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Training Academy Calendar
2008 OYA New Employee Training
Academy Schedule - by Date
Academy Schedule - by Course
Contact Information
2008 OYA New Employee Training
Updated 8/26/08
The Training Academy offers New Employee and Basic Training courses throughout the year.   
Take a look at the Course Content for each four week period of New Employee and Basic Training.

Month Start Date
New Employee/Basic Training
New Employee/Basic Training
New Employee/Basic Training
New Employee/Basic Training
New Employee/Basic Training
New Employee/Basic Training
New Employee/Basic Training
New Employee/Basic Training
New Employee/Basic Training

Academy Schedule - by Date
Updated 10/3/08
Please call the Training Academy at (503) 981-2515 to sign up for classes
and also to confirm your reservation 24 hours prior to the start of class.

Training Start Location
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)  10/6/2008 Redmond
Estimate of Risk of Adolescent Sexual Offense Recividism (ERASOR) Training 10/6/2008 Pendleton
Juvenile Justice Information Systems (JJIS) Overview 10/6/2008 Large Training Room
OYA New Employee/Basic Training Wk 4 10/6/2008 Large Training Room
Transportation of Youth Offenders-secure and non-secure 10/6/2008 Large Training Room
Outlook Basics  10/7/2008 Computer Lab
OYA PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) Policy  10/7/2008 Small Training Room
Physical Refresher Course 10/7/2008 Salem
Report Writing  10/7/2008 Large Training Room
Suicide Prevention 8 Hrs 10/8/2008 Large Training Room
Assisting with Physical  Intervention 10/9/2008 Food Service Building
Contraband, Searches, Preserving Chain of Evidence 10/9/2008 Large Training Room
Basic Training Graduation  10/10/2008 Large Training Room
Basic Training Study and Final Exam 10/10/2008 Large Training Room
Supervision of Youth - Live Impact Video 10/10/2008 Large Training Room
Girls Circle Facilitiator Training 10/13/2008 Ontario
Instructor Development Course 10/13/2008 Large Training Room
Physical Refresher Course 10/13/2008 Food Service Building
Physical Refresher Course 10/14/2008 Salem
Physical Refresher Course 10/15/2008 Corvallis 
Risk Needs Assessment Basics - class full 10/16/2008 Food Service Building
CPI Verbal De-escalation 10/20/2008 Food Service Building
OYA Core AOD - CYT/MET Training 10/20/2008 Large Training Room
Girls Circle Faciliator Training 10/21/2008 Location changed to Eugene
Physical Refresher Course 10/21/2008 Grants Pass
Safety and Ergonomics - Supervisor Course 7 10/21/2008 Small Training Room
Willamette Educational Services District (WESD) Annual Staff Update 10/22/2008 WESD, Salem
Documentation, Discipline and Discharge - Supervisor Course 5 10/23/2008 Small Training Room
Girls Circle Facilitator Training 10/23/2008 Salem
CPI Verbal De-escalation 10/24/2008 Food Service Building
OYA Core Cognitive Behavior Treatment - Changing Offender Behavior 10/27/2008 Large Training Room
CPI Verbal De-escalation 10/28/2008 Food Service Building
Physical Refresher Course 10/28/2008 Salem
Leadership Training Session 2 - Cohort 1 (by invitation only) 10/30/2008 TBA
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)  11/4/2008 Hillsboro
Pathways Milkman Alcohol and Other Drugs Training 11/4/2008 Large Training Room
CPI Verbal De-escalation 11/5/2008 Food Service Building
Labor Relations - Supervisor Course 12 11/6/2008 Small Training Room
