
Trawl Warp Effects on Fishing Gear Performance

October 2-3, 2002

Whitman Auditorium, Marine Biological Laboratory

Woods Hole, Massachusetts


(1) evaluate world-wide experience and expertise in the issue of trawl warp length offsets and their effects on trawl performance,

(2) review the results of experimental manipulation of trawl warp lengths conducted aboard the NOAA R/V Albatross IV during 25-27 September,

(3) based on the above, consider the likely impacts of trawl warp offsets as measured on Albatross IV in terms of trawl geometry and consider the implications for survey catches,

(4) develop appropriate research plans for further evaluation of the issue, if deemed necessary, and

(5) provide a written consensus report regarding trawl warp offset issues.

Chair: Dr. Fredric Serchuk

Chief, Resource Evaluation and Assessment Division

National Marine Fisheries Service, Woods Hole


Invited Participants

Lodging Arrangements:

The Ramada Inn on the Square in Falmouth has agreed to provide a block of 20 rooms at the government rate of $70.00 per evening. Should we have to increase that block of rooms it is not a problem at this time, as there is availability. All participants that wish to obtain this rate for the evening of October 2nd, have to contact the Ramada Inn Central Appointment telephone at 800-676-0000. They will need to mention a block of rooms being held for the National Marine Fisheries for 10/2/02, for the Falmouth location. Ramada does not want any guarantees, is more than happy to accommodate the group, and will offer the government rate.

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