United States Senate Committee on
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Contact: Joe Brenckle - Republican Press Office 202-224-3991
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Senate Commerce Committee Approves National Transportation Safety Board Reauthorization Act of 2006
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation today approved the National Transportation Safety Board Reauthorization Act of 2006.  The bill reauthorizes the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for two years and provides funding levels of $79.6M in fiscal year (FY) 2007 and $84.4M in FY 2008.  Introduced by Senator Conrad Burns (R-Mont.), the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Aviation, and Senator John Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), the Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Aviation.  Senator Lautenberg (D – N.J.) is also a co-sponsor.  The legislation now awaits consideration on the floor of the Senate.
Specifically the bill:
*          Requires the NTSB to develop a plan, to be implemented within two years of enactment, for the NTSB Academy in an effort to fully utilize the Academy’s resources and facilities..  It also requires the Board to submit to Congress a list of accidents the Board was required to investigate but did not, as well as a list of ongoing investigations exceeding the time allotted by Board order.
*          Increases the Department of Transportation Inspector General’s authority over the NTSB.  It also removes a requirement established in 2000 that the NTSB reimburse the DOT IG for costs associated with the review authority of the DOT IG, with the understanding that the DOT IG would be funded directly.
*          Establishes the position of a Managing Director that will appoint and supervise officers and employees, as well as fix the pay of all officers and employees.  The Managing Director will be appointed by the Chairman and subject to an approval process established by the Board.  The bill allows each Board member to appoint and supervise the employees in his or her immediate office.  It also sets up an investigation tracking system to be available to all Board members and also requires the Board to establish a process for members to review and comment on documents submitted to the President, Office of Management and Budget, or Congress.
*          Allows the Board to enter into agreements or contracts for investigations conducted under the Board’s general authority without regard to any provision of law requiring competition, only if necessary to expedite the investigation.  The NTSB is also permitted to use refunds and reimbursements that are received in a fiscal year subsequent to the year for which the funds were originally appropriated.
  • Requires Amtrak to submit a plan to the NTSB providing a list of the names of passengers involved in train accidents and notifying their families appropriately. 

In addition a manager’s amendment was adopted by voice vote which incorporated amendments by Sens. Kerry, Lautenberg and Boxer. 

For a copy of the bill as reported, please see related items section below.

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19th -  Senate Commerce Committee Approves Legislation to Repeal Wright Amendment
19th -  Senate Commerce Committee Approves Maritime Administration (MARAD) Improvement Act
19th -  current Press Release
19th -  Senate Commerce Committee Approves Nominations to Transportation Safety Board, Amtrak, Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Dept. of Transportation, Coast Guard and NOAA
19th -  Senate Commerce Committee Approves S. Con. Res. 71
14th -  Chairman Stevens Hires Three New Full Committee Staff Members
14th -  Senate Commerce Committee Schedules July 19 Mark-up
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