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Thank you for visiting my official website. It is an honor and privilege to represent the people of Virginia in the United States Senate.

I believe that effective communication with Virginians is essential to my work here in Washington. I hope you will visit often and share your thoughts and concerns with me.

I look forward to working with you in the years ahead,
Jim Webb


"This is a great day for our veterans. This bill properly provides a modern and fair educational benefit to address the needs of those who answered the call of duty to our country--those who moved toward the sound of the guns--often at great sacrifice."

Webb Calls for Congressional Approval of Any Future U.S.-Iraq Security Agreement

Senator Webb

On Friday, September 12, Senator Jim Webb introduced legislation providing that any new security agreement negotiated between the United States and the Government of Iraq would not remain in effect unless approved by Congress. It also calls for the United States to seek a one-year extension of the United Nations Security Council mandate of the Multi-National Force in Iraq. These provisions underscore the importance of constitutional oversight in reaching long-term security negotiations with Iraq.

Noting that the legal authority for the United States to be operating in Iraq will expire December 31, 2008, and that Congress will be adjourned at that time, Webb warned that the Bush administration was on the verge of "a constitutional coup d'etat, a further expansion of the powers of the presidency," by agreeing to a long-term relationship without the consent of Congress.

"The largest question, really, is what entity of the federal government has the authority to enter the United States into a long-term relationship with another government?" asked Webb on the Senate floor. "I would submit that the conditions under which we will continue to operate in Iraq--militarily, diplomatically, economically, and even culturally--are not the sole business of any administration. This amendment is designed to prevent this sort of an imbalance from occurring at the same time that it recognizes the realities of the timelines that are now involved with respect to the loss of international authority for our presence in Iraq."

To read the full press release, please click here »

Webb Hosts Energy Forum with Industry & Community Leaders in Lynchburg

Senator Webb

On Thursday, August 21, Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) hosted a Community Leaders Energy Roundtable in Lynchburg to discuss various initiatives to address the nation's growing energy crisis.

At the forum, held on the campus of Central Virginia Community College, Webb called for a comprehensive energy strategy that includes nuclear power, clean coal, offshore exploration, and renewing the nation's focus on conservation and alternative energy technologies.

"We are an energy-thirsty nation, and I believe we need diversified solutions," said Webb. "Working to develop a national energy strategy is prominent part of my legislative agenda. The forum in Lynchburg provided a real opportunity to engage community and industry leaders."

To read the full press release, please click here »

Webb Supports Comprehensive Housing Legislation,
Calls for Cap on Executive Compensation

Housing Bill

On Saturday, July 26, the Senate passed a comprehensive bipartisan housing bill supported by Senator Webb designed to restore housing market confidence, help homeowners across Virginia deal with the ongoing housing crisis, and provide temporary authority to the Federal Government to help Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. The legislation notably includes a provision advocated by Senator Webb, which gives federal regulators the authority to limit excessive compensation packages of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac executives.

"The bottom line is that if American taxpayer money is required to help correct the business decisions of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or for that matter any of our banks, our nation's workers shouldn't have their taxes used to continue the record-high benefits of the executives who run these institutions," said Webb. "Instead, those executives should be required to give up some of their huge compensation packages. We should challenge the notion that it is acceptable for profits to be privatized and losses to be socialized."

To read the full press release, click here »

Republicans Took Away an Opportunity to Drop Gas Prices by Filibustering Speculation Bill

Speculation Bill

On July 25, Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) commented that Republicans who filibustered legislation designed to rein in market speculators had "taken away a golden opportunity to quickly drive down prices at the gas pump." The bill would have provided much-needed regulation in a market that has been flooded with speculative investment since being de-regulated in 2000, causing oil prices to reach unprecedented and unnatural highs.

Webb is calling for the Senate to reconsider the oil speculation issue in a new series of votes. "We should not let this issue slide off the legislative calendar simply because of the recalcitrance of the other side. It is too important to American consumers," he concluded.

To read the full press release, please click here »

House-Senate Appointments Named to Commission on Wartime Contracting

Wartime Contracting Investigation Bill

On June 20, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the appointment of the co-chair and three additional commissioners to the Commission on Wartime Contracting. Eight commissioners will be named to the Commission by congressional senior leadership and President Bush. The four commissioners named, following earlier consultations with the chairmen of the Senate and House committees of jurisdiction are Michael J. Thibault, to serve as Co-Chair, Charles Tiefer, Linda J. Gustitus, and Clark Kent Ervin.

Established as the result of legislation introduced by Senators Jim Webb (D-VA) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) last spring and signed into law on January 28, 2008, the Commission is charged with addressing the systemic problems associated with the federal government's wartime-support, reconstruction, and private security contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. This Commission was inspired by the work of the "Truman Committee," which conducted hundreds of hearings and investigations into government waste during and after World War II at an estimated savings of more than $178 billion (in today's dollars) to the American taxpayer.

"These appointments are a major step forward in creating a commission that will improve our government's contracting practices, increase transparency, and hold accountable those responsible for waste, fraud and abuse," said Senator Webb. "We will likewise be watching the selections of our colleagues in Congress and the White House to make sure that they perform in consonance with the intentions of this legislation. The work that this Commission will perform during its two-year charter is something American taxpayers both demand and deserve."

To read the full press release, please click here »

More information on Commission on Wartime Contracting:

Webb Introduces Paid Leave Measure For Federal Employees
Bill Would Provide Four Weeks of Paid Parental Leave for Federal Employees

On Monday, June 16, Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) introduced bipartisan legislation, the Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act, to provide four weeks of paid leave to federal employees for the birth or adoption of a child. "The legislation we introduced today is an issue of fairness for the working family," said Senator Webb.

The federal government, the country's largest employer with more than 2.7 million employees, does not currently provide any paid parental leave for its employees, while 75% of Fortune 100 companies provide an average of six to eight weeks of paid leave to new mothers. Currently, all federal employees are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave guaranteed to them by the Family and Medical Leave Act, but most can't afford to forego pay to take leave.

To read the full press release, please click here »

Today in the Senate

September 22, 2008:

The Senate will convene at 3:00 p.m. and proceed to a period of morning business, with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each.

The Senate has entered into an agreement to consider S. 6049, Tax Extenders, on Tuesday, September 23. Cloture on the motions to proceed to S. 3297 (Advancing America’s Priorities) and H.R. 6049 (Tax Extenders) were vitiated. The next vote is expected to occur prior to the caucus lunches on Tuesday.


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