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Proceedings of the Sixteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting

ARM-CONF-2006, March 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

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* Poster abstract only; an extended abstract was not provided by the author(s).

View session papers by Author or Category or Title.

Ackerman, A.
Using Field Measurements and Numerical Simulations To Constrain Mechanisms of Ice Formation During the M-PACE IOP
Ackerman, T.
Analysis of Tropical Radiative Heating Profiles in the Multi-Scale Modeling Framework: a Comparison To Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Observations
Comparison of Cloud Top Height and Optical Depth Histograms from ISCCP, MISR, and MODIS*
Dust Properties Derived from Multi-Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer Data in Niamey
Adhikari, L.
Cloudy Assessment within an Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Pixel by Combining Moderate Resolution Spectroradiometer and ARM Program Ground-Based Lidar and Radar Measurements
Albrecht, B.
An ARSCL-based Cloud Type Climatology from Retrievals and It’s Use in Model Evaluation Studies*
The New ARSCL-micro VAP*
Using ARM TWP Nauru Observations To Evaluate a Simple Thermodynamic Model of the Subcloud Layer Under Fair-Weather Cumulus Conditions*
Alexandrov, M.
ALIVE Polarization Measurements
New Developments in Multi-filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer Data Analysis
Anderson, J.
Time Series Analysis of AERI Radiances for GCM Testing and Improvement*
Andrews, E.
Analysis of Aerosol Indirect Effects in California Coastal Stratus and Fog*
New Insights Into Aerosol Asymmetry Parameter
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Aerosol Observing Systems: Status and Planned Upgrades
Arnott, P.
Retrieving the Relative Number of Fine To Coarse Mode Aerosols from Ground-based Visible and Infrared Observation
Atkinson, B.
Surface Radiation Analyses from TWP-ICE
Austin, R.
Extended Validation of An Optimal Estimation Cloud Property Retrieval Algorithm
Avramov, A.
The Influence of Ice Nucleation Mode and Ice Vapor Growth on Simulation of Arctic Mixed-phase Clouds*
Axisa, D.
A New Research Aircraft for the Documentation of the Impacts of Pollution Aerosols on Clouds and Precipitation*
Ayers, J.
Large-scale Cloud Properties and Radiative Fluxes Over Darwin During Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment
Overview of National Aeronautics and Space Agency Langley Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud Products and Validation
Balin, Y.
Comparison of the Data of Airborne, Lidar and Photometric Sensing of Aerosol Parameters in the Cloudless Atmosphere
Barker, H.
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
The Impact of Using Different Parameterizations of Unresolved Horizontal Variability of Cloud Water in the CCCma GCM*
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Barnard, J.
Dust Properties Derived from Multi-Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer Data in Niamey
Bartholomew, M.
Analysis of Aerosol Indirect Effects in California Coastal Stratus and Fog*
Measuring the Raindrop Size Distribution, ARM’s Efforts at Darwin and SGP*
Bates, C.
Ordering ARM Data: a Logical Integration of the Data Archive and ARM Program Website*
Batstone, C.
Using Information About Small-scale Variability in Water Vapor in a Convective Parameterization*
Bauer, S.
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Beljaars, A.
Validation of Global Weather Forecast and Climate Models over the North Slope of Alaska*
Benson, S.
Evaluation of Cirrus Statistics Produced by General Circulation Models Using ARM Data*
Berg, L.
A Climatology of Fair-Weather Cloud Cover at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains Site: Temporal and Spatial Variability
Bergstrom, R.
Cloud Properties Derived from Visible and Near-infrared Reflectance in the Presence of Aerosols*
Beringer, J.
Preliminary Investigations of the Role of Smoke Aerosols on Carbon Uptake of a Northern Australian Tropical Savanna
Surface Radiation Analyses from TWP-ICE
Berry, J.
Regional Scale Surface CO2 Exchange Estimates Using a Boundary Layer Budget Method over the Southern Great Plains*
Spatially Distributed CO2, Sensible, and Latent Heat Fluxes over the Southern Great Plains*
Biraud, S.
Spatially Distributed CO2, Sensible, and Latent Heat Fluxes over the Southern Great Plains*
Boer, E.
Tropical Cloud Life Cycle and Overlap Structure*
Boers, R.
Measurements and Model Calculations of Radiative Fluxes for the Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research, the Netherlands*
Bondarenko, S.
Influence of Long-Period Variations of Total Ozone Content on Climate Change in Twentieth Century*
Boyle, J.
Validation of Global Weather Forecast and Climate Models over the North Slope of Alaska*
Brower, W.
Expansion of Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska in Time for the International Polar Year*
Brown, D.
A Case Study of Horizontal Variability in Arctic Cloud Microphysical Properties
Brumby, S.
Active Cloud Probing With the Wide-Angle Imaging Lidar: Status and Outlook
Cadeddu, M.
Cady-Pereira, K.
Validation of TES Temperature and Water Vapor Retrievals With ARM Observations*
Cairns, B.
ALIVE Polarization Measurements
New Developments in Multi-filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer Data Analysis
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Carlson, B.
ALIVE Polarization Measurements
Analysis of Langley Optical Depth Data, With Aerosol and Gas Retrievals, for the RSS 103 Instrument in Barrow, Alaska*
New Developments in Multi-filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer Data Analysis
Cederwall, R.
Investigation of New Alternatives for Data Access and Distribution from the ARM Archive, Poster
Cetrone, J.
Title: Radar-observed Convective Characteristics During TWP-ICE*
Chang, F.
The Impact of the Vertical Variation of Cloud Droplet Size on the Estimation of Cloud Liquid Water Path and Its Potential for Rain Detection
Charlock, T.
Broadband Heating Rate Product Flux Profiles Compared to Cloud and Earth's Radiant Energy System Radiation Transfer Data Product
Chen, R.
The Impact of the Vertical Variation of Cloud Droplet Size on the Estimation of Cloud Liquid Water Path and Its Potential for Rain Detection
Chen, Y.
Remote Sensing of Cirrus Particle Size Vertical Profile Using 1.38 μm Spectrum and MODIS/ARM Data*
Cheng, A.
Sensitivity of Boundary-layer and Deep Convective Cloud Simulations To Vertical Resolution*
Chin, M.
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Chin, S.
Study of Aerosol/Cloud/Radiation Interactions over the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains Site
Chiu, J.
Cloud Optical Depth Retrievals from Solar Background “Signal” of Micropulse Lidars
Chuang, C.
Study of Aerosol/Cloud/Radiation Interactions over the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains Site
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Chylek, P.
LES Modeling of High Resolution Satellite Cloud Spatial and Thermal Structure at ARM-SGP Site: How Well Can We Simulate Clouds from Space?*
Cialella, A.
Updated and Improved Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Geographic Information System Data and Maps
Cimini, D.
Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Observations of Low Vapor and Liquid Water Amounts in the Arctic Winter
The 2004 North Slope of Alaska Arctic Winter Radiometric Experiment: Overview and Recent Results
Clayton, J.
Hydro-Kansas (HK) Research Project: Tests of a Physical Basis of Statistical Self-Similarity in Peak Flows in the Whitewater Basin, Kansas*
Clayton, M.
Raman Lidar and MPL Measurements During ALIVE*
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Clothiaux, E.
An Automatic Doppler Spectrum Classifier for the MMCRs*
Internal Variability and Pattern Identification in Cirrus Cloud Structure Within the Fokker-Planck Equation Framework
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
The New ARSCL-micro VAP*
Clough, S.
Radiative Closure Studies at the NSA ACRF Site*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Validation of TES Temperature and Water Vapor Retrievals With ARM Observations*
Coddington, O.
Cloud Properties Derived from Visible and Near-infrared Reflectance in the Presence of Aerosols*
Cole, J.
The Impact of Using Different Parameterizations of Unresolved Horizontal Variability of Cloud Water in the CCCma GCM*
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Collins, D.
A New Research Aircraft for the Documentation of the Impacts of Pollution Aerosols on Clouds and Precipitation*
An Overview of the SGP Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer*
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Aerosol Observing Systems: Status and Planned Upgrades
Comstock, J.
