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ODOT Maps - Microstation Design Files
Design File Overview
City, County, and Quad Files
State Map File Information
Microstation User Resources
Copyright Info
Design File Overview
Important Note: In 2004, the ODOT GIS Unit migrated from Microstation version 7 (v7) to Microstation version 8 (v8) file format for our CAD-based mapping products. All downloadable Microstation files found from this page are in the version 8 (v8) format.

City, County, and Quad Files
Current County Map Series Design Files. These files are only available in Microstation version 8 format. They may be downloaded via the following link:
County Design Files
County Map File Reference Files  - Levels, features, symbology, and reference file information.

City, County, and Quad Border Files. These files may be used in conjunction with the DGN files and are available via the following link:
City Border Files
County Border Files
Quad Border Files
Naming Conventions:
City Files:
  • Files are named by the first 4 letters of the city. In cases where more than one city has the same first four letters, the first 3 and the 5th letter are used.
  • *.dgn (design file) extension denotes city maps 
  • *.bdr (border file) extension denotes the border file for each city.  These files are placed in the subdirectory called borders_citymap.
County Files:

  • File naming convention is based on the county name and the sheet number within that county. The county name is the first four letters of the county; the sheet number may be 1 through the number of sheets available for a given county. For example, the file name for sheet 2 of Crook County would be croo2.dgn.
  • *.dgn (design file) extension denotes county map design file
  • *.bdr (border file) extension denotes the border file for each county sheet.  These files are placed in the subdirectory called borders_comap.
County Map Series Notes:
  • This centerline series is arranged by county sheet number
  • The linework originated from USGS 1:100,000 dlgs.
  • The linework within urban enlargement frames on level 43 outline areas was digitized from 1:24,000 USGS quads (NAD 27). The 1:100,000 linework was then edge matched to the 1:24,000 linework at these frames. These enlargements are available in greater detail in the form of our urban enlargement series.

State Map File Information
Our latest Statewide Map Design Files are only available in Microstation version 8 format. They may be downloaded via the following links:
Statewide Design Files (general)
Statewide Design Files (legislative)
Statewide Map Naming Conventions:
  • *.dgn extension denotes a Microstation design file
Frequently Requested Statewide Files: These files are available via the links above.
  • City Limits: (citylim.dgn) A statewide coverage file containing city limits including annexations information is provided from the Department of Revenue. (1:24,000). The linework includes lines and polygons.
  • County Boundaries: (newcn.dgn) The linework originated from USGS 1:100,000 dlgs. Includes county names.
  • Miscellaneous Boundaries: (miscbndy.dgn) A statewide coverage file containing public lands including: National Forests, State Forests, State Parks, Indian Reservations, state and federal preserves, etc. The linework originated from USGS 1:100,000 dlgs, and has been modified from various sources (National Forest Svc. maps, State Park Boundary maps, etc.). The linework includes lines and polygons. The text for these boundaries are in the Transportation Map Base.
  • State of Oregon Boundary: (newst.dgn) Linework from USGS 1:100,000 dlg.
  • Urban Growth Boundaries: (cityugb.dgn) A statewide coverage file containing Urban growth boundaries (1:24,000 scale). The boundaries were digitized from data supplied by cities and counties. The linework includes lines and polygons.
  • Congressional, Senate and House District maps: (congress_dist2000_wtext.dgn, congress2000_lines.dgn, house2000_all.dgn, house2000_lines.dgn, senate.dgn, senate2000_all.dgn)  There are a couple of versions of the House and Congressional maps. The ones that have "lines" or "wtext" in their title are bare-bones maps, i.e. they have either boundary lines only or lines and text only.  Linework was taken from shapefiles received from the Secretary of States Office. The lines are as of 2000.

Microstation User Resources
The following resources are available for Microstation users:
  • celib contains cell libraries for our files
  • color_tables contains our common Microstation color tables
  • iplot_pen_tables contains the IPLOT pen tables we use for plotting
  • level_information contains level information for city and county files
  • rsc_files contains our custom Microstation .rsc files
  • seed_files contains our seed file for Microstation

Copyright Info
Please Read this information and be aware of it if you plan to print any maps from our web site.
These maps may be reproduced free of charge. However, all references to ODOT, Geographic Information Services, Inventory and Mapping (our old name) and the Federal Highway Administration must be removed.  Thank you.

Our products are for informational purposes only and may not have been prepared for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information.

Page updated: May 29, 2008

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