaded weight* over 8,000 pounds and for all fixed load trailers or special use trailers (regardless of weight) which are not registered for use in Oregon and are not covered by reciprocity.
* Loaded weight means the weight transmitted to the road, through an axle or set of axles when the vehicle is fully loaded.
For the definition of a fixed load, please see ORS 801.285.


Duration  Fee
 10 Consecutive Days  $10

How to Apply
To apply, you must provide DMV with a request that includes:
  • Your name;
  • Your address;
  • Your driver license or ID card number, and state of issuance (if not Oregon); 
  • The year, make and model of the vehicle;
  • Loaded weight*; 
  • The vehicle identification number (VIN)**; and 
  • Payment (check made out to "Oregon DMV" or money order). 
** Proof of the VIN is required, if the vehicle is not titled in Oregon, or Oregon DMV has no record of the vehicle.  Examples of acceptable proof of the VIN include:
  • Vehicle registration card
  • Insurance card or policy
  • Sales contract
  • Pencil tracing of the VIN
You may submit your request in the form of a letter, with your payment (see the Fees section above) and copies of your supporting materials, in person at a DMV office or by mail.
If you have questions or need more information, please contact DMV.

Related Information
Additional information that may be relevant includes: 

Page updated: September 02, 2008

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