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WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2005 – The United States and India signed a declaration to formalize a U.S.-India Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture that President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh announced in July. The goal of the agreement, which was signed in New Delhi, India, is to re-energize the agricultural relationship between the two nations through collaborative efforts in agricultural research, education and commercial linkages.

The declaration provides for the creation of a Board made up of eight members from academia, government, and the private sector in each country to recommend specific projects and funding sources. Foreign Agricultural Service Administrator Ellen Terpstra will co-chair with an Indian public official counterpart. The Board plans to hold its first meeting in December in the United States followed by a meeting in India early next year.

Areas of collaboration are expected to include agricultural research on sustainable agriculture and marketing systems, the use of new information and communication technologies, implementation of international food safety and sanitary requirements, and other priority areas determined by the Board.


PR 0185-05

Harold Kanarek (202) 720-0328
Susan J. Owens 202) 690-4872