A Comparison of Cirrus Cloud Visible Optical Depth Derived from Lidar*
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Raman Lidar at Southern Great Plains: Performance and New Measurement Capabilities
Cirrus Extinction and Lidar Ratio Derived from Raman Lidar Measurements at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Southern Great Plains Site
Simulations of Cirrus Clouds Using An Explicit Cloud Model: Integrating ARM Water Vapor and Forcing Data for Analysis of Cirrus Formation and Evolution*
Cook, D.
Comparison of ECOR, EBBR, and CO2FLX4m System Fluxes
EBBR-SIRS Net Radiation Difference: An Evaluation
Cooper, S.
Extended Validation of An Optimal Estimation Cloud Property Retrieval Algorithm
Curry, J.
Impact of Aerosol on Mixed-phase Stratocumulus During MPACE in a Mesoscale Model With Two-moment Microphysics*
d'Entremont, R.
The Dependence of Cirrus Cloud-Property Retrievals on Size-Distribution Shape*
Daniel, J.
Cloud Properties Derived from Visible and Near-infrared Reflectance in the Presence of Aerosols*
Daum, P.
Analysis of Aerosol Indirect Effects in California Coastal Stratus and Fog*
Relating Aerosol Properties To Cloud Condensation Nuclei Spectra and Cloud Properties
Davis, A.
Active Cloud Probing With the Wide-Angle Imaging Lidar: Status and Outlook
The Fundamental Limitation of Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Dissection of Single-Photon State Space, and the Paradigms That Lie Beyond Illustrated With WAIL, O2 A-Band/Line Spectroscopy, Etc.*
de Boer, G.
Lidar-Based Retrievals of the Microphysical Properties of Mixed-Phase Arctic Stratus Clouds and Precipitation
Dedecker, R.
The ARM Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI): Status and Preliminary Assessments of Instrument Deployments in 2006*
Del Genio, A.
Cloud Overlap Dependence on Atmospheric Dynamics
From Measurements To Models: Cross-Comparison of Measured and Simulated Behavioral States of the Atmosphere*
The Evolution of Deep Convection over Africa and the Tropical Atlantic
Delamere, J.
An Update and Status Report of the Mergedsounding VAP*
Microphysical Properties of Thin Clouds Retrieved from Ground-Based Infrared Observations
Radiative Closure Studies at the NSA ACRF Site*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Demirgian, J.
AERI - What, Where, How, and Future Plans*
The ARM Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI): Status and Preliminary Assessments of Instrument Deployments in 2006*
DeMott, P.
Continuous Flow Ice Thermal Diffusion Chamber Measurements of Ice Nuclei in the Arctic
Ice Nuclei Variability and Ice Formation in Mixed-phase Clouds
Deng, M.
Tropical Anvil Cirrus Evolution from Observations and Numerical Simulations*
DeSlover, D.
Aircraft S-HIS Observations During MPACE*
BBHRP Assessment Using Ground and Satellite-based High Spectral Resolution Infrared Observations*
DeVore, J.
Introducing SAM (Sun and Aureole Measurement), a New, Ground-based Capability for Measuring Cloud Optical Properties*
Doelling, D.
Derivation of Improved Surface and Top of the Atmosphere Broadband Shortwave and Longwave Fluxes over Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Domains
Large-scale Cloud Properties and Radiative Fluxes Over Darwin During Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment
Overview of National Aeronautics and Space Agency Langley Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud Products and Validation
Dominguez, R.
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Dong, X.
Using ARM Data To Correct Plane-parallel Satellite Retrievals of Cloud Properties*
Donner, L.
Using Information About Small-scale Variability in Water Vapor in a Convective Parameterization*
Doty, K.
Instrument Mentor Monthly Summary Reporting System*
Duan, M.
An Observed Signature of Aerosol Effect on Cloud Droplet Radii from a Decade of Observations at a Mid-Continental Site*
Dubey, M.
LES Modeling of High Resolution Satellite Cloud Spatial and Thermal Structure at ARM-SGP Site: How Well Can We Simulate Clouds from Space?*
Duchon, C.
Investigation of Unusual Albedos in the SGP Domain*
Dunn, M.
Analysis of Aerosol Indirect Effects in California Coastal Stratus and Fog*
Dutton, E.
Pyrgeometer Calibrations for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program: Updated Approach
Dykema, J.
Time Series Analysis of AERI Radiances for GCM Testing and Improvement*
Eastman, J.
Evaluation of Long-Term Cloud-Resolving Modeling With ARM Data*
Eldering, A.
Understanding the AIRS, ARM, and MODIS Cloud Products by Cross-comparison*
Ellingson, R.
A Comparison of Cloudiness Measures Derived from Longwave Measurements and Shortwave Sky Imagers*
Initial Stages of ICRCCM3: Intercomparison of Radiation Codes in Climate Models for Clouds in the Longwave*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Eloranta, E.
Cloud Properties Derived from the High Spectral Resolution Lidar During MPACE*
Lidar-Based Retrievals of the Microphysical Properties of Mixed-Phase Arctic Stratus Clouds and Precipitation
Microphysical Properties of Thin Clouds Retrieved from Ground-Based Infrared Observations
Feingold, G.
Surface Based Remote Sensing of Aerosol-cloud Interactions*
Ferrare, R.
Raman Lidar and MPL Measurements During ALIVE*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Fiebig, M.
New Insights Into Aerosol Asymmetry Parameter
Fillmore, D.
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Fiorino, M.
Validation of Global Weather Forecast and Climate Models over the North Slope of Alaska*
Fischer, M.
Comparison of ECOR, EBBR, and CO2FLX4m System Fluxes
Regional Scale Surface CO2 Exchange Estimates Using a Boundary Layer Budget Method over the Southern Great Plains*
Spatially Distributed CO2, Sensible, and Latent Heat Fluxes over the Southern Great Plains*
Flynn, C.
A Comparison of Cirrus Cloud Visible Optical Depth Derived from Lidar*
Determination of Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Extinction, Single Scatter Albedo and Asymmetry Parameter at Barrow.*
Dust Properties Derived from Multi-Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer Data in Niamey
Raman Lidar and MPL Measurements During ALIVE*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Fontenla, J.
A New Solar Irradiance Reference Spectrum*
Foster, M.
Linking Cloud-radiation Parameterization Performance To Large-scale Dynamics
Frederick, K.
Title: Radar-observed Convective Characteristics During TWP-ICE*
Freer, M.
Algorithms for Processing Cloud Microphysical Data Acquired by Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Unmanned Aerospace Vehicle Applications to TWP-ICE
Horizontal and Vertical Profiles of In-Situ Cloud Properties Measured During Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment
Fridlind, A.
Using Field Measurements and Numerical Simulations To Constrain Mechanisms of Ice Formation During the M-PACE IOP
Frisch, S.
Surface Based Remote Sensing of Aerosol-cloud Interactions*
Furey, P.
Hydro-Kansas (HK) Research Project: Tests of a Physical Basis of Statistical Self-Similarity in Peak Flows in the Whitewater Basin, Kansas*
Futyan, J.
The Evolution of Deep Convection over Africa and the Tropical Atlantic
Gasiewski, A.
Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Observations of Low Vapor and Liquid Water Amounts in the Arctic Winter
The 2004 North Slope of Alaska Arctic Winter Radiometric Experiment: Overview and Recent Results
Gaustad, K.
An Evaluation of Cloud Cover, Cloud Effect, and Surface Radiation Budgets at the Tropical Western Pacific Darwin Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Site
Methodology for Calculating Spectral Surface Albedo Using ARM MFSR and MFR Data*
Gautier, C.
The Sensitivity of Cloud Field Structure and Dynamics to Three-Dimensional Radiative Effects
Geiger, J.
Evaluation of Long-Term Cloud-Resolving Modeling With ARM Data*
Ghan, S.
Droplet Number Prediction in the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Atmosphere Model
Prediction of Ice Crystal Number in Community Atmospheric Model (CAM3.0)*
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Gianelli, S.