CPI Verbal De-escalation 11/7/2008 Food Service Building
Position Descriptions/Performance Appraisals - Supervisor Course 10/11 11/14/2008 Large Training Room
Contraband Overview 11/17/2008 Large Training Room
Employee Services/Payroll 11/17/2008 Large Training Room
Harassment & Violence Free Workplace 11/17/2008 Large Training Room
OYA Mission, Vision and Values for New Employees & Teachers 11/17/2008 Large Training Room
OYA New Employee/Basic Training Wk 1 11/17/2008 Large Training Room
HIV/HEP-B Overview and Application 11/18/2008 Large Training Room
Introduction to Cultural Competency & Office of Minority Services (OMS) Overview 11/18/2008 Large Training Room
Physical Refresher Course 11/18/2008 Salem
TB/Blood & Airborne Pathogens 11/18/2008 Large Training Room
Boundaries/Ethics & Standards 11/19/2008 Large Training Room
CPI Verbal De-escalation 11/19/2008 Food Service Building
Electronic Information System Policy 11/19/2008 Large Training Room
Fire Suppression 11/19/2008 Large Training Room
OYA Bulletin Overview 11/19/2008 Large Training Room
Principles of Conduct 11/19/2008 Large Training Room
Youth Rights and Legal Liability  11/19/2008 Large Training Room
Adolescent Development 11/20/2008 Large Training Room
Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavioral Intervention, Part 1 11/20/2008 Large Training Room
Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavioral Intervention, Part 1 11/20/2008 Large Training Room
Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting 11/20/2008 Large Training Room
Personal Protection Level 1 11/21/2008 Food Service Building
CPI Verbal De-escalation 12/1/2008 Large Training Room
Facility Observation Debrief 12/1/2008 Large Training Room
OYA New Employee/Basic Training Wk 3 12/1/2008 Large Training Room
Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Issues 12/2/2008 Large Training Room
CPR/First Aid  12/2/2008 Large Training Room
Overview of OYA Sex Offender Population 12/2/2008 Large Training Room
Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavioral Intervention, Part 2 12/3/2008 Large Training Room
Food Handlers Certification 12/4/2008 Computer Lab
Personal Protection Level 2 12/4/2008 Food Service Building
Gang Recognition 12/5/2008 Large Training Room
Religion/Spirituality Policy 12/5/2008 Large Training Room
Juvenile Justice Information Systems (JJIS) Overview 12/8/2008 Large Training Room
OYA New Employee/Basic Training Wk 4 12/8/2008 Large Training Room
Transportation of Youth Offenders-secure and non-secure 12/8/2008 Large Training Room
Outlook Basics  12/9/2008 Computer Lab
OYA PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) Policy  12/9/2008 Small Training Room
Report Writing  12/9/2008 Large Training Room
Suicide Prevention 8 Hrs 12/10/2008 Large Training Room
Assisting with Physical Intervention 12/11/2008 Food Service Building
Contraband, Searches, Preserving Chain of Evidence 12/11/2008 Large Training Room
Leadership Training Session 2 - Cohort 2 (by invitation only) 12/11/2008 TBA
Basic Training Graduation 12/12/2008 Large Training Room
Supervision of Youth - Live Impact Video 12/12/2008 Large Training Room
Aggression Replacement Training (ART) 12/15/2008 Large and Small Training Rooms
Leadership Training Session 2 - Cohort 3 (by invitation only) 12/16/2008 TBA
CPI Verbal De-escalation 12/17/2008 Food Service Bldg.
Risk Needs Assessment Basics 12/18/2008 Food Service Building

