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Standard Reference
Documents referencing 1910.39
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Federal Registers
 1  2004 - 12/06/2004 - Methylenedianiline in Construction; Correction - 69: 70373

Standard Interpretations
 1  1997 - 04/08/1997 - The airflow rate required for a spray painting area.
 2  1992 - 10/06/1992 - Emergency drainage systems for flammable/combustible liquids in industrial plants.
 3  1990 - 07/03/1990 - Fire brigades and portable fire extinguishers standards.
 4  1990 - 02/05/1990 - Clarification of whether employee emergency action or fire prevention plans need to be in written form.
 5  1987 - 01/08/1987 - Means of alerting employees during EtO emergency situations in hospitals;direct voice communication may be used to warn employees during an EtO emergency.
 6  1986 - 09/12/1986 - Fire equipment training requirements.
 7  1985 - 07/16/1985 - Standard applicable to two point suspension scaffolds and power platforms used in window cleaning and to hazards in refrigeration plants.

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