Analysis of Langley Optical Depth Data, With Aerosol and Gas Retrievals, for the RSS 103 Instrument in Barrow, Alaska*
Ginoux, P.
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Goldsmith, J.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Raman Lidar at Southern Great Plains: Performance and New Measurement Capabilities
Gong, S.
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Gore, W.
Cloud Properties Derived from Visible and Near-infrared Reflectance in the Presence of Aerosols*
Deployment of a New Shortwave Spectroradiometer (SWS) at the SGP*
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Groff, D.
Investigation of Unusual Albedos in the SGP Domain*
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Gu, J.
Initial Stages of ICRCCM3: Intercomparison of Radiation Codes in Climate Models for Clouds in the Longwave*
Guibert, S.
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Guo, H.
Investigation of the Aerosol Indirect Effect During the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program’s March 2003 Aerosol Intensive Operational Period at Southern Great Plains: Sensitivity Tests
Gupta, V.
Hydro-Kansas (HK) Research Project: Tests of a Physical Basis of Statistical Self-Similarity in Peak Flows in the Whitewater Basin, Kansas*
Gustafson, W.
A Climatology of Fair-Weather Cloud Cover at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains Site: Temporal and Spatial Variability
Hannay, C.
Representing Sub-Grid Scale Cloud Variability with Monte-Carlo Independent Column Approximation and RRTMG in the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Atmosphere Model, CAM3
Hansell, R.
Detection and Retrieval of Mineral Dust Aerosol Using AERI During the UAE2 Field Campaign: Potential Application To ARM Measurements*
Harder, J.
A New Solar Irradiance Reference Spectrum*
Hargrove, W.
From Measurements To Models: Cross-Comparison of Measured and Simulated Behavioral States of the Atmosphere*
Harrington, J.
Radiative Influences on Glaciation Time-Scales of Mixed-Phase Clouds*
Harrison, L.
An Observed Signature of Aerosol Effect on Cloud Droplet Radii from a Decade of Observations at a Mid-Continental Site*
Hartsock, D.
Evaluation of Cirrus Statistics Produced by General Circulation Models Using ARM Data*
Hawat, T.
New Generation of the SORTI Instruments*
Haynes, J.
Properties of Tropical Convection Observed by ARM Millimeter-radars*
Heck, P.
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Herman, B.
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Heymsfield, A.
Contrasting Properties of Single-Layer and Multi-Layer Arctic Stratus Sampled During the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment
Hickey, J.
Pyrgeometer Calibrations for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program: Updated Approach
Hiers, N.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Data Quality Office – Real-Time Assessment of Instrument Performance
Hnilo, J.
Validation of Global Weather Forecast and Climate Models over the North Slope of Alaska*
Hodges, G.
The Multi-Filter Shadowband Radiometer - A Look Ahead
Hodges, J.
Assessment of Albedo Derived from the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer at the Southern Great Plains Site
Hoffman, F.
From Measurements To Models: Cross-Comparison of Measured and Simulated Behavioral States of the Atmosphere*
Holdridge, D.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Surface Meteorological Measurements
Comparison of ECOR, EBBR, and CO2FLX4m System Fluxes
EBBR-SIRS Net Radiation Difference: An Evaluation
Holz, R.
Aircraft S-HIS Observations During MPACE*
BBHRP Assessment Using Ground and Satellite-based High Spectral Resolution Infrared Observations*
Horvath, A.
Lagrangian Diagnostics of Tropical Cirrus over TWP CART Sites*
Houze, R.
Title: Radar-observed Convective Characteristics During TWP-ICE*
Hovelman, B.
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Hume, T.
Evaluating Single Column Models Using An Ensemble Approach*
Iacono, M.
Representing Sub-Grid Scale Cloud Variability with Monte-Carlo Independent Column Approximation and RRTMG in the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Atmosphere Model, CAM3
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Inoue, T.
Radiosonde Observations at Pt. Reyes and Cloud Properties Retrieved from GOES-WEST*
Ivanoff, J.
Expansion of Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska in Time for the International Polar Year*
Ivanova, D.
Impact of Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe Measured Ice Crystals on the Community Atmospheric Model
Ivanova, K.
Internal Variability and Pattern Identification in Cirrus Cloud Structure Within the Fokker-Planck Equation Framework
Ivey, M.
Expansion of Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska in Time for the International Polar Year*
Jakob, C.
Evaluating Single Column Models Using An Ensemble Approach*
The Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment: Overview*
Jarvenoja, S.
Tests of Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation in the ECHAM5 Atmospheric GCM*
Jarvinen, H.
Tests of Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation in the ECHAM5 Atmospheric GCM*
Jefferson, A.
New Insights Into Aerosol Asymmetry Parameter
Preliminary Results of In-situ Measurements of Aerosol Optical and Water Uptake Properties from the ARM Mobile Facility in Niger*
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Aerosol Observing Systems: Status and Planned Upgrades
Jensen, M.
An Automatic Doppler Spectrum Classifier for the MMCRs*
An Update and Status Report of the Mergedsounding VAP*
Analysis of Aerosol Indirect Effects in California Coastal Stratus and Fog*
Observations of Tropical Clouds from the Upgraded MMCR at Darwin and Comparisons With C-Pol and Satellite Observations*
Radiative Closure Studies at the NSA ACRF Site*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Tropical Cloud Life Cycle and Overlap Structure*
Jeong, M.
Effect of Aerosol Humidification on the Column Aerosol Optical Thickness over the ARM Southern Great Plains Site*
Ji, Q.
Detection and Retrieval of Mineral Dust Aerosol Using AERI During the UAE2 Field Campaign: Potential Application To ARM Measurements*
Johnson, K.
An Automatic Doppler Spectrum Classifier for the MMCRs*
Radiative Closure Studies at the NSA ACRF Site*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
The New ARSCL-micro VAP*
Johnson, N.
A Comparison Between Principal Component and Self-Organizing Map Analyses*
Johnson, R.
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Joseph, E.
An Observed Signature of Aerosol Effect on Cloud Droplet Radii from a Decade of Observations at a Mid-Continental Site*
Jundt, R.
Ordering ARM Data: a Logical Integration of the Data Archive and ARM Program Website*
Kabanov, D.
Comparison of the Data of Airborne, Lidar and Photometric Sensing of Aerosol Parameters in the Cloudless Atmosphere
Spectral Dependences of the Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Depth of 0.4–4 Um
Kahn, B.
Interpretation of AIRS Data in Thin Cirrus Atmospheres Based on a Fast Radiative Transfer Model and ARM Data*
Understanding the AIRS, ARM, and MODIS Cloud Products by Cross-comparison*
Kaiser, D.
Investigation of New Alternatives for Data Access and Distribution from the ARM Archive, Poster
Kanniah, K.
Preliminary Investigations of the Role of Smoke Aerosols on Carbon Uptake of a Northern Australian Tropical Savanna
Kassianov, E.
A Climatology of Fair-Weather Cloud Cover at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains Site: Temporal and Spatial Variability
Dust Properties Derived from Multi-Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer Data in Niamey
Retrieving the Relative Number of Fine To Coarse Mode Aerosols from Ground-based Visible and Infrared Observation
Kehoe, K.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Data Quality Office – Real-Time Assessment of Instrument Performance
Using Historical ARM Measurements to Systematically Improve Quality Control Limits
Khairoutdinov, M.
Evaluation of the Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability of Climate as Simulated by a CSU Multi-Scale Modeling Framework*
Khaiyer, M.
Derivation of Improved Surface and Top of the Atmosphere Broadband Shortwave and Longwave Fluxes over Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Domains
Large-scale Cloud Properties and Radiative Fluxes Over Darwin During Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment
Overview of National Aeronautics and Space Agency Langley Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud Products and Validation
Using ARM Data To Correct Plane-parallel Satellite Retrievals of Cloud Properties*
Kiedron, P.
Spectrally Resolved Shortwave Flux at ARM: History and the Present Status of RSS
Kim, B.
Continental Liquid-phase Stratus Clouds at SGP: Meteorological Influences and Relationship To Adiabacity*
Kim, K.
