Funded Grants: RFAs (Requests for Applications)

Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness

This document lists funded RFA (request for application) grants with COER staff members serving as project officers. An RFA is a formal statement that invites grant or cooperative agreement applications in a well-defined scientific area, with one application receipt date.

Once a grant is closed and a final report has been filed, the final report is available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Publications that result from Agency-funded projects are periodically described in AHRQ's monthly newsletter Research Activities.

For information on how to apply for an AHRQ grant, select Funding Opportunities.

Contents by RFA

Excellence Centers to Eliminate Ethnic/Racial Disparities (EXCEED)
Violence Against Women: Evaluating Health Care Interventions
Translating Research Into Practice II
Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics

Excellence Centers to Eliminate Ethnic/Racial Disparities (EXCEED)

Principal Investigator: Ashton, Carol M.
Title: Racial and Ethnic Variation in Medical Interactions
Institution: Baylor College of Medicine
Project Period: 2000-2005
Grant Number: P01 HS10876
Project Officer: Stryer, Daniel

Principal Investigator: Carey, Timothy S.
Title: Overcoming Health Racial Health Disparities
Institution: University of North Carolina
Project Period: 2000-2005
Grant Number: P01 HS10861
Project Officer: Stryer, Daniel

Principal Investigator: Chassin, Mark R.
Title: Improving the Delivery of Effective Care to Minorities
Institution: Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Project Period: 2000-2003
Grant Number: P01 HS10859
Project Officer: Stryer, Daniel

Principal Investigator: Manson, Spero
Title: Understanding and Reducing Native Elder Health Disparities
Institution: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Project Period: 2000-2005
Grant Number: P01 HS10854
Project Officer: Stryer, Daniel

Principal Investigator: Mayberry, Robert M.
Title: Access and Quality of Care for Vulnerable Black Population
Institution: Morehouse School of Medicine
Project Period: 2000-2005
Grant Number: P01 HS10875
Project Officer: Stryer, Daniel

Principal Investigator: Ricci, Edmund M.
Title: Health Disparities in Minority Adult Americans
Institution: University of Pittsburgh
Project Period: 2000-2005
Grant Number: P01 HS10864
Project Officer: Stryer, Daniel

Principal Investigator: Shapiro, Martin F.
Title: UCLA/DREW/RAND Program to Address Disparities in Health
Institution: University of California Los Angeles
Project Period: 2000-2005
Grant Number: P01 HS10858
Project Officer: Stryer, Daniel

Principal Investigator: Tilley, Barbara
Title: Understanding and Eliminating Health Disparities in Blacks
Institution: Medical University of South Carolina
Project Period: 2000-2005
Grant Number: P01 HS10871
Project Officer: Stryer, Daniel

Principal Investigator: Washington, A. Eugene
Title: Promoting Effective Communication and Decision-Making...
Institution:University of California San Francisco
Project Period: 2000-2005
Grant Number: P01 HS10856
Project Officer: Stryer, Daniel

Return to Index

Violence Against Women: Evaluating Health Care Interventions

Principal Investigator: Groff, Janet Y.
Title: Treatment Outcomes for Abused Women in Public Clinics
Institution: University of Texas Health—Houston Medical School
Project Period: 2000-2004
Grant Number: R01 HS11079-01
Project Officer: Mullican, Charlotte A.

Principal Investigator: Levinson, Wendy
Title: A RCT of Computer Screening for Domestic Violence
Institution: University of Chicago
Project Period: 2000-2003
Grant Number: R01 HS11096-01
Project Officer: Mullican, Charlotte A.

Principal Investigator: McCloskey, Laura
Title: The Costs and Benefits of Intervening: Battered Women's Mental and Physical Health Over Time
Institution: Harvard University
Project Period: 2000-2005
Grant Number: R01 HS11088-01
Project Officer: Mullican, Charlotte A.

Principal Investigator: Rodrigez, Michael
Title: Outcomes of IPV: Patient and Provider Perspectives
Institution: University of California San Francisco
Project Period: 2000-2004
Grant Number: R01 HS11104
Project Officer: Mullican, Charlotte A.

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Translating Research Into Practice II

Principal Investigator: Cloutier, Michelle M.
Title: MCO Use of Pediatric Asthma Management Program
Institution: University of Connecticut
Project Period: 2000-2003
Grant Number: U18 HS11147-01
Project Officer: Stryer, Daniel

Principal Investigator: Fifield, Judith
Title: Better Pediatric Outcomes Through Chronic Care
Institution: University of Connecticut
Project Period: 2000-2003
Grant Number: U18 HS11068-01
Project Officer: Cummings, Mary A.

Principal Investigator: Gerber, Ben S.
Title: Diabetes Education Multimedia for Vulnerable Populations
Institution: University of Illinois at Chicago
Project Period: 2000-2003
Grant Number: U18 HS11092-01
Project Officer: Stryer, Daniel

Principal Investigator: Levine, Robert A.
Title: Translating Prevention Research Into Practice
Institution: Meharry Medical College
Project Period: 2000-2003
Grant Number: U18 HS11131-01
Project Officer: Cummings, Mary A.

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Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics

Principal Investigator: Califf, Robert M.
Title: DCRI CERT for Cardiovascular Therapies
Institution: Duke University Medical Center
Project Period: 1999-2002
Grant Number: U18 HS10548
Project Officer: Bosco, Lynn A.

Principal Investigator: Campbell, William
Title: Rational Therapeutics for the Pediatric Population
Institution: University of North Carolina
Project Period: 1999-2002
Grant Number: U18 HS10397
Project Officer: Bosco, Lynn A.

Principal Investigator: Platt, Richard
Title: The HMO Research Network CERT
Institution: Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare
Project Period: 2000-2003
Grant Number: U18 HS10391
Project Officer: Bosco, Lynn A.

Principal Investigator: Ray, Wayne A.
Title: Vanderbilt Center for Education/Research on Therapeutics
Institution: Vanderbilt University
Project Period: 1999-2002
Grant Number: U18 HS10384
Project Officer: Bosco, Lynn A.

Principal Investigator: Saag, Kenneth G.
Title: UAB CERT of Musculoskeletal Disorders
Institution: University of Alabama
Project Period: 2000-2003
Grant Number: U18 HS10389
Project Officer: Bosco, Lynn A.

Principal Investigator: Strom, Brian L.
Title: CTRS for Education and Research on Therapeutics (CERTs)
Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Project Period: 2000-2003
Grant Number: U18 HS10399
Project Officer: Bosco, Lynn A.

Principal Investigator: Woosley, Raymond L.
Title: Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics
Institution: Georgetown University
Project Period: 1999-2002
Grant Number: U18 HS10385
Project Officer: Bosco, Lynn A.

Return to Index

Current as of December 2000

Internet Citation:

Funded Grants: RFAs (Requests for Applications). Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research. December 2000. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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