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  18 Answers Available      
Summary   Summary - Sort Descending (Z to A) Summary - Sort Ascending (A to Z)
1 What is a Social Security Statement?
2 Do I have to pay income tax on my Social Security benefits?
3 If I have 40 credits, will I get the maximum benefit?
4 Can I have federal taxes withheld from my Social Security check?
5 If I receive benefits, do I continue to pay Social Security tax on my earnings?
6 How can I check my Social Security earnings for accuracy?
7 What is the maximum amount of taxable earnings for each year?
8 How many credits do I need to receive benefits?
9 What happens if I use someone else's Social Security number rather than my own?
10 If I do not have enough credits, can I buy the credits I need?
11 How do I earn a Social Security credit?
12 Do I have to pay Social Security tax on the money I earn doing housework?
13 Why aren't my earnings for last year and this year on my record?
14 Why doesn't my Statement show earnings from years of teaching at public schools?
15 Why are my past earnings important on my Social Security Statement request?
16 Why are my taxes only "estimated" on my Statement?
17 I think I have more credits than my Statement says, what should I do?
18 Why doesn't my Statement show earnings from a business I owned with my husband?
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