A Reduction in Systematic Errors of a Bayesian Retrieval Algorithm*
Klein, M.
Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Observations of Low Vapor and Liquid Water Amounts in the Arctic Winter
The 2004 North Slope of Alaska Arctic Winter Radiometric Experiment: Overview and Recent Results
Klein, S.
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Testing Statistical Cloud Scheme Ideas in the GFDL Climate Model*
Validation of Global Weather Forecast and Climate Models over the North Slope of Alaska*
Knap, W.
Measurements and Model Calculations of Radiative Fluxes for the Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research, the Netherlands*
Knobelspiesse, K.
ALIVE Polarization Measurements
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Knuteson, R.
BBHRP Assessment Using Ground and Satellite-based High Spectral Resolution Infrared Observations*
The ARM Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI): Status and Preliminary Assessments of Instrument Deployments in 2006*
Time Series Analysis of AERI Radiances for GCM Testing and Improvement*
Knyazikhin, Y.
A New Model of Cloud Drop Distribution That Simulates the Observed Drop Clustering: Effect of Clustering on Extinction Coefficient Estimates*
Kogan, Y.
Assessing the Errors of Microphysical Retrievals Based on Doppler Radar Parameters
Improving the Representation of Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions in Numerical Models
Kogan, Z.
Assessing the Errors of Microphysical Retrievals Based on Doppler Radar Parameters
Kok, G.
Contrasting Properties of Single-Layer and Multi-Layer Arctic Stratus Sampled During the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment
Horizontal and Vertical Profiles of In-Situ Cloud Properties Measured During Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment
Kokhanenko, G.
Comparison of the Data of Airborne, Lidar and Photometric Sensing of Aerosol Parameters in the Cloudless Atmosphere
Kollias, P.
An ARSCL-based Cloud Type Climatology from Retrievals and It’s Use in Model Evaluation Studies*
An Automatic Doppler Spectrum Classifier for the MMCRs*
Analysis of Aerosol Indirect Effects in California Coastal Stratus and Fog*
Observations of Tropical Clouds from the Upgraded MMCR at Darwin and Comparisons With C-Pol and Satellite Observations*
The New ARSCL-micro VAP*
Towards a Characterization of Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds*
Tropical Cloud Life Cycle and Overlap Structure*
Using ARM TWP Nauru Observations To Evaluate a Simple Thermodynamic Model of the Subcloud Layer Under Fair-Weather Cumulus Conditions*
Koontz, A.
Maintaining History of the ARM Climate Research Facility Data*
Kozlov, V.
Comparison of the Data of Airborne, Lidar and Photometric Sensing of Aerosol Parameters in the Cloudless Atmosphere
Krajewski, W.
Hydro-Kansas (HK) Research Project: Tests of a Physical Basis of Statistical Self-Similarity in Peak Flows in the Whitewater Basin, Kansas*
Kreidenweis, S.
Continuous Flow Ice Thermal Diffusion Chamber Measurements of Ice Nuclei in the Arctic
Ice Nuclei Variability and Ice Formation in Mixed-phase Clouds
Krol, M.
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Kruger, A.
Hydro-Kansas (HK) Research Project: Tests of a Physical Basis of Statistical Self-Similarity in Peak Flows in the Whitewater Basin, Kansas*
Kumar, S.
Evaluation of Long-Term Cloud-Resolving Modeling With ARM Data*
Lacis, A.
ALIVE Polarization Measurements
Analysis of Langley Optical Depth Data, With Aerosol and Gas Retrievals, for the RSS 103 Instrument in Barrow, Alaska*
New Developments in Multi-filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer Data Analysis
Lamb, P.
Background Climatology for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Mobile Facility Deployment in Niamey: Mean Annual Cycle and 2004-2005 Interannual Variability
Lang, S.
Evaluation of Long-Term Cloud-Resolving Modeling With ARM Data*
Larsen, M.
A New Model of Cloud Drop Distribution That Simulates the Observed Drop Clustering: Effect of Clustering on Extinction Coefficient Estimates*
Lele, M.
Background Climatology for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Mobile Facility Deployment in Niamey: Mean Annual Cycle and 2004-2005 Interannual Variability
Leroy, S.
Time Series Analysis of AERI Radiances for GCM Testing and Improvement*
Leusky, V.
Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Observations of Low Vapor and Liquid Water Amounts in the Arctic Winter
The 2004 North Slope of Alaska Arctic Winter Radiometric Experiment: Overview and Recent Results
Lewis, E.
Direct Aerosol Forcing: Sensitivity To Uncertainty in Measurements of Aerosol Optical and Situational Properties*
Parameterizations for the Kelvin (Surface Tension) Effect on the Equilibrium Radius and Associated Optical Properties of a Hygroscopic Aerosol Particle*
Li, J.
The Impact of Using Different Parameterizations of Unresolved Horizontal Variability of Cloud Water in the CCCma GCM*
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Li, J.
BBHRP Assessment Using Ground and Satellite-based High Spectral Resolution Infrared Observations*
Li, Z.
Effect of Aerosol Humidification on the Column Aerosol Optical Thickness over the ARM Southern Great Plains Site*
The Impact of the Vertical Variation of Cloud Droplet Size on the Estimation of Cloud Liquid Water Path and Its Potential for Rain Detection
Liljegren, J.
Instrument Mentor Monthly Summary Reporting System*
Retrievals of Atmospheric Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles in the Arctic
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Lin, R.
Simulations of Cirrus Clouds Using An Explicit Cloud Model: Integrating ARM Water Vapor and Forcing Data for Analysis of Cirrus Formation and Evolution*
Liou, K.
Detection and Retrieval of Mineral Dust Aerosol Using AERI During the UAE2 Field Campaign: Potential Application To ARM Measurements*
Interpretation of AIRS Data in Thin Cirrus Atmospheres Based on a Fast Radiative Transfer Model and ARM Data*
Remote Sensing of Cirrus Particle Size Vertical Profile Using 1.38 μm Spectrum and MODIS/ARM Data*
Liu, G.
A New Assessment of the Aerosol First Indirect Effect*
A Reduction in Systematic Errors of a Bayesian Retrieval Algorithm*
Determination of 3-D Cloud Ice Water Contents by Combining Multiple Data Sources from Satellite, Ground Radar, and a Numerical Model*
Liu, X.
Prediction of Ice Crystal Number in Community Atmospheric Model (CAM3.0)*
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Liu, Y.
Analysis of Aerosol Indirect Effects in California Coastal Stratus and Fog*
Evolution of Droplet Size Distribution and Autoconversion Parameterization in Turbulent Clouds*
Relating Aerosol Properties To Cloud Condensation Nuclei Spectra and Cloud Properties
Livingston, J.
Cloud Properties Derived from Visible and Near-infrared Reflectance in the Presence of Aerosols*
Lo, C.
A Comparison of Cirrus Cloud Visible Optical Depth Derived from Lidar*
Long, C.
A Climatology of Fair-Weather Cloud Cover at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains Site: Temporal and Spatial Variability
An Evaluation of Cloud Cover, Cloud Effect, and Surface Radiation Budgets at the Tropical Western Pacific Darwin Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Site
Deployment of an Infrared Thermometer Network at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Southern Great Plains Climate Research Facility
Methodology for Calculating Spectral Surface Albedo Using ARM MFSR and MFR Data*
Preliminary Investigations of the Role of Smoke Aerosols on Carbon Uptake of a Northern Australian Tropical Savanna
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Surface Radiation Analyses from TWP-ICE
Surface Radiation Measurement Data Quality Assessment at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Tropical Western Pacific and North Slope of Alaska Sites
Los, A.
Measurements and Model Calculations of Radiative Fluxes for the Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research, the Netherlands*
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Love, S.
Active Cloud Probing With the Wide-Angle Imaging Lidar: Status and Outlook
Luke, E.
An Automatic Doppler Spectrum Classifier for the MMCRs*
The New ARSCL-micro VAP*
Tropical Cloud Life Cycle and Overlap Structure*
Luo, Z.
Convection Feedbacks in a Super-parameterization GCM*
Ma, Y.
