Joe Biden, U.S. Senator for Delaware


Thanks for contacting me. I encourage you to e mail me using this web form. Doing so will ensure that your message reaches me in a timely fashion. Due to the high volume of mail my office receives, I am only able to respond personally to Delawareans. But I still appreciate getting views and feedback from everyone who takes the time to write me.

If your email concerns a request for specific help with a federal government agency, or if you are looking for constituent advocacy, please visit my Casework page.

If you have an emergency that needs immediate attention, please call my office at (302) 573-6345. Thank you.


Mail Security

Please note that due to heightened security in the U.S. Capitol, mail service to my Washington, D.C. Senate office is significantly delayed. If you have any correspondence that is time sensitive, please use alternatives such as e-mail, phone, or fax.