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Bureau of International Organization Affairs

Photo of Assistant Secretary Brian H. HookBrian H. Hook was designated Acting Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs in July 2008, was confirmed by the Senate on October 2, 2008, and sworn in as Assistant Secretary on October 7, 2008. Prior to this position, he was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs. Previously, he served in New York as a senior advisor to the U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations from April 2006 to March 2008. Read More

The Bureau of International Organization Affairs develops and implements U.S. policy in the United Nations, the UN's specialized agencies, and other international organizations. The Bureau utilizes multilateral diplomacy in these fora to advance U.S. policies and interests and strives to ensure that the UN and other international organizations remain viable and effective.


The Bureau of International Organization Affairs has one overriding priority: to pursue transformational diplomacy goals through results-driven, transparent, accountable and efficient international organizations. The five Transformational Diplomacy Strategic Goals are: Achieving Peace & Security, Governing Justly & Democratically, Investing in People, Promoting Economic Growth & Prosperity, and Providing Humanitarian Assistance.



UN Peacekeeping Mission [UN Photo/Igor VasilevU.S. Support for UN

-- Peacekeeping missions
-- Sanction Committees
-- Counter-terrorism Efforts

The UN Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 1769 , mandating a United Nations-African Union Hybrid Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) to protect civilians and humanitarian workers. The United States is strongly committed to supporting UNAMID, and has urged all parties to the conflict to agree to an immediate cease-fire and pursuit of a political settlement toward sustainable peace in Sudan. [Explanation of Vote on the Adoption of the Hybrid Force.] On January 11, 2008, the Security Council issued a Presidential Statement condemning the attacks on UNAMID and reaffirming the necessity and importance of cooperation and actions taken to restore peace to Sudan.

The Burmese regime's crackdown on dissenting citizens follows decades of human rights abuses and oppression, and constitutes a threat to international peace and security. In response, the UN Security Council has released a Presidential Statement deploring the regime's use of violence and calling for the release of political prisoners.

The United States and its allies have been working very hard to end the threat to international peace and security posed by the Iranian regime's pursuit of nuclear weapons capability, through both the International Atomic Energy Agency and the UN Security Council. The latest step is the unanimous passage of UNSC Resolution 1747 on March 24, 2007. On that day, the P5 + 1 Foreign Ministers issued a joint statement about the resolution.

In September, the P5+2 held a Ministerial Meeting on Iran, and issued a Statement , Under Secretary R. Nicholas Burns conducted an on-the-record press briefing following the Meeting.

In July 2007, the U.S. contributed an additional $19 Million to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to fund Iraq refugee programs. UNHCR and UNICEF have issued a Joint Appeal to provide educational opportunities to Iraqi children.

GOVERNING JUSTLY & DEMOCRATICALLY: Diplomacy that Serves Human Rights, Freedom and Democracy

Bureau of International Organization AffairsUnited Nations Democracy Fund
President Bush first called for the creation of the UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF) during his address to the UN General Assembly in September 2004. The Fund's mission is to promote democracy throughout the world by providing assistance for projects that consolidate and strengthen democratic institutions and facilitate democratic governance.

United Nations General Assembly Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Affairs)
The 63nd session of the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly is meeting in the fall of 2008.

United Nations Human Rights Council
The 8th Session of the Human Rights Council began June 2. The session will conclude on June 13, 2008.

Burma: Special Session of the Human Rights Council
The continuing absence of democracy and the abuse of human rights in Burma and the current actions of the regime against peaceful demonstrators are a subject of consideration. U.S. Ambassador Tichenor delivered a statement calling for action by the Human Rights Council on October 2, 2007. The Human Rights Council adopted a resolution deploring violent repression in Burma and called for the release of peaceful protesters and all political detainees, also on October 2, 2007.


Bureau of International Organization AffairsGlobal Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Eliminating the Use of Rape and Other Forms of Sexual Violence as Instruments to Achieve Political or Military Objectives

US National Commission for UNESCO


Bureau of International Organization AffairsUN Economic Development Efforts [fact sheets]


World Food Program [WFP Photo/Marcus PriorU.S. Humanitarian Assistance through the UN
International organizations offer an excellent platform for providing humanitarian assistance. The IO Bureau works with UN organizations, with other U.S. Government agencies, and with civil society to ensure that UN humanitarian assistance programs are well coordinated, fully accountable, politically neutral, and responsive to the needs of target populations. [full text]


President Bush Addresses United Nations 63rd General Assembly [full text]

Acting Assistant Secretary Brian H. Hook at the 63rd UN General Assembly (UNGA). [more]

U.S. Statement on the Human Rights Council Report of the High-Level Fact-Finding Mission to Beit Hanoun and the Draft Follow-up Resolution 9-18-08 [more]

The U.S. at the United NationsUnited Nations building
Remarks by Amb. Alejandro Wolff on the adoption of the UN General Assembly Strategy Review Resolution September 4, 2008

Remarks by Amb. Zalmay Khalilzad on Afghanistan and Pakistan, September 3, 2008

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