Daily News

Mexicans experience 'thrill' of border crossings
AFP - October 9, 2008

Criminals targeted in U.S. "kidnap capital" 
Reuters - October 8, 2008

US Officials Fear Terrorist Links With Drug Lords
ABC News - October 8, 2008

Border Patrol agents doing their duty to keep us safe (Editorial) 
USA Today  - October 6, 2008

Many Profit from Growth of U.S. Border Patrol
San Francisco Chronicle - October 5, 2008

Legal Immigration? Anybody? (Editorial)
New York Times - October 2, 2008

Flow of Illegal Immigrants Slows, Pew Center Finds

Latest Immigration Wave: Retreat

Border Patrol Expands Transportation Checks

Statewide Immigration Raids Result in 1,157 Arrests

E-Verify actually works

Bail out E-Verify (Op-Ed)

Mexico on the Brink? (Commentary)

Mexico to Step up Vehicle Searches at US Border

Mexican Lobby Fights for Truck Program

Immigration Slows in Face of Economic Downturn

E-Verify Ambush (Commentary)

California tuition break for illegal immigrants can be challenged 

Crime, Illegals and the Jobs Magnet (Editorial)

Court revives lawsuit over college fees for illegals 

Border Fence Likely to Miss 2008 Deadline 

Border Agents who Shot Smuggler Denied Appeal 

Virtual Fence for Mexico Border Is Put Off 

The Mexican-American Drug War Editorial

Border drug wars threaten U.S.

Immigration Issues Resurface on some State Ballots 

Bush Urged to Block Mexican Military 

Border Patrol Struggles to Keep Newly Hired Agents 

Border Patrol says apprehensions decline along border 

US-Mexico border tightened on drug cartel warning 

Immigration Agency Scraps Self-Deportation Program 

That's 8 out of 457,000 (Editorial)

Virtual Fence Construction in Arizona put on hold 

A Majority Minority Nation (Op-Ed)

Border Agent Shoots Rock-Throwing Man

U.S. to plug border 'loophole': Open seas 

LA County Hires Interviewers for Alien Gangsters 

Congress Tries a Piecemeal Approach to Overhauling Immigration 

Self-Deportation Has Few Takers 

On Immigration, It's the Economy, Stupid 

Border Patrol Unevenly Spread on Border 

Drug Smuggler in '05 Shooting Sentenced 

Border patrol agent held at gunpoint 

Illegal immigrants invited to turn themselves in 

Push Needed for Immigration Reform 

Immigrants Facing Deportation by U.S. Hospitals 

Federal police official from Mexico will face drug charges in U.S

House Lawmakers Reach Deal on Plan to Renew E-Verify 

Hill Letter Urges Bush 'review' of Jailed Agents' Case 

Illegals Figure Drops by 11% 

Illegal Immigrants Have Chance to Self-Deport 

Report Credits Drop in Illegal Immigration to Enforcement 

The Cost of Sanctuary Cities Op-Ed

Mexico Sees Decline in Migrant Remittances 

Border Patrol Agent's Sentences Upheld 

San Francisco's Sanctuary Nightmare  Editorial

San Francisco's Sanctuary Dilemma 

Bilbray: Suspect's Release in Mexico 'a huge blunder' 

Another Illegal Immigrant Offender Flees 

Drug Addiction Soars in Mexico 

Dozens Arrested in Immigration Sweep Face Deportation or Criminal Charges 

Worse May Come for Epic Lines at Tijuana Crossing 

Sanctuary Policy Made City less Safe

Along U.S.-Canadian Border, Smuggling Seen Down 

Mexico Will No Longer Jail Illegal Immigrants 

In Immigration Cases, Employers Feel the Pressure 

Q&A Mike Fisher; Chief Patrol Agent for the United States Border Patrol's San Diego Sector 

DHS Awaits Final Approval on "Movable" Border Fence

States Act on Illegal Immigration to Fill Federal Void

Justice Denies Request in Agent's Death

Mexico Faults U.S. in Border Suspect's Release

Welcoming Refugees, Blocking Terrorists

US Ban on Visitors with HIV Could End Soon

Associated Press- Govt. Mum on Why Agent Suspect Wasn't Extradited July 16, 2008

Washington Times- Border Agent Murder Outrage July 14, 2008

Washington Times- Cubans throng U.S. via Mexico July 14, 2008

New York Times- An Interpreter Speaking up for Migrants July 11, 2008

Washington Times- Answers Demanded in Agent's Slaying July 11, 2008

Associated Press- Mexico Says US did Seek Extradition of Suspect in Border Agent's Death- After He was freed July 11, 2008

San Diego Union-Tribune- Bilbray Wants White House Pressure on Mexico to Extradite Murder Suspect July 11, 2008

Houston Chronicle- U.S. Widens Path for Iraqi Refugees who Served America July 10, 2008

Associated Press- More Kids Caught in Mexico Drug-War Crossfire (July 10, 2008)

CNN- Americans Divided on Border Fence  July 9, 2008

Medill Reports- Illegal Immigration Enforcement Needs Reform, Panelists Say  July 9, 2008

Los Angeles Times- Illegal Immigrant Students July 8, 2008

Associated Press- Border Patrol Assault Suspect in Canadian Custody  July 8, 2008

Arizona Daily Star- Employers Can Offer Views on E-Verify July 8, 2008

The National Ledger- Fixing Illegal Immigration: What Americans Want July 7, 2008

United Press International- Colleges Crack Down on Illegal Immigrants July 7, 2008

USA Today- McCain Visits Mexico, Says more Border Walls Needed

Washington Post- Law Students Rush to Meet Needs in Booming Field of Immigration

Washington Post- Lawsuit Leads to Release of Immigrant

Los Angeles Times- Young Illegal Immigrants Lose their San Francisco Sanctuary

San Francisco Chronicle- Illegals Called Court's Problem

Wall Street Journal- McCain Crowd Tough on Immigration

Washington Times- Agencies Join Forces to Tackle Violent Gangs

Associated Press- Immigration Crackdown Pushes Down Crime

Christian Science Monitor- Immigration Crackdown May Boost US Job Prospects

Los Angeles Times- An Immigration End Run around the Next President

Chicago Tribune- As Guard Wraps Up, Debate Revs up on Border

San Diego Union-Tribune- Which is it?

Associated Press- 300 sentenced after immigration raid

The Monitor- Border Patrol implements zero-tolerance policy for illegal immigrants (Op-Ed)

News Service- Build Border Fence Now, GOP Lawmakers Say (Op-Ed)

The Washington Times- DHS role using E-verify system gets panel talking

New York Times- The Great Immigration Panic (Editorial)

Wall Street Journal- Revolving Immigration (Op-Ed)

Washington Times- ICE Effort Snares 1,808 in Six States

Wall Street Journal- The Right Immigration Reform  (Op-Ed by Sen. Menendez)

Chattanooga Times Free Press- Deportations Rise with Enforcement

USA Today- Immigrants Face Hurricane Dilemma