A Comparison of Cloudiness Measures Derived from Longwave Measurements and Shortwave Sky Imagers*
Mace, G.
A TWP-ICE High-Level Cloud Case Study*
An Update and Status Report of the Mergedsounding VAP*
Evaluation of Cirrus Statistics Produced by General Circulation Models Using ARM Data*
Horizontal and Vertical Profiles of In-Situ Cloud Properties Measured During Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment
Interpretation of AIRS Data in Thin Cirrus Atmospheres Based on a Fast Radiative Transfer Model and ARM Data*
Tropical Anvil Cirrus Evolution from Observations and Numerical Simulations*
Makienko, E.
Comparison of the Data of Airborne, Lidar and Photometric Sensing of Aerosol Parameters in the Cloudless Atmosphere
Mantila, R.
Hydro-Kansas (HK) Research Project: Tests of a Physical Basis of Statistical Self-Similarity in Peak Flows in the Whitewater Basin, Kansas*
Marchand, R.
Comparison of Cloud Top Height and Optical Depth Histograms from ISCCP, MISR, and MODIS*
Marshak, A.
A New Model of Cloud Drop Distribution That Simulates the Observed Drop Clustering: Effect of Clustering on Extinction Coefficient Estimates*
Cloud Optical Depth Retrievals from Solar Background “Signal” of Micropulse Lidars
Martin, T.
Maintaining History of the ARM Climate Research Facility Data*
Mather, J.
An Update and Status Report of the Mergedsounding VAP*
Analysis of Cloud Distributions and Radiative Heating Rates Over the Tropical Western Pacific Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Project Sites
Analysis of Tropical Radiative Heating Profiles in the Multi-Scale Modeling Framework: a Comparison To Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Observations
Observations of Tropical Clouds from the Upgraded MMCR at Darwin and Comparisons With C-Pol and Satellite Observations*
Surface Radiation Analyses from TWP-ICE
The Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment: Overview*
Matrosov, S.
Rainfall Profiling Using ARM Millimeter Wavelength Cloud Radars
Mattioli, V.
The 2004 North Slope of Alaska Arctic Winter Radiometric Experiment: Overview and Recent Results
May, P.
Observations of Tropical Clouds from the Upgraded MMCR at Darwin and Comparisons With C-Pol and Satellite Observations*
Rainfall Profiling Using ARM Millimeter Wavelength Cloud Radars
The Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment: Overview*
Title: Radar-observed Convective Characteristics During TWP-ICE*
McClatchey, R.
Introducing SAM (Sun and Aureole Measurement), a New, Ground-based Capability for Measuring Cloud Optical Properties*
McComiskey, A.
Direct Aerosol Forcing: Sensitivity To Uncertainty in Measurements of Aerosol Optical and Situational Properties*
New Insights Into Aerosol Asymmetry Parameter
McCord, R.
Investigation of New Alternatives for Data Access and Distribution from the ARM Archive, Poster
Ordering ARM Data: a Logical Integration of the Data Archive and ARM Program Website*
McCoy, R.
ARM-UAV TWP-ICE Activities and Data*
ARM-UAV TWP-ICE Payload Instrumentation Details*
Horizontal and Vertical Profiles of In-Situ Cloud Properties Measured During Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment
McFarlane, S.
Analysis of Cloud Distributions and Radiative Heating Rates Over the Tropical Western Pacific Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Project Sites
Analysis of Tropical Radiative Heating Profiles in the Multi-Scale Modeling Framework: a Comparison To Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Observations
McFarquhar, G.
Algorithms for Processing Cloud Microphysical Data Acquired by Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Unmanned Aerospace Vehicle Applications to TWP-ICE
ARM-UAV TWP-ICE Activities and Data*
ARM-UAV TWP-ICE Payload Instrumentation Details*
Contrasting Properties of Single-Layer and Multi-Layer Arctic Stratus Sampled During the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment
Determination of Thermodynamic Cloud Phase and Dominant Ice Crystal Habit from Radiance Measurements
Horizontal and Vertical Profiles of In-Situ Cloud Properties Measured During Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment
Simulating Arctic Mixed-phase Clouds: Sensitivity To Environmental Conditions and Cloud Microphysics Processes*
McGraw, R.
Evolution of Droplet Size Distribution and Autoconversion Parameterization in Turbulent Clouds*
Relating Aerosol Properties To Cloud Condensation Nuclei Spectra and Cloud Properties
Mead, J.
W-band ARM Cloud Radar (WACR) Update and Status*
Mechem, D.
Assessing the Errors of Microphysical Retrievals Based on Doppler Radar Parameters
Improving the Representation of Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions in Numerical Models
Mendoza, A.
Raman Lidar and MPL Measurements During ALIVE*
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Menon, S.
Simulating Arctic Mixed-phase Clouds: Sensitivity To Environmental Conditions and Cloud Microphysics Processes*
Michalsky, J.
Direct Aerosol Forcing: Sensitivity To Uncertainty in Measurements of Aerosol Optical and Situational Properties*
Pyrgeometer Calibrations for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program: Updated Approach
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Miller, M.
An Automatic Doppler Spectrum Classifier for the MMCRs*
An Update and Status Report of the Mergedsounding VAP*
Analysis of Aerosol Indirect Effects in California Coastal Stratus and Fog*
Continental Liquid-phase Stratus Clouds at SGP: Meteorological Influences and Relationship To Adiabacity*
Radiative Closure Studies at the NSA ACRF Site*
Relating Aerosol Properties To Cloud Condensation Nuclei Spectra and Cloud Properties
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
The New ARSCL-micro VAP*
Min, Q.
An Observed Signature of Aerosol Effect on Cloud Droplet Radii from a Decade of Observations at a Mid-Continental Site*
Continental Liquid-phase Stratus Clouds at SGP: Meteorological Influences and Relationship To Adiabacity*
Surface Based Remote Sensing of Aerosol-cloud Interactions*
Minnis, P.
Characterization of Mixed-Phase Clouds During Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment from Satellite, Ground-Based, and In-Situ Data
Derivation of Improved Surface and Top of the Atmosphere Broadband Shortwave and Longwave Fluxes over Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Domains
Large-scale Cloud Properties and Radiative Fluxes Over Darwin During Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment
Overview of National Aeronautics and Space Agency Langley Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud Products and Validation
Using ARM Data To Correct Plane-parallel Satellite Retrievals of Cloud Properties*
Mitchell, D.
Impact of Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe Measured Ice Crystals on the Community Atmospheric Model
The Dependence of Cirrus Cloud-Property Retrievals on Size-Distribution Shape*
Mitchell, R.
Discrimination Between Thin Cirrus and and Tropospheric Aerosol Using Multiple Measurements from Darwin ARCS*
Mlawer, E.
An Update and Status Report of the Mergedsounding VAP*
Broadband Heating Rate Product Flux Profiles Compared to Cloud and Earth's Radiant Energy System Radiation Transfer Data Product
Radiative Closure Studies at the NSA ACRF Site*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Validation of TES Temperature and Water Vapor Retrievals With ARM Observations*
Moore, S.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Data Quality Office – Real-Time Assessment of Instrument Performance
Investigation of New Alternatives for Data Access and Distribution from the ARM Archive, Poster
Using Historical ARM Measurements to Systematically Improve Quality Control Limits
Moran, K.
Millimeter-Wave Cloud Radars - Review, Status, and Plans
Morcrette, J.
A Processor To Get UV-A and UV-B Radiation Products from the ECMWF Forecast System*
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Morris, V.
Deployment of an Infrared Thermometer Network at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Southern Great Plains Climate Research Facility
Morrison, H.
Impact of Aerosol on Mixed-phase Stratocumulus During MPACE in a Mesoscale Model With Two-moment Microphysics*
Moy, L.
BBHRP Assessment Using Ground and Satellite-based High Spectral Resolution Infrared Observations*
Retrieving the Relative Number of Fine To Coarse Mode Aerosols from Ground-based Visible and Infrared Observation
Murcray, F.
New Generation of the SORTI Instruments*
Myhre, G.
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Naud, C.
