Graphic showing NOAA logo NCDC / Clim. Monitoring / Climate-2003 / Jan / U.S. Regional Drought / Search / Help

U.S. Department of Commerce logo and link to site Climate of 2003 - January
Maine Drought

National Climatic Data Center, 13 February 2003

NOAA logo and link to site

Unusually dry conditions during much of the last six months have resulted in the third driest January and fourth driest August-January in the 109-year record.

As noted by the Maine State Climatologist (Dr. Greg Zielinski):

Drought conditions in Maine worsened this month as preliminary data indicated that January 2003 was the third driest January on record.

The very cold conditions produced by the prevalence of northwest airflow within the trough that dominated the eastern United States kept any significant storms well south of Maine. The only substantial precipitation in the state came from a large coastal storm on the 4th of the month, prior to the time when the trough became entrenched in the East. That storm produced over one-half of an inch of precipitation (water equivalent), primarily in certain coastal and central interior sections of the state. Unfortunately, the northern part of Maine, which was the area under moderate or abnormally dry conditions, failed to receive much if any precipitation from that storm. Caribou unofficially received only 0.69 inches of precipitation for the month, whereas Bangor received 0.94 inches and Portland received 1.14 inches. The 0.34 inches measured in Augusta unofficially is the driest January on record.

The only reason more of the state did not progress into drought conditions by the end of January was the close-to or above average precipitation received during the later parts of 2002. As a result, long-term dry conditions existed only in northern and western parts of the state at the end of January.

For a summary of Maine's climate for January go to the Maine State Climate Office home page at and click on the Newsletter link. Archived newsletters are available, as is a sign-up section to receive the newsletter via email.

Statewide Precipitation Ranks
for Maine , 2002-2003
Period Rank
Jan 3rd driest
Dec-Jan 8th driest
Nov-Jan 11th driest
Oct-Jan 10th driest
Sep-Jan 22nd driest
Aug-Jan 4th driest
Jul-Jan 7th driest
Jun-Jan 9th driest
May-Jan 13th driest
Apr-Jan 22nd driest
Mar-Jan 26th driest
Feb-Jan 29th driest
Maine statewide precipitation departures, January 1998 - present
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Maine statewide Palmer Z Index, January 1998 - present
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Maine statewide precipitation, January   1895-2003
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Maine statewide Palmer Hydrological Drought Index, January 1900 - January   2003
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Graphic showing NOAA logo NCDC / Clim. Monitoring / Climate-2003 / Jan / U.S. Regional Drought / Search / Help
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