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Partnership - An OSHA Cooperative Program
Occupational Safety and Health Administration  Petra Construction Corp


Petra Construction Corp., the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Bridgeport Area Office (BAO) and the State of Connecticut Department of Labor Division of Occupational Safety & Health (CONN-OSHA) mutually recognize the importance of ensuring a safe and healthful work environment in the construction industry in the State of Connecticut. To advance this mutual goal, the partnership between Petra Construction Corp, the BAO and CONN-OSHA has been established to formalize a cooperative effort between these entities, encourage companies to improve their safety and health performance voluntarily, provide methods to assist them in their efforts, and recognize companies with exemplary safety and health programs.

This Partnership will provide training and education for up to 30 subcontractors. Workers for these subcontractors are exposed to the four recognized hazards within the construction industry which are falls, electrocution/electrical shock, struck-by and caught between hazards. Many of these small subcontractors lack sufficient resources to conduct safety and health training. The purpose of the partnership is to provide training in recognizing the four hazards in the construction industry, develop methods of controlling and/or eliminating the hazards, identify predictors of unsafe acts, and build and reinforce a culture of safety and health within the workplace.

This partnering agreement, which has been developed for Petra Construction Corp., is for a 12,000 square foot residence, located in Guilford, CT will be limited to the Petra Construction Corp. and subcontractors at the site. Petra Construction Corp. will request subcontractors to join the partnership at the time they start working on the site. The partnership will provide benefits to Petra Construction Corp. and the subcontractors, which include, among others, special recognition from OSHA and priority in compliance assistance programs.

The Project consists of the erection of a 2.5 story wood frame residence. The five million dollar project is scheduled for completion in February 2010.


The following are identified as partners:
  1. U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA, BAO
  2. State of Connecticut Department of Labor, CONN-OSHA
  3. Petra Construction Corp.
  4. Subcontractors working at the site.
1) Reduce workforce fatalities, serious injuries, and illnesses and provide a safe work environment for employees at the Project.

2) Reduce by 5% annually the number of injuries, illnesses, and fatalities affecting participating employers, with an emphasis on reducing injuries and fatalities resulting from falls, struck-by, caught-in/between, electrocution and trenching.
a) Petra Construction Corp. will establish a system to collect and analyze injury and illness trends (including near-miss incidents) by all subcontractors performing work at the site. This data will be used as a tool for continual safety and health program improvement. i. OSHA 300 injury and illness data.

ii. Number of site inspections performed at the site by Petra Construction Corp. or any third party.

iii. Number of hazards identified and corrected.
3) Allow OSHA to focus resources on companies that require attention from OSHA, rather than on companies that have demonstrated existence of effective safety programs.

4) Make OSHA safety and health resources available to Petra Construction Corp. and its subcontractors on site, as resources allow.
a comprehensive safety and health program that adheres to, or exceeds, both the OSHA Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines. The comprehensive written safety and health program will, at a minimum:
  1. Include employee involvement.
  2. Include effective employee training for avoidance of hazards specific to the Project
  3. Provide construction site supervisors and foremen (including supervisors and foremen of subcontractors) and all employees with the OSHA's 10-hour Construction Safety Course to be able to recognize work hazards and have the authority to take prompt action. If resources allow, train supervisory personnel on the 30 hour Construction Safety Course.
b) Require all subcontractors onsite to work toward implementing a “zero tolerance” safety policy in order to help achieve the desired reduction of worksite incidents.

c) Designate a competent person at the worksite.
i. Number and type of training sessions conducted.

ii. Number of employees trained.

iii. Number of "Tool Box/Tailgate" talks.

iv. Number and percentage of workers trained on the OSHA 10 and 30 hour Construction Safety Course.
5) Result in improved safety and health programs, a higher level of employee safety and health training, and as a secondary benefit, improved job site safety and health program commitments by other subcontractors working with/for the OSHA Strategic Partnership Program (OSPP) participants.

6) Foster open and continuing communication between the partners.
a) Conduct and document weekly safety training at the Project.

b) Compile injury and illness data on a quarterly basis to assist with tracking industry trends and establishing an industry baseline.

c) Compile a summary of the number of inspections made by the Petra Construction Corp. Safety Director (or their designee) and any third party. The report will be broken down into the four major categories of construction-focused hazards (falls, struck-by, caught-in/between, electrocution), and will show the number of items within the four (4) categories that were corrected.

d) Have designated personnel conduct documented safety inspections. These personnel will have the authority to take prompt corrective action.

e) Set a positive example for desired safety behavior and establish goals and accountability for safety excellence.
See Above
7) Share knowledge of the best practices.

8) Offer support by the partners for contractors and compliance officers' training. Petra Construction Corp. will establish a training goal for each year of participation in the partnership.
a) Petra Construction Corp. will conduct and document weekly safety training/tool box talks at the Project.

b) Compile injury and illness data on a quarterly basis to assist with tracking industry trends and establishing an industry baseline.
i. Number and type of training sessions conducted for supervisors

ii. Number and percentage of employees trained by OSHA/CONN-OSHA.


