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Progress to Date

The Open Space Conservation Strategy was developed by incorporating ideas and input from a variety of perspectives within the Forest Service and from external partners and the public. Here is a summary of how the Strategy was developed.

July 2006:  Executive Leadership Team decided to develop an open space conservation strategy and implementation plan, and formed a steering committee to guide the process.

August – September 2006: The Forest Service released “Cooperating Across Boundaries: Partnerships to Conserve Open Space in Rural America” and announced that the agency would develop an open space conservation strategy.

October – December 2006: The Forest Service solicited internal and external input via a call letter from the Chief, a Federal Register notice, invite-only listening sessions, and one-on-one meetings with partner organizations and stakeholders. The Conservation Fund organized and facilitated the listening sessions which served as focus groups to explore how the Forest Service can best help open space conservation efforts across the country.

January – February 2007: A Forest Service team reviewed public input and developed a draft strategy. This team included representatives from each deputy area and different field units to incorporate diverse internal perspectives. 

March – May 2007: The Forest Service reviewed the draft strategy.

June 2007: The Forest Service requested public review of the draft strategy.

August – October 2007: The Forest Service revised and finalized the Open Space Conservation Strategy.

December 2007: The Forest Service published the Open Space Conservation Strategy.

Please check back for more information on how the Forest Service plans to implement the Open Space Conservation Strategy.