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Paleo Slide Set: Coral Paleoclimatology
Reef flat, Palau Archipelago (Micronesia).
Global effects (""teleconnections"") of ENSO warm events.
Pacific climate system during ENSO's two modes, cold or "normal," and warm.
Annual average Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and anomalies during cool and warm years.
Caribbean star coral [Montastraea annularis]
Branching coral Pocillopora damicornis from the Gulf of Panam� (8N, 79W).
Positive x-radiograph collage of Galapagos Pavona clavus coral.
5-meter high colony of massive coral (Pavona clavus), Urvina Bay, Galapagos Islands.
Bird's eye view of Cariaco Basin, Venezuela (11N, 65W).
Ecuadorean ship Wahoo off Bartholem�, Gal�pagos Islands (1S, 89W).
Colonies of Pavona clavus and branching coral Pocillopora robusta, Baja California
Extracting core with hydraulic drill on a Porites lobata colony, Clipperton Atoll
Extracting core with hydraulic drill on a Porites lobata colony, Clipperton Atoll
Extracting core with hydraulic drill on a Porites lobata colony, Clipperton Atoll
Two sections of a core of Pavona clavus from Urvina Bay, Galapagos (0, 91W).
Comparison of coral cores and sea surface temperatures (SST).
Long Delta 18O record from Urvina Bay, Gal�pagos.
Records of coral Cd/Ca and Ba/Ca and East Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies.
Erosion of (Pavona), Saboga Island, Panama
A school of goatfish (Mulloidicthys dentatus) at Clipperton Atoll.
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