U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
Press Releases
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Senate Confirms Maria Cino to be Deputy Secretary of Transportation

On May 11, the Senate confirmed Maria Cino to be Deputy Secretary of Transportation by unanimous consent. Ms. Cino's nomination was reported by the Senate Commerce Committee on April 27, 2005.

“I am pleased the Senate yesterday confirmed Maria Cino to be Deputy Secretary of Transportation,” said Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska). “She will provide a strong right hand for Secretary Mineta on the many issues facing DOT today. Transportation infrastructure investment is the foundation of an efficient, effective economy, and there is much work to do towards modernizing our air traffic control, passenger rail, and other crucial transportation sectors. I look forward to working with her on these goals.”

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May 2005 Press Releases  « April | June »   « 2004 | 2006 » 
25th -  Chairman Stevens Receives Internet Super Hero Award
24th -  Chairman Stevens Co-sponsors Clean Sports Act of 2005
24th -  Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens' Remarks at the National Spectrum Managers Association's Spectrum Management 2005 Conference
17th -  Commerce Committee Leaders Introduce Legislation to Advance Transportation Security
17th -  Commerce Committee Leaders Introduce Legislation to Advance Transportation Security
17th -  Senate Approves Highway Bill Including the Commerce Committee’s Safety Title
16th -  Commece Committee Chairman Ted Stevens Remarks at American Cable Association’s Annual Members’ Meeting
16th -  Chairman Stevens speaks at NATCA Conference
11th -  current Press Release