
"Prior to VINE, it was very difficult to provide crime victims with the information they needed to stay informed about their offender. VINE has been a successful program for both crime victims and criminal justice agencies, providing a sense of security that was lacking before."

Charles Pruitt
Arkansas Crime Information Center


"Many people who are working with victims don’t understand what it’s like to be a victim,” he said. “Victims don’t want to be pitied; they want to have control. With VINE, victims feel like they have rights, and they feel like they’re part of the legal process."

Don Barrett
Victim Advocate
Member-NY State Sheriffs’ Assoc. Victim Notification Board


"A lot of services are available for victims up front, but post-conviction, they want to know what’s happening with the offender. Where is he housed? When will he be released? I can’t think of a better way than VINE for keeping victims informed."

Sharon D’Eusanio
Deputy Director of the Division of Victims’ Services and Criminal Justice Programs
Office of the Florida Attorney General


Product Information

To date, more than two-thirds of the nation is using the patented VINE system to keep victims informed about offenders. All of these communities are connected to the Appriss Data Network™, the nation’s largest integrated criminal justice information database.

Data from county and state correctional facilities is collected by this central hub, where Appriss manages automated interfaces and monitors 13 million offender transactions each month.

How VINE works

  • VINE communicates with jail and prison booking systems in near real-time, transmitting updated information to the Appriss Data Network™.
  • Crime victims and the general public can access the information by calling a local toll-free number or visiting www.vinelink.com any time of the day or night.
  • Victims can inquire whether an offender is held in jail, as well as the facility’s location.
  • Users can register to be notified immediately of a change in the offender’s status, such as release, transfer, or escape.
  • When a notification is triggered, VINE automatically calls the number or numbers the victim has provided.
  • Calls continue for a designated period of time, or until the victim enters a four-digit PIN.
VINE Sheet

VINE Fact Sheet

Victim Information and Notification Everyday. Learn how VINE can work for your organization.

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VINE Toll-free Numbers Reference

A comprehensive list of all toll-free VINE numbers.

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The latest news and tips on VINE as well as updates on other Appriss innovations.

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V-Release Newsletter

The most up-to-date information about the current and upcoming VINE Releases

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Domestic Violence Awareness Packet 2008

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VINE Media


VINE Training

A standard VINE training video for police, victim advocates, and users.

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