An annual evaluation of this partnership will be conducted within thirty (30) days of the signing of the agreement. The Appendix C of the Directive CSP [03-02-002], "OSHA Strategic Partnership program for Worker Safety and Health," will be used to provide pertinent information needed to assess the partnership.

It will be the responsibility of Petra Construction Corp. to gather required participant data to evaluate and track overall results and success of the partnership.

After the first year of the partnership, subsequent evaluations will be conducted by the anniversary of the signing.


In good standing Petra Construction Corp. will receive the following benefits from OSHA:
  1. Special recognition, which may include but is not limited to, press releases issued by OSHA and recognition on OSHA's web page designating the Petra Construction Corp. as a participant in the OSHA Strategic Partnership Program (OSPP).
  2. Availability of informational materials such as safety and health publications and electronic tools.
  3. Following the required onsite or offsite inspection(s) conducted to meet OSPP verification requirements, it will not be necessary to conduct a programmed inspection at the Project. Agreement project site within the next twelve (12) months.
  4. Priority status to Petra Construction Corp. and subcontractors for compliance assistance and outreach activities, including the OSHA 10- Hour Construction Course, as resources allow.
  5. If cited, Petra Construction Corp. and subcontractors that join in the partnership may be provided an additional 10% reduction for good faith beyond the reductions provided in the Field Inspection Reference Manual (FIRM) where Petra Construction Corp, in implementing this OSPP, has taken specific steps beyond those provided in the FIRM, to implement the Act. This additional reduction will not apply to high gravity serious, willful, failure to abate or repeat citations.
Although certain benefits described above may modify OSHA enforcement procedures, OSHA personnel will continue to investigate workplace complaints, referrals, fatalities, catastrophes, and other significant accidents or events at the Project, per standard Agency procedures.

  1. To determine contractor compliance with the terms of the agreement, an on-site comprehensive enforcement verification inspection will be conducted within thirty (30) days from the signing of the partnership agreement. Citations and penalties may be issued, when appropriate, as a result of this inspection. Enforcement verification inspections are performed in accordance with the applicable sections of the OSHA FIRM, and other enforcement guidance documents.
  2. OSHA will conduct one announced non-enforcement visit per quarter for the term of the Project to assess the implementation of the Partnership agreement. OSHA worksite observations should be sufficient to confirm that the partner's worksite is operating a safety and health management system that adequately ensures the protection of employees. During such visits, if OSHA personnel identify serious hazards that site management refuses to correct, OSHA will make a referral for an enforcement inspection.
  3. If additional inspections are necessary they will be conducted in accordance with the FIRM and other applicable enforcement documents. A focused inspection, concentrating on the project safety and health program/plan, and the four leading hazards in construction: falls, electrical hazards, caught in/between hazards, and struck by hazards may be performed where upon initial inspection of the site the CSHO determines that the contractor meets the requirement of the Focused Inspection Initiative.
  4. The Area Director will determine the number of inspections necessary based upon the following guidelines:

    • the number of inspections needed to cover all the types of work performed by the employer,
    • the quality of the safety and health management system evidenced during the initial verification,
    • the number and nature of citations and penalties issued to the employer in the three years prior to the partnership application
    • the phases of construction and the nature of the hazards associated with such work
    • the geographic scope of the partnership
    • other factors which OSHA determines may affect its ability to fully and accurately assess the effectiveness of the participant's safety and health management system.

A Partnership Management Team (PMT) with members from Petra Construction Corp. and OSHA will oversee and coordinate this partnership. The team will determine partnership procedures, which will include measures to be used and data to be collected, hold conference calls, and meet at least annually to evaluate the effectiveness of the agreement.

Once the baseline is established, during the annual evaluation it will be determined whether the annual goal of a 5% reduction in the number of injuries, illnesses, and fatalities has been met Petra Construction Corp. and the BAO are responsible for collecting baseline and annual performance data upon which the OSPP will be measured. Petra Construction Corp. aggregate injury and illness incidence rates (total case rates) and fatality rates will be compared with the most current BLS published data to determine whether goals have been met.


This partnership does not preclude employees and/or employers from exercising any right provided under the OSH Act (or, for federal employees, 29 CFR 1960), nor does it abrogate any responsibility to comply with rules and regulations adopted pursuant to the Act.

Petra Construction Corp. retains all rights guaranteed under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act), including the right to appeal or contest citations issued by OSHA.


This agreement will terminate two (2) years from the day of signing. If either OSHA or Petra Construction Corp. wishes to withdraw their participation prior to the established termination date, the agreement will terminate upon receiving a written notice of the intent to withdraw from either signatory.


Signed this 27th day of March 2008


Marthe B. Kent
Regional Administrator
Occupational Safety & Health Administration

Guido L. Petra
Petra Construction Corp.

Robert W. Kowalski
Bridgeport Area Office
Occupational Safety & Health Administration

Walter B. Tucker Jr., CHST
Director of Safety
Petra Construction Corp.

Richard Palo, MS, CIH
State of Connecticut Department of Labor
Division of Occupational Safety & Health
On-Site Consultation Program
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Page last updated: 04/17/2008