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Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Facility Checklist

Security/Surge Capacity Potential

Partially Shuttered Hospital Facility Walk-through




Team member:




Overall Findings and Recommendations

For each of the statements below, circle the scenario(s)—if any—for which the statement is true.

Scenario A = Non-critical medical/surgical patients are moved to this facility to create space for critical patients/incident victims at the major hospitals.

Scenario B = This entire facility becomes a quarantine/isolation facility for victims.

The plan is for the shuttered facility to be brought up to active status within 3 to 7 days of a major terrorist incident or public health emergency. There is no intention to set up surgical facilities at the facility under either scenario.


Based on the walk-through, my finding is:

A B No potential for surge capacity use.
A B Potential for consolidation (i.e., facility may not be returned to full original capacity, but could be made usable for a certain number of beds by consolidating equipment in current space).
A B Potential for surge capacity use with extensive refitting/renovation.
A B Potential for surge capacity use with moderate refitting/renovation.
A B Potential for surge capacity use with limited refitting/renovation.


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