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 You are in: Bureaus/Offices Reporting Directly to the Secretary > Deputy Secretary of State > Bureau of Resource Management > Releases on Resource Management > Performance and Accountability Reports and Agency Financial Reports > FY 2005 Performance and Accountability Report 
Bureaus/Offices Reporting Directly to the Secretary
Deputy Secretary of State
Bureau of Resource Management
Performance and Accountability Reports and Agency Financial Reports
FY 2005 Performance and Accountability Report
HTML Version

HTML Version, FY 2005 Performance and Accountability Report

The below-listed files constitute the HTML version of the 2005 Report. The Report also is available in PDF.

Printed versions of the FY 2005 Performance and Accountability Report Highlights, which include a CD containing the full Report, will be available for public distribution February 2006. If you would like to request a copy of the Report or if you have difficulty accessing the Report, please contact the Office of Strategic and Performance Planning at or (202) 647-0300.

Table of Contents

Mission and Values
Message from the Secretary
Message from the Acting Assistant Secretary and Chief Financial Officer
About this Report
Historical Notes on U.S. Diplomacy

Management's Discussion and Analysis

Department of State History
Mission and Organization
Directory of Key Officials and Senior Management
Map of Department of State Locations
Performance Summary and Highlights
Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) Status
The President's Management Agenda
Management Controls, Financial Management Systems and Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Financial Highlights

Inspector General's Discussion and Analysis

Message from the Inspector General
Summary of FY 2005 Performance
Management Performance and Challenges

Performance Section

Strategic Objective #1: Achieve Peace and Security
Strategic Goal 1: Regional Stability
Strategic Goal 2: Counterterrorism
Strategic Goal 3: Homeland Security
Strategic Goal 4: Weapons of Mass Destruction
Strategic Goal 5: International Crime and Drugs
Strategic Goal 6: American Citizens

Strategic Objective #2: Advance Sustainable Development and Global Interests

Strategic Goal 7: Democracy and Human Rights
Strategic Goal 8: Economic Prosperity and Security
Strategic Goal 9: Social and Environmental Issues
Strategic Goal 10: Humanitarian Response

Strategic Objective #3: Promote International Understanding

Strategic Goal 11: Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

Strategic Objective #4: Strengthen Diplomatic and Program Capabilities

Strategic Goal 12: Management and Organizational Excellence

Women in Diplomacy
Resource Summary by Strategic Goal
Milestones of American Diplomacy

Financial Section

Introduction to Principal Financial Statements
Independent Auditor's Report
Financial Statements
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Consolidated Statement of Net Cost
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Position
Combined Statement of Budgetary Resources
Consolidated Statement of Financing

Notes to Principal Financial Statements
Required Supplementary Stewardship Information - Heritage Assets
Required Supplementary Information
Supplemental Information and Other Reporting Requirements

Financial Management Plans and Reports
Management of Obligations to the Department
Management of Payments
Management of Audit Follow-up


Justifications for Changed Indicators and Targets
PART Summaries for FY 2005 - FY 2006
Major Department of State Publications
Department of State Locations
Glossary of Acronyms
Acknowledgements and Contact Information

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