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Congresswoman Matsui Cosponsors Resolution, Increases Pressure on President to Reduce Troop Levels PDF Print
Congresswoman Matsui Cosponsors Resolution,
Increases Pressure on President to Reduce Troop Levels in Iraq

Thursday, January 18, 2007                                                               Printable Version (PDF)


Washington, DC – Congresswoman Doris O. Matsui (CA-05) issued the following statement announcing her co-sponsorship of Congressman Jack Murtha’s resolution, H. J. Res 18, to reduce the number of U.S. troops in Iraq.  She joined with 87 of her colleagues – nearly 40% of the Democratic Caucus – to take action to pressure the President to change his Iraq policy and bring our troops home. The Congresswoman supported the resolution in the 109th Congress, and reiterated her support as an original cosponsor when Congressman Murtha reintroduced the legislation this week.


“I am very proud to once again stand with Jack Murtha as an original co-sponsor of his resolution to set a new course in Iraq, one that includes reducing our troop presence there as soon as practically possible.


“The President’s proposal to escalate this conflict makes it clearer than ever that our country needs a change in direction in Iraq.  The decision to go to war in Iraq was a reckless and tragic mistake.  It is extremely distressing to see that the President’s reaction to the disastrous situation on the ground is to send more lives into harm’s way.  It is long past time to be bringing our troops home.  This has been clearly stated by military leaders, a bipartisan majority in Congress, the independent Iraq Study Group, and the majority of the American people.  But this President simply isn’t listening.


“However, President Bush will soon learn that Congress has heard the message that we need a change in direction in Iraq loud and clear – and that new direction means bringing troops home, not sending more there.  This resolution is just a first step of many Congress will need to take, but it is an important one, and I am glad to be taking it with Chairman Murtha.” 





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