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Time series analysis of AERI radiances for GCM testing and improvement

Dykema, John Harvard University
Leroy, Stephen Harvard University
Anderson, James Harvard University
Tobin, David University of Wisconsin-Madison
Knuteson, Robert University Of Wisconsin
Revercomb, Henry University of Wisconsin-Madison

Category: Radiation

High resolution infrared radiances measured by the Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) contained detailed information about the structure and dynamics of temperature, water vapor, and clouds below 3 km. Infrared radiances also contain the signature of radiative forcing by well-mixed gases that constitutes the greenhouse effect. Direct comparison of these radiance observations to similar radiances calculated from output of Global Climate Models (GCMs) provides a decisive means of testing the ability of models to correctly represent key physical processes in the climate system. Correctly calculating the statistical quantities of interest, however, requires analysis methods which reduce the dimensionality of dataset without losing essential information. Additionally, the radiances reveal physical processes occuring on different time scales. Obtaining accurate statistics also requires that these different processes are correctly separated. This poster presents observation-to-model comparisons that illustrate the required techniques to test models and identify physical processes responsible for differences.

This poster will be displayed at the ARM Science Team Meeting.