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OYA Organizational Structure
Organization Chart
Facility Operations
Field Operations
Program Office
Organization Chart
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Director's Office
The Director´s Office provides:
  • overall leadership, direction, and management of the agency
  • external and internal communications
  • internal auditing
  • strong relationship with private and public sector partners, including those working to prevent juvenile crime
  • leadership, advocacy, and guidance to assist the agency in becoming a culturally competent organization and providing culturally-specific and language-appropriate programs and services.

Professional Standards Office
The Professional Standards Office was established in 2006 as part of a comprehensive agency effort to improve youth safety.  The Office receives, investigates, tracks, and analyzes complaints regarding youth safety and allegations of staff misconduct.  It assists with training efforts to support youth safety and analyzes complaints to identify trends that require additional training or agency response.
Options to report complaints affecting youth safety or staff misconduct include:
Click for more on the Professional Standards Office.

Office of Minority Services
The Minority Services Unit provides leadership, advocacy, and guiding principles to assist the Oregon Youth Authority in its ongoing efforts to become a culturally competent organization and address the complex issues of a culturally and ethnically diverse agency. Minority Services supports OYA in embracing the values and strengths of all cultures and the implementation of culturally relevant/gender specific treatment services that empower youth to make positive changes.
Click for more on Minority Services.

Business Services
Business Services centrally provides the following basic administrative support for field and facility services:
  • Accounting Services
  • Budget and Contracts
  • Employee Services
  • Information Systems

Juvenile Justice Information System
The Juvenile Justice Information System (JJIS) provides:
  • Youth tracking through a real-time database shared among OYA and all counties.
  • Comprehensive case planning and risk assessment.
  • OYA, county-specific and statewide reports such as the Juvenile Recidivism Report, county detention admissions, length of stay, and disposition of youth and referrals.
  • The capacity for providing for some program evaluation.
  • Juvenile Justice Partner System (JJPS) to provide public safety agencies with real-time, non-confidential data on the youth offender cases in county juvenile departments or in OYA custody.

Facility Operations
The Oregon Youth Authority’s facility system provides both secure and transitional environments that ensure public safety and provide accountability and reformation opportunities to youth who represent an unacceptable risk in the community. 

Field Operations
Parole and probation officers work to hold youth offenders accountable by providing case management services throughout a youth offender´s commitment to OYA as well as supervision of those who may be placed in foster, group, residential care, or in their own homes.  Every OYA parole and probation officer maintains contact with various community, family, and county resources which a youth offender may need to utilize while working on his or her reformation plan.

Program Office
The Program Office provides facilitation, guidance, and quality assurance for juvenile justice programming.  The Program Office also serves as a resource for information and technical assistance to the Oregon juvenile justice community.  Its subunits include:

Page updated: August 20, 2007

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