Cloud Overlap Dependence on Atmospheric Dynamics
Neggers, R.
A Dual Mass Flux Framework for Boundary Layer Convection*
Nelson, D.
Deployment of an Infrared Thermometer Network at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Southern Great Plains Climate Research Facility
Nguyen, L.
Large-scale Cloud Properties and Radiative Fluxes Over Darwin During Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment
Overview of National Aeronautics and Space Agency Langley Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud Products and Validation
Nordeen, M.
Derivation of Improved Surface and Top of the Atmosphere Broadband Shortwave and Longwave Fluxes over Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Domains
Large-scale Cloud Properties and Radiative Fluxes Over Darwin During Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment
Overview of National Aeronautics and Space Agency Langley Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud Products and Validation
O'Hirok, W.
The Sensitivity of Cloud Field Structure and Dynamics to Three-Dimensional Radiative Effects
Ogren, J.
Analysis of Aerosol Indirect Effects in California Coastal Stratus and Fog*
Direct Aerosol Forcing: Sensitivity To Uncertainty in Measurements of Aerosol Optical and Situational Properties*
New Insights Into Aerosol Asymmetry Parameter
Preliminary Results of In-situ Measurements of Aerosol Optical and Water Uptake Properties from the ARM Mobile Facility in Niger*
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Aerosol Observing Systems: Status and Planned Upgrades
Oreopoulos, L.
Investigation of Broadband Radiative Flux Changes Due To Increases in Cloud Droplet Number Concentrations
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Orr, B.
Developments and Accomplishments at the ARM Southern Great Plains Climate Research Facility During 2005
Ou, S.
Detection and Retrieval of Mineral Dust Aerosol Using AERI During the UAE2 Field Campaign: Potential Application To ARM Measurements*
Interpretation of AIRS Data in Thin Cirrus Atmospheres Based on a Fast Radiative Transfer Model and ARM Data*
Remote Sensing of Cirrus Particle Size Vertical Profile Using 1.38 μm Spectrum and MODIS/ARM Data*
Palanisamy, G.
Investigation of New Alternatives for Data Access and Distribution from the ARM Archive, Poster
Ordering ARM Data: a Logical Integration of the Data Archive and ARM Program Website*
Palikonda, R.
Derivation of Improved Surface and Top of the Atmosphere Broadband Shortwave and Longwave Fluxes over Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Domains
Large-scale Cloud Properties and Radiative Fluxes Over Darwin During Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment
Overview of National Aeronautics and Space Agency Langley Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud Products and Validation
Panchenko, M.
Comparison of the Data of Airborne, Lidar and Photometric Sensing of Aerosol Parameters in the Cloudless Atmosphere
Pazmany, A.
Ground-Based and Airborne (PMS 2-D Probe Canister-Mounted) 183 GHz Water Vapor Radiometer*
Penner, I.
Comparison of the Data of Airborne, Lidar and Photometric Sensing of Aerosol Parameters in the Cloudless Atmosphere
Penner, J.
Investigation of the Aerosol Indirect Effect During the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program’s March 2003 Aerosol Intensive Operational Period at Southern Great Plains: Sensitivity Tests
Prediction of Ice Crystal Number in Community Atmospheric Model (CAM3.0)*
Peppler, R.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Data Quality Office – Real-Time Assessment of Instrument Performance
Using Historical ARM Measurements to Systematically Improve Quality Control Limits
Peters-Lidard, C.
Evaluation of Long-Term Cloud-Resolving Modeling With ARM Data*
Petty, D.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Raman Lidar at Southern Great Plains: Performance and New Measurement Capabilities
Cirrus Extinction and Lidar Ratio Derived from Raman Lidar Measurements at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Southern Great Plains Site
Raman Lidar and MPL Measurements During ALIVE*
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Phan, D.
Derivation of Improved Surface and Top of the Atmosphere Broadband Shortwave and Longwave Fluxes over Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Domains
Large-scale Cloud Properties and Radiative Fluxes Over Darwin During Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment
Overview of National Aeronautics and Space Agency Langley Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud Products and Validation
Phillips, T.
Validation of Global Weather Forecast and Climate Models over the North Slope of Alaska*
Pilewskie, P.
A New Solar Irradiance Reference Spectrum*
Cloud Properties Derived from Visible and Near-infrared Reflectance in the Presence of Aerosols*
Deployment of a New Shortwave Spectroradiometer (SWS) at the SGP*
Pincus, R.
Representing Sub-Grid Scale Cloud Variability with Monte-Carlo Independent Column Approximation and RRTMG in the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Atmosphere Model, CAM3
Testing Statistical Cloud Scheme Ideas in the GFDL Climate Model*
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Using Information About Small-scale Variability in Water Vapor in a Convective Parameterization*
Pinto, J.
Impact of Aerosol on Mixed-phase Stratocumulus During MPACE in a Mesoscale Model With Two-moment Microphysics*
Platnick, S.
Cloud Properties Derived from Visible and Near-infrared Reflectance in the Presence of Aerosols*
Investigation of Broadband Radiative Flux Changes Due To Increases in Cloud Droplet Number Concentrations
Poellot, M.
A Case Study of Horizontal Variability in Arctic Cloud Microphysical Properties
Characterization of Mixed-Phase Clouds During Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment from Satellite, Ground-Based, and In-Situ Data
Contrasting Properties of Single-Layer and Multi-Layer Arctic Stratus Sampled During the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment
Polonsky, I.
Active Cloud Probing With the Wide-Angle Imaging Lidar: Status and Outlook
Pommier, J.
Deployment of a New Shortwave Spectroradiometer (SWS) at the SGP*
PopStefanija, I.
W-band ARM Cloud Radar (WACR) Update and Status*
Porch, W.
LES Modeling of High Resolution Satellite Cloud Spatial and Thermal Structure at ARM-SGP Site: How Well Can We Simulate Clouds from Space?*
Potter, G.
Validation of Global Weather Forecast and Climate Models over the North Slope of Alaska*
Prenni, A.
Continuous Flow Ice Thermal Diffusion Chamber Measurements of Ice Nuclei in the Arctic
Ice Nuclei Variability and Ice Formation in Mixed-phase Clouds
Raisanen, P.
Tests of Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation in the ECHAM5 Atmospheric GCM*
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Randall, D.
Evaluation of the Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability of Climate as Simulated by a CSU Multi-Scale Modeling Framework*
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Rasch, P.
Impact of Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe Measured Ice Crystals on the Community Atmospheric Model
Rasskazchikova, T.
A Climatology of Cloud Amount of Midlatitude Continental Clouds in Tomsk Region: Preliminary Results
Reda, I.
Pyrgeometer Calibrations for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program: Updated Approach
Redemann, J.
Cloud Properties Derived from Visible and Near-infrared Reflectance in the Presence of Aerosols*
Reisner, J.
LES Modeling of High Resolution Satellite Cloud Spatial and Thermal Structure at ARM-SGP Site: How Well Can We Simulate Clouds from Space?*
The LANL Cloud-Aerosol Model*
Revercomb, H.
Aircraft S-HIS Observations During MPACE*
BBHRP Assessment Using Ground and Satellite-based High Spectral Resolution Infrared Observations*
The ARM Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI): Status and Preliminary Assessments of Instrument Deployments in 2006*
Time Series Analysis of AERI Radiances for GCM Testing and Improvement*
Ricchiazzi, P.
Direct Aerosol Forcing: Sensitivity To Uncertainty in Measurements of Aerosol Optical and Situational Properties*
The Sensitivity of Cloud Field Structure and Dynamics to Three-Dimensional Radiative Effects
Riley, W.
Regional Scale Surface CO2 Exchange Estimates Using a Boundary Layer Budget Method over the Southern Great Plains*
Spatially Distributed CO2, Sensible, and Latent Heat Fluxes over the Southern Great Plains*
Ritsche, M.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Surface Meteorological Measurements
Roeder, L.
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Rogers, D.
Ice Nuclei Variability and Ice Formation in Mixed-phase Clouds
Rogers, D.
Continuous Flow Ice Thermal Diffusion Chamber Measurements of Ice Nuclei in the Arctic
Roman, M.
