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Disaster Assistance Support Program
Disaster Assistance Support Program
Global Leaflet: Disaster Issue

The Disaster Mitigation Program (DMP) provides training and technical expertise to US domestic and overseas partners in emergency preparedness, response and disaster mitigation for all types of natural and human-caused disasters. As part of International Programs of the US Forest Service, the program applies technical expertise of the agency to international issues, and brings home lessons learned from the world community.

The Disaster Mitigation Program works closely with partners worldwide, including the US Agency for International Development’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), the US Department of State, international institutions, non-governmental organizations, and others involved in emergency management.

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The US Forest Service’s disaster management expertise was largely developed out of its experience with wildland fire management. An underlying basis for Forest Service disaster-related training is the Incident Command System (ICS), an emergency/disaster response system that evolved from a wildland fire response system developed in the 1970s.

Over the past 30 years, the Incident Command System has been expanded to address all hazards. The Forest Service has utilized the system extensively in all types of emergencies, including earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and human-induced incidents such as the September 11 terrorist attacks, and the Columbia Shuttle disaster. Since 2001, all agencies in the US are required to use ICS as the standardized emergency response system. Also in 2003, ICS was also recommended as the global standard for wildland fire incident response at the International Wildland Fire Summit.  

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Our Work

The Disaster Mitigation Program provides training in three main areas:

  • Incident Command System (ICS)
    The Incident Command System is a management framework designed to define and coordinate responsibilities and functions during complex events. ICS divides emergency response operations into five essential functions: Command, Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance and Administration. Using this structure, first-responders and other trained personnel can be placed in positions with clear responsibilities and their actions integrated into a unified response regardless of their original jurisdiction. In this way, ICS enables integration across institutional, local, state, regional, and/or national boundaries; ensures correct and timely information; and maintains an integrated response.

    The ICS is designed as a modular approach that can be scaled to handle all sizes and types of emergencies, from single car accidents to civil conflict, or catastrophic natural disasters. Because of its flexibility, ICS is also used for other complex events including large conferences and other planned activities.

    The Disaster Mitigation Program provides training to overseas partners to understand and utilize the Incident Command System. The US Forest Service has worked with numerous governments and non-governmental agencies to teach and implement ICS in Mongolia , Bulgaria , Taiwan , Indonesia , and the Caribbean . Currently, the DMP is working with the Government of India and members countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to incorporate ICS structures into the emergency response systems of those nations. Activities have included training sessions, development of simulation exercises, and study tours where participants are able to see the actual use of the Incident Command System on large emergencies.
  • Facilitating Emergency Preparedness and Interagency Cooperation
    At the national level, the National Incident Management System (NIMS of which ICS is the command and management component) provides a consistent nationwide approach for incident management requiring federal, state, tribal, and local governments to work together before, during, and after incidents. Preparedness, resource management, communications, information management, and supporting technologies are additional NIMS components. The US Forest Service has established systems, policies and guidelines for mobilizing and coordinating resources nationally and internationally to fulfill these requirements in times of emergency. These systems build upon the Incident Command System and establish operating procedures for mobilization of resources and prioritization across multiple incidents, geographical areas, and political jurisdictions. Currently, the DMP and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are beginning a program with the nations surrounding the Indian Ocean to develop communic ation and mobilization procedures in event of a tsunami warning.
  • Preparing for Emergency Operations
    The Disaster Mitigation Program works with partners to develop standard operating procedures, training, and exercise plans/evaluations for Continuity of Operations (COOP) in the case of a large-scale emergency. This combination of activities ensures that critical functions of agencies and organizations will continue to operate even under emergencies or other extreme circumstances. The DMP adapts emergency response procedures and management frameworks to develop COOP essential functions, checklists, plans, and testing. Currently, the program is assisting the US General Services Administration to develop, implement, and maintain COOP procedures to ensure management of US government properties and infrastructure throughout the world in the event of an emergency.

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Contact Information

If you would like to learn more about the Disaster Mitigation Program or discuss possible collaboration with the US Forest Service, please contact our emergency department specialists:

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