U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Policy.
Annual Statistical Supplement, 2007

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits in Current-Payment Status

Representative Payee

Table 5.L1
Number of beneficiaries with a representative payee as a percentage of all beneficiaries, by type of beneficiary and age, December 2006
Type of beneficiary and age All
Beneficiaries with representative payee
Number Percentage
of all
Total a 49,122,624 5,142,701 10.5
Adult beneficiaries 45,989,224 2,011,417 4.4
Retired workers 30,976,143 437,195 1.4
Under 65 2,840,334 6,390 0.2
65–74 14,932,644 135,368 0.9
75–84 9,702,675 145,645 1.5
85 or older 3,500,490 149,792 4.3
Disabled workers 6,806,918 795,972 11.7
Under 35 426,429 135,636 31.8
35–44 984,172 174,687 17.7
45–54 2,083,967 255,108 12.2
55 or older 3,312,350 230,541 7.0
Wives and husbands 2,632,069 22,889 0.9
Under 65 404,170 2,850 0.7
65–74 1,272,958 9,558 0.8
75–84 816,369 7,544 0.9
85 or older 138,572 2,937 2.1
Widow(er)s b 4,452,647 131,096 2.9
Under 65 610,392 2,592 0.4
65–74 1,222,592 20,989 1.7
75–84 1,594,424 44,816 2.8
85 or older 1,025,239 62,699 6.1
Disabled widow(er)s 214,315 13,884 6.5
Under 55 28,571 2,081 7.3
55–64 185,744 11,803 6.4
Disabled adult children 776,596 606,180 78.1
Under 35 213,797 152,829 71.5
35–44 192,283 147,071 76.5
45–54 193,680 156,829 81.0
55 or older 176,836 149,451 84.5
Students aged 18–19 130,536 4,201 3.2
Children under age 18 3,133,398 3,131,284 99.9
In custody of parent payee 2,800,533 2,800,533 100.0
Not in custody of parent payee 332,865 330,751 99.4
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes 2 special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
CONTACT: Shirley Turpin (410) 965-0181.
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