Assessment of Albedo Derived from the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer at the Southern Great Plains Site
Rosenfeld, D.
A New Research Aircraft for the Documentation of the Impacts of Pollution Aerosols on Clouds and Precipitation*
Rusk, D.
Developments and Accomplishments at the ARM Southern Great Plains Climate Research Facility During 2005
Russell, E.
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Russell, P.
Cloud Properties Derived from Visible and Near-infrared Reflectance in the Presence of Aerosols*
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Rutan, D.
Broadband Heating Rate Product Flux Profiles Compared to Cloud and Earth's Radiant Energy System Radiation Transfer Data Product
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Rutledge, K.
An Instrument Design Concept for Measuring Solar Diffuse Irradiance*
Sakerin, S.
Comparison of the Data of Airborne, Lidar and Photometric Sensing of Aerosol Parameters in the Cloudless Atmosphere
Spectral Dependences of the Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Depth of 0.4–4 Um
Salomon, J.
Assessment of Albedo Derived from the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer at the Southern Great Plains Site
Sassen, K.
Expansion of Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska in Time for the International Polar Year*
Schaaf, C.
Assessment of Albedo Derived from the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer at the Southern Great Plains Site
Schlemmer, J.
Spectrally Resolved Shortwave Flux at ARM: History and the Present Status of RSS
Schmid, B.
Raman Lidar and MPL Measurements During ALIVE*
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Schulz, M.
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Schumacher, C.
Title: Radar-observed Convective Characteristics During TWP-ICE*
Schuster, G.
An Instrument Design Concept for Measuring Solar Diffuse Irradiance*
Schwartz, S.
Continental Liquid-phase Stratus Clouds at SGP: Meteorological Influences and Relationship To Adiabacity*
Direct Aerosol Forcing: Sensitivity To Uncertainty in Measurements of Aerosol Optical and Situational Properties*
Parameterizations for the Kelvin (Surface Tension) Effect on the Equilibrium Radius and Associated Optical Properties of a Hygroscopic Aerosol Particle*
Schwarz, C.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Data Quality Office – Real-Time Assessment of Instrument Performance
Sednev, I.
Simulating Arctic Mixed-phase Clouds: Sensitivity To Environmental Conditions and Cloud Microphysics Processes*
Seland, �.
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Seo, E.
A Reduction in Systematic Errors of a Bayesian Retrieval Algorithm*
Determination of 3-D Cloud Ice Water Contents by Combining Multiple Data Sources from Satellite, Ground Radar, and a Numerical Model*
Shao, H.
A New Assessment of the Aerosol First Indirect Effect*
Shephard, M.
Validation of TES Temperature and Water Vapor Retrievals With ARM Observations*
Sheridan, P.
New Insights Into Aerosol Asymmetry Parameter
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Aerosol Observing Systems: Status and Planned Upgrades
Shi, Y.
Surface Radiation Measurement Data Quality Assessment at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Tropical Western Pacific and North Slope of Alaska Sites
Shie, C.
Evaluation of Long-Term Cloud-Resolving Modeling With ARM Data*
Shippert, T.
Broadband Heating Rate Product Flux Profiles Compared to Cloud and Earth's Radiant Energy System Radiation Transfer Data Product
Radiative Closure Studies at the NSA ACRF Site*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Shirer, N.
Internal Variability and Pattern Identification in Cirrus Cloud Structure Within the Fokker-Planck Equation Framework
Shmargunov, V.
Comparison of the Data of Airborne, Lidar and Photometric Sensing of Aerosol Parameters in the Cloudless Atmosphere
Shupe, M.
Characterization of Mixed-Phase Clouds During Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment from Satellite, Ground-Based, and In-Situ Data
Rainfall Profiling Using ARM Millimeter Wavelength Cloud Radars
Towards a Characterization of Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds*
Siebesma, P.
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Simpson, J.
Evaluation of Long-Term Cloud-Resolving Modeling With ARM Data*
Sisterson, D.
Developments and Accomplishments at the ARM Southern Great Plains Climate Research Facility During 2005
Sivaraman, C.
Determination of Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Extinction, Single Scatter Albedo and Asymmetry Parameter at Barrow.*
Maintaining History of the ARM Climate Research Facility Data*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Sklyadneva, T.
A Climatology of Cloud Amount of Midlatitude Continental Clouds in Tomsk Region: Preliminary Results
Smirnov, S.
A Climatology of Cloud Amount of Midlatitude Continental Clouds in Tomsk Region: Preliminary Results
Smith, W.
Large-scale Cloud Properties and Radiative Fluxes Over Darwin During Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment
Soden, B.
Lagrangian Diagnostics of Tropical Cirrus over TWP CART Sites*
Sonntag, K.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Data Quality Office – Real-Time Assessment of Instrument Performance
Using Historical ARM Measurements to Systematically Improve Quality Control Limits
Spangenberg, D.
Characterization of Mixed-Phase Clouds During Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment from Satellite, Ground-Based, and In-Situ Data
Large-scale Cloud Properties and Radiative Fluxes Over Darwin During Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment
Overview of National Aeronautics and Space Agency Langley Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud Products and Validation
Spencer, C.
An Overview of the SGP Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer*
Stair, A.
Introducing SAM (Sun and Aureole Measurement), a New, Ground-based Capability for Measuring Cloud Optical Properties*
Starr, D.
Simulations of Cirrus Clouds Using An Explicit Cloud Model: Integrating ARM Water Vapor and Forcing Data for Analysis of Cirrus Formation and Evolution*
Stephens, G.
Convection Feedbacks in a Super-parameterization GCM*
Extended Validation of An Optimal Estimation Cloud Property Retrieval Algorithm
Properties of Tropical Convection Observed by ARM Millimeter-radars*
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Stoffel, T.
Pyrgeometer Calibrations for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program: Updated Approach
Strahler, A.
Assessment of Albedo Derived from the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer at the Southern Great Plains Site
Takano, Y.
Remote Sensing of Cirrus Particle Size Vertical Profile Using 1.38 μm Spectrum and MODIS/ARM Data*
Takara, E.
A Comparison of Cloudiness Measures Derived from Longwave Measurements and Shortwave Sky Imagers*
Initial Stages of ICRCCM3: Intercomparison of Radiation Codes in Climate Models for Clouds in the Longwave*
Takemura, T.
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Taniguchi, K.
Boundary Layer Water Vapor Variation at the Southern Great Plains Site Derived from Multiyear Raman Lidar Measurements
Tao, W.
Evaluation of Long-Term Cloud-Resolving Modeling With ARM Data*
Tapper, N.
Preliminary Investigations of the Role of Smoke Aerosols on Carbon Uptake of a Northern Australian Tropical Savanna
Surface Radiation Analyses from TWP-ICE
Taylor, P.
A Study of the Probability of Clear Line of Sight through Single-Layer Cumulus Cloud Fields in the Tropical Western Pacific
Terpugova, S.
Comparison of the Data of Airborne, Lidar and Photometric Sensing of Aerosol Parameters in the Cloudless Atmosphere
Thompson, T.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Data Quality Office – Real-Time Assessment of Instrument Performance
Tobin, D.
BBHRP Assessment Using Ground and Satellite-based High Spectral Resolution Infrared Observations*
The ARM Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI): Status and Preliminary Assessments of Instrument Deployments in 2006*
Time Series Analysis of AERI Radiances for GCM Testing and Improvement*
Tooman, T.
ARM-UAV TWP-ICE Activities and Data*
ARM-UAV TWP-ICE Payload Instrumentation Details*
Horizontal and Vertical Profiles of In-Situ Cloud Properties Measured During Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment
Torn, M.
Regional Scale Surface CO2 Exchange Estimates Using a Boundary Layer Budget Method over the Southern Great Plains*
Spatially Distributed CO2, Sensible, and Latent Heat Fluxes over the Southern Great Plains*
Trepte, Q.
Characterization of Mixed-Phase Clouds During Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment from Satellite, Ground-Based, and In-Situ Data
Overview of National Aeronautics and Space Agency Langley Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud Products and Validation
Troyan, D.
