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Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
Countries and Other Areas
Saudi Arabia
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Saudi Arabia

Ambassador: Ford M. Fraker
U.S. Embassy
Background Notes

Country Map and Flag of Saudi Arabia


U.S.-Saudi Arabia Memorandum of Understanding on Nuclear Energy Cooperation 
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al Faisal signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Civil Nuclear Energy Cooperation. The Government of the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will establish a comprehensive framework for cooperation in the development of environmentally sustainable, safe, and secure civilian nuclear energy through a series of complementary agreements. Both of our countries face growing energy needs and we seek to address them in a responsible manner that contributes to reducing the effects of greenhouse gases on the global climate.  [more]

Secretary's Travel to Middle East With President 
Secretary Rice traveled with the 
President and Mrs. Bush to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt from May 13-18, 2008. The President's visit to Israel celebrates Israel's 60th anniversary and our close ties over the past six decades. [more]

Ask the Ambassador
U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Ford M. Fraker, discussed U.S.-Saudi Arabia student exchange programs. [more]

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