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WINGS ACROSS THE AMERICAS -2008 Bird Conservation Awards

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Wings Across the Americas

Forests and grasslands managed by the US Forest Service are critical to maintaining migratory bird populations. However, more than one-third of the bird species in the US (over 350 species) migrate to Latin America and the Caribbean each year. Habitat conservation on our nation's forests and grasslands is not sufficient. Conservation is needed on breeding grounds, on migratory routes and in wintering areas.

By working in local, regional and international partnerships, the US Forest Service targets priority migratory bird species and declining habitats both in the US and in the Americas. Forest Service employees use their diverse skills in research, management, and private land technical assistance to address habitat conservation and create collaborative networks.

Wings Across the Americas is a Forest Service program that represents an integrated and collaborative approach to bird conservation across agency program areas (Research and Development, National Forest System, State and Private Forestry, and International Programs) by:

  • Helping conduct national and international assessments of bird conservation needs and opportunities;
  • Assisting in research, planning, management, monitoring and evaluation for bird habitat protection;
  • Providing training opportunities for biologists and land managers;
  • Collaborating with national and international bird conservation activities, and
  • Enabling partners and Forest Service employees to become more knowledgeable about birds and their global conservation needs.

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2006 US Forest Service International Programs
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