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Office of the Legal Adviser
Private International Law
 - Trade/Business Transactions Law
 - International Judicial Assistance
 - Wills, Trusts and Estates
 - Family Law
 - General Resources and Related Sites

Private International Law

Welcome to the Private International Law site, maintained by the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Private International Law (L/PIL) at the U.S. Department of State. The purpose of this web site is to provide a convenient location to find treaties in force for the United States, other international instruments, and information on current negotiations and projects covering the private international law of such areas as trade and commerce, finance and banking, trusts and estates, family and children matters, and international judicial assistance.

This web site offers links to documents summarizing the current state of negotiations or ratification efforts concerning multilateral private international law conventions. The site also advertises upcoming negotiating sessions, and posts documents setting forth U.S. Government positions, proposals, and studies related to ongoing negotiations. Moreover the site provides information on meetings at which members of the public and private industry can offer their commentary on projects under way.

This web site also offers a convenient location to find links to the web sites maintained by the major intergovernmental organizations concerned with the unification and development of private international law: the U.N. Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), the Hague Conference on Private International Law, the International Institute for the Unification of Private International Law (UNIDROIT), and the Organization of American States (OAS), as well as national organizations with which the Legal Advisor's office works closely: the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) and the American Law Institute (ALI). Links to additional bibliographic information on the conventions and related case law are also provided.

The database is organized into four general areas: Trade and Business Transactions Law; Family Law; International Judicial Assistance; and the law governing Wills, Trusts, and Estates. Each major section contains, where applicable, the following information:

PIL Conventions to Which the U.S. is a Party. This section lists multilateral conventions for which the United States has deposited an instrument of ratification, and which are currently in force for the United States.

PIL Conventions -- U.S. Ratification Under Consideration. This section lists multilateral conventions that the United States has not yet ratified, but which are currently under consideration with respect to eventual ratification and passage of domestic implementing legislation.

Other PIL Conventions of Note. This section lists significant multilateral treaties and conventions to which the United States is not a party. These instruments are not currently under consideration for eventual ratification.

Other PIL Instruments and Work in Progress. This section includes the text of other international instruments, such as model laws, agreed principles, and guides. It also contains drafts, background reports, U.S. Government position papers and proposals, and other working documents concerning conventions and other international instruments that are currently under negotiation.

Contacting Us
Persons or organizations wishing to comment on this web site or on any document may contact L/PIL by one of the following means:

Fax: (202) 776-8482
Mail: David P. Stewart
Assistant Legal Adviser for Private International Law (L/PIL)
Suite 357, South Building
2430 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037-2800
 ATTN: Trish Smeltzer 

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