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Translating international policy dialogue into results in the forest requires both political and organizational commitment, as well as the use of creative tools and approaches. Policy topics and tools that are commonly discussed and that provide an opportunity to advance sustainable forest management include climate change, illegal logging, criteria and indicators, trade, certification, financing mechanisms, trade, reduced impact logging, concession management, and domestic linkages. On this site you may learn more about each of these policy tools and means, access web-based links to key resources, and find helpful practitioners' tips and case studies to facilitate implementation.

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Multilateral Dialogue Multilateral Dialogue
Topics & Tools Topics & Tools
Climate Change Climate Change
Illegal Logging Illegal Logging
Criteria and Indicators Criteria and Indicators
Trade Trade
Certification Certification
Financing Mechanism Financing Mechanism
Reduced Impact Logging Reduced_Impact Logging
Concession Management Concession Management
Domestic Linkages Domestic Linkages
Partners Partners
Calender of Events Calender of Events
Staff Staff

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2000 US Forest Service International Programs
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