Academy Schedule - by Course
Updated 10/3/08
Please call the Training Academy at (503) 981-2515 to sign up for classes
and also to confirm your reservation 24 hours prior to the start of class.

Training Start Location
Adolescent Development 11/20/2008 Large Training Room
Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Issues 12/2/2008 Large Training Room
Aggression Replacement Training (ART) 12/15/2008 Large and Small Training Rooms
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)  10/6/2008 Redmond
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)  11/4/2008 Hillsboro
Assisting with Physical  Intervention 10/9/2008 Food Service Building
Assisting with Physical Intervention 12/11/2008 Food Service Building
Basic Training Graduation 12/12/2008 Large Training Room
Basic Training Graduation  10/10/2008 Large Training Room
Basic Training Study and Final Exam 10/10/2008 Large Training Room
Boundaries/Ethics & Standards 11/19/2008 Large Training Room
Contraband Overview 11/17/2008 Large Training Room
Contraband, Searches, Preserving Chain of Evidence 10/9/2008 Large Training Room
Contraband, Searches, Preserving Chain of Evidence 12/11/2008 Large Training Room
CPI Verbal De-escalation 10/20/2008 Food Service Building
CPI Verbal De-escalation 10/24/2008 Food Service Building
CPI Verbal De-escalation 10/28/2008 Food Service Building
CPI Verbal De-escalation 11/5/2008 Food Service Building
CPI Verbal De-escalation 11/7/2008 Food Service Building
CPI Verbal De-escalation 11/19/2008 Food Service Building
CPI Verbal De-escalation 12/1/2008 Large Training Room
CPI Verbal De-escalation 12/17/2008 Food Service Bldg.
CPR/First Aid  12/2/2008 Large Training Room
Documentation, Discipline and Discharge - Supervisor Course 5 10/23/2008 Small Training Room
Electronic Information System Policy 11/19/2008 Large Training Room
Employee Services/Payroll 11/17/2008 Large Training Room
Estimate of Risk of Adolescent Sexual Offense Recividism (ERASOR) Training 10/6/2008 Pendleton
Facility Observation Debrief 12/1/2008 Large Training Room
Fire Suppression 11/19/2008 Large Training Room
Food Handlers Certification 12/4/2008 Computer Lab
Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavioral Intervention, Part 1 11/20/2008 Large Training Room
Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavioral Intervention, Part 1 11/20/2008 Large Training Room
Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavioral Intervention, Part 2 12/3/2008 Large Training Room
Gang Recognition 12/5/2008 Large Training Room
Girls Circle Faciliator Training 10/21/2008 Location changed to Eugene
Girls Circle Facilitator Training 10/23/2008 Salem
Girls Circle Facilitiator Training 10/13/2008 Ontario
Harassment & Violence Free Workplace 11/17/2008 Large Training Room
HIV/HEP-B Overview and Application 11/18/2008 Large Training Room
Instructor Development Course 10/13/2008 Large Training Room
Introduction to Cultural Competency & Office of Minority Services (OMS) Overview 11/18/2008 Large Training Room
Juvenile Justice Information Systems (JJIS) Overview 12/8/2008 Large Training Room
Juvenile Justice Information Systems (JJIS) Overview 10/6/2008 Large Training Room
Labor Relations - Supervisor Course 12 11/6/2008 Small Training Room
Leadership Training Session 2 - Cohort 1 (by invitation only) 10/30/2008 TBA
Leadership Training Session 2 - Cohort 2 (by invitation only) 12/11/2008 TBA
Leadership Training Session 2 - Cohort 3 (by invitation only) 12/16/2008 TBA
Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting 11/20/2008 Large Training Room
Outlook Basics  10/7/2008 Computer Lab
Outlook Basics  12/9/2008 Computer Lab
Overview of OYA Sex Offender Population 12/2/2008 Large Training Room
OYA Bulletin Overview 11/19/2008 Large Training Room
OYA Core AOD - CYT/MET Training 10/20/2008 Large Training Room
OYA Core Cognitive Behavior Treatment - Changing Offender Behavior 10/27/2008 Large Training Room
OYA Mission, Vision and Values for New Employees & Teachers 11/17/2008 Large Training Room
OYA New Employee/Basic Training Wk 1 11/17/2008 Large Training Room
OYA New Employee/Basic Training Wk 3 12/1/2008 Large Training Room
OYA New Employee/Basic Training Wk 4 10/6/2008 Large Training Room
OYA New Employee/Basic Training Wk 4 12/8/2008 Large Training Room
OYA PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) Policy  10/7/2008 Small Training Room
OYA PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) Policy  12/9/2008 Small Training Room
Pathways Milkman Alcohol and Other Drugs Training 11/4/2008 Large Training Room
Personal Protection Level 1 11/21/2008 Food Service Building
Personal Protection Level 2 12/4/2008 Food Service Building
Physical Refresher Course 10/7/2008 Salem
Physical Refresher Course 10/13/2008 Food Service Building
Physical Refresher Course 10/14/2008 Salem
Physical Refresher Course 10/15/2008 Corvallis 
Physical Refresher Course 10/21/2008 Grants Pass
Physical Refresher Course 10/28/2008 Salem
Physical Refresher Course 11/18/2008 Salem
Position Descriptions/Performance Appraisals - Supervisor Course 10/11 11/14/2008 Large Training Room
Principles of Conduct 11/19/2008 Large Training Room
Religion/Spirituality Policy 12/5/2008 Large Training Room
Report Writing  10/7/2008 Large Training Room
Report Writing  12/9/2008 Large Training Room
Risk Needs Assessment Basics 12/18/2008 Food Service Building
Risk Needs Assessment Basics - class full 10/16/2008 Food Service Building
Safety and Ergonomics - Supervisor Course 7 10/21/2008 Small Training Room
Suicide Prevention 8 Hrs 10/8/2008 Large Training Room
Suicide Prevention 8 Hrs 12/10/2008 Large Training Room
Supervision of Youth - Live Impact Video 10/10/2008 Large Training Room
Supervision of Youth - Live Impact Video 12/12/2008 Large Training Room
TB/Blood & Airborne Pathogens 11/18/2008 Large Training Room
Transportation of Youth Offenders-secure and non-secure 10/6/2008 Large Training Room
Transportation of Youth Offenders-secure and non-secure 12/8/2008 Large Training Room
Willamette Educational Services District (WESD) Annual Staff Update 10/22/2008 WESD, Salem
Youth Rights and Legal Liability  11/19/2008 Large Training Room

Contact Information

For more information, please contact the Training Academy at 503-981-2515.


Page updated: October 03, 2008

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