An Update and Status Report of the Mergedsounding VAP*
Radiative Closure Studies at the NSA ACRF Site*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Truffer-Moudra, D.
Expansion of Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska in Time for the International Polar Year*
Truong, N.
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
Tsay, S.
Detection and Retrieval of Mineral Dust Aerosol Using AERI During the UAE2 Field Campaign: Potential Application To ARM Measurements*
Tselioudis, G.
An ARSCL-based Cloud Type Climatology from Retrievals and It’s Use in Model Evaluation Studies*
Turchinovich, S.
Comparison of the Data of Airborne, Lidar and Photometric Sensing of Aerosol Parameters in the Cloudless Atmosphere
Turner, D.
Aircraft S-HIS Observations During MPACE*
An Update and Status Report of the Mergedsounding VAP*
Analysis of Aerosol Indirect Effects in California Coastal Stratus and Fog*
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Raman Lidar at Southern Great Plains: Performance and New Measurement Capabilities
BBHRP Assessment Using Ground and Satellite-based High Spectral Resolution Infrared Observations*
Cirrus Extinction and Lidar Ratio Derived from Raman Lidar Measurements at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Southern Great Plains Site
Determination of Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Extinction, Single Scatter Albedo and Asymmetry Parameter at Barrow.*
Microphysical Properties of Thin Clouds Retrieved from Ground-Based Infrared Observations
Radiative Closure Studies at the NSA ACRF Site*
Raman Lidar and MPL Measurements During ALIVE*
Retrieving the Relative Number of Fine To Coarse Mode Aerosols from Ground-based Visible and Infrared Observation
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
The Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment - ALIVE
The ARM Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI): Status and Preliminary Assessments of Instrument Deployments in 2006*
The Vertical Distribution of Aerosols: Lidar Measurements versus Model Simulations
Validation of TES Temperature and Water Vapor Retrievals With ARM Observations*
Twohy, C.
Ice Nuclei Variability and Ice Formation in Mixed-phase Clouds
Um, J.
Determination of Thermodynamic Cloud Phase and Dominant Ice Crystal Habit from Radiance Measurements
Horizontal and Vertical Profiles of In-Situ Cloud Properties Measured During Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment
Vaillancourt, P.
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Model Intercomparison Project (McMIP)*
Valencia, S.
Cloud Optical Depth Retrievals from Solar Background “Signal” of Micropulse Lidars
Vallgren, A.
Title: Radar-observed Convective Characteristics During TWP-ICE*
Verlinde, J.
Contrasting Properties of Single-Layer and Multi-Layer Arctic Stratus Sampled During the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment
Veron, D.
Linking Cloud-radiation Parameterization Performance To Large-scale Dynamics
Vogelmann, A.
An Automatic Doppler Spectrum Classifier for the MMCRs*
Analysis of Aerosol Indirect Effects in California Coastal Stratus and Fog*
Observations of Tropical Clouds from the Upgraded MMCR at Darwin and Comparisons With C-Pol and Satellite Observations*
Tropical Cloud Life Cycle and Overlap Structure*
von Salzen, K.
The Impact of Using Different Parameterizations of Unresolved Horizontal Variability of Cloud Water in the CCCma GCM*
Wagener, R.
Instrument Mentor Monthly Summary Reporting System*
Ordering ARM Data: a Logical Integration of the Data Archive and ARM Program Website*
Updated and Improved Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Geographic Information System Data and Maps
Wang, M.
Prediction of Ice Crystal Number in Community Atmospheric Model (CAM3.0)*
Wang, X.
Remote Sensing of Cirrus Particle Size Vertical Profile Using 1.38 μm Spectrum and MODIS/ARM Data*
Wang, Z.
Boundary Layer Water Vapor Variation at the Southern Great Plains Site Derived from Multiyear Raman Lidar Measurements
Cloudy Assessment within an Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Pixel by Combining Moderate Resolution Spectroradiometer and ARM Program Ground-Based Lidar and Radar Measurements
The Seasonal and Interannual Variations of Mixed-phase Cloud Properties Observed at the North Slope of Alaska Site
Welton, E.
Cloud Optical Depth Retrievals from Solar Background “Signal” of Micropulse Lidars
Westwater, E.
Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Observations of Low Vapor and Liquid Water Amounts in the Arctic Winter
The 2004 North Slope of Alaska Arctic Winter Radiometric Experiment: Overview and Recent Results
Whiteman, D.
Cloudy Assessment within an Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Pixel by Combining Moderate Resolution Spectroradiometer and ARM Program Ground-Based Lidar and Radar Measurements
Whiteman, D.
Expansion of Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska in Time for the International Polar Year*
Widener, K.
An Automatic Doppler Spectrum Classifier for the MMCRs*
Millimeter-Wave Cloud Radars - Review, Status, and Plans
W-band ARM Cloud Radar (WACR) Update and Status*
Williams, I.
Regional Scale Surface CO2 Exchange Estimates Using a Boundary Layer Budget Method over the Southern Great Plains*
Wiscombe, W.
A New Model of Cloud Drop Distribution That Simulates the Observed Drop Clustering: Effect of Clustering on Extinction Coefficient Estimates*
Cloud Optical Depth Retrievals from Solar Background “Signal” of Micropulse Lidars
Wong, E.
Study on the Use of Atmospheric Radiation Measurements for the Validation of National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System/Visible/Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite Cloud Products, Poster
Wood, N.
Extended Validation of An Optimal Estimation Cloud Property Retrieval Algorithm
Woodley, W.
A New Research Aircraft for the Documentation of the Impacts of Pollution Aerosols on Clouds and Precipitation*
Wu, J.
Simulation of Frontal Clouds Using the NCAR CAM3 During the ARM March 2000 IOP*
Xi, B.
Using ARM Data To Correct Plane-parallel Satellite Retrievals of Cloud Properties*
Xie, S.
Evaluation of Long-Term Cloud-Resolving Modeling With ARM Data*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Validation of Global Weather Forecast and Climate Models over the North Slope of Alaska*
Xu, K.
Sensitivity of Boundary-layer and Deep Convective Cloud Simulations To Vertical Resolution*
Yang, F.
Parameterizing the Dependence of Surface Albedo on Solar Zenith Angle Using Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Observations
Yang, P.
Interpretation of AIRS Data in Thin Cirrus Atmospheres Based on a Fast Radiative Transfer Model and ARM Data*
Simulations of Cirrus Clouds Using An Explicit Cloud Model: Integrating ARM Water Vapor and Forcing Data for Analysis of Cirrus Formation and Evolution*
Yi, H.
Derivation of Improved Surface and Top of the Atmosphere Broadband Shortwave and Longwave Fluxes over Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Domains
Overview of National Aeronautics and Space Agency Langley Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud Products and Validation
Yue, Q.
Interpretation of AIRS Data in Thin Cirrus Atmospheres Based on a Fast Radiative Transfer Model and ARM Data*
Zak, B.
Expansion of Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska in Time for the International Polar Year*
Zeng, X.
Evaluation of Long-Term Cloud-Resolving Modeling With ARM Data*
Zhang, G.
Contrasting Properties of Single-Layer and Multi-Layer Arctic Stratus Sampled During the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment
Zhang, G.
Test of An Improved Convection Scheme in the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate System Model (CCSM3)
Zhang, M.
Evaluation of Long-Term Cloud-Resolving Modeling With ARM Data*
Simulation of Frontal Clouds Using the NCAR CAM3 During the ARM March 2000 IOP*
Status of the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP*
Zhu, X.
Preliminary Investigations of the Role of Smoke Aerosols on Carbon Uptake of a Northern Australian Tropical Savanna
Zhuravleva, T.
A Climatology of Cloud Amount of Midlatitude Continental Clouds in Tomsk Region: Preliminary Results
Zirzow, J.
Expansion of Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska in Time for the International Polar Year*
Zuev, V.
Influence of Long-Period Variations of Total Ozone Content on Climate Change in Twentieth Century*
Zueva, N.
Influence of Long-Period Variations of Total Ozone Content on Climate Change in Twentieth Century*