Federal Funding Report





                 This Federal Funding Report is a weekly compilation of items published in the Federal Register which affect Federal domestic assistance programs. No attempt is made to include Federal Register notices not directly related to Grants and Loans programs.  The summary consists of three parts:  (1) Federal Register Summary, (2) Early Warning Grants Report, and (3) Disaster Loan Applications.


                Periodically, a Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number will not be listed in the announcement.  There are two (2) basic reasons for this: 1) a CFDA number has been applied for and not yet received, or 2) the CFDA number has not been put in by the agency yet.  Please call the contact person listed in the Federal Register announcement for the correct CFDA number. The new number should appear in the next edition of the CFDA, which is published in June and December of each year.



                PART 1.                 FEDERAL REGISTER SUMMARY


(Each week, HIR summarizes information from Federal Register announcements that may significantly affect grants programs.  The Federal Register is available online from GPO Access at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/aces140.html.)  The House of Representatives' Federal Funding Report contains the following sections:


I.                     Availability of Funds - An expansion of the highlights, including synopsis on

              Notice, CFDA, and Federal Register references


                                                II.            Notice of Rules - Synopsis of rule-making notices affecting Grants with                                                                  CFDA  and Federal Register References


III.           Other Federal Register Notices - For items not falling into the Rules or Availability sections


                PART 2.                 EARLY WARNING GRANTS REPORT


(Listing of programs for which applications are being especially solicited and which have been mentioned in the Federal Register in recent weeks, listed in order of expiration date).


                PART 3.                 DISASTER LOAN APPLICATIONS


(Listing of areas for which Disaster Loan Programs are open, those with the most immediate closing dates listed first, those with the most recent disasters at the end.  This part is divided into two sections, reflecting type of loan.)


                                                I.              Economic Injury Loans - For business losses


II.            Physical Disaster Loans - For repair and replacement of real and

              personal property









HOUSE INFORMATION RESOURCES           WEEK OF:  August 25, 2008 – September 05, 2008


This section contains summaries of those Federal Register entries appearing during the last 2 weeks, which may significantly affect Federal domestic assistance programs.  For detailed information about a specific assistance program, the program can be found in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) by looking it up by its 5-digit program number.  Each summary represents H.I.R.'s interpretation of the major import of an entry and does not reflect the full content of the Federal Register announcement. Consult the Federal Register for the full text of items of interest.




DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#: 59.002  

PROGRAM TITLE: Economic Injury Disaster Loan

FR Date: 08/27/08                                                                    PAGE:  50665    DEADLINE: 05/14/09

CONTACT: A. Escobar                                                                                                     TELEPHONE: Not Listed

SUMMARY: Major Disaster Declaration #11393 for the State of New Mexico, in the Counties of Lincoln, and Otero, and the contiguous Counties of New Mexico, Chaves, De Baca, Dona Ana, Eddy, Guadalupe, Sierra, Socorro, and Torrance; due to Severe Storms and Flooding occurring 07/28/08 and continuing. .  


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#: 59.008  

PROGRAM TITLE: Physical Disaster Loan

FR Date: 08/27/08                                                                    PAGE:  50665    DEADLINE: 10/14/08

CONTACT: A. Escobar                                                                                                     TELEPHONE: Not Listed

SUMMARY: Major Disaster Declaration #11393 for the State of New Mexico, in the Counties of Lincoln, and Otero; due to Severe Storms and Flooding occurring 07/28/08 and continuing. . 


DEPARTMENT: Small Business Administration              CFDA#:  59.002

PROGRAM TITLE:  Economic Injury Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 08/27/08                                                                    PAGE: 50665                    DEADLINE: 05/20/09

CONTACT: A. Escobar                                                                                                     TELEPHONE: Not Listed

SUMMARY: Disaster Declaration #11382 and 11383 for the State of Pennsylvania in the County of Montgomery, and the contiguous Counties of  Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, and Philadelphia; due to an Apartment Complex Fire that occurred on 08/20/08.


DEPARTMENT: Small Business Administration              CFDA#:  59.008

PROGRAM TITLE:  Physical Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 08/27/08                                                                    PAGE: 50665                    DEADLINE: 10/20/08

CONTACT: A. Escobar                                                                                                     TELEPHONE: Not Listed

SUMMARY: Disaster Declaration #11382 and 11383 for the State of Pennsylvania in the County of Montgomery, and the contiguous Counties of  Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, and Philadelphia; due to an Apartment Complex Fire that occurred on 08/20/08.









DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#:  59.002

PROGRAM TITLE:  Economic Injury Disaster Loans

FR Date: 08/27/08                                                                    PAGE: 50666     DEADLINE: 05/15/09

CONTACT: A. Escobar                                                                                                     TELEPHONE: Not Listed

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster Declaration #11394 for the State of Vermont in the Counties of Caledonia, Grand Isle, Lamoille and the contiguous Counties of Chittenden, Essex, Franklin, Orange, Orleans, and Washington; and the State of New Hampshire in the County of Grafton and the State of New York in the County of Clinton, due to Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding occurring on 07/18/08.  


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#:  59.00  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Physical Disaster Loans

FR Date: 08/27/08                                                                    PAGE: 50666     DEADLINE:  10/14/08

CONTACT: A. Escobar                                                                                                     TELEPHONE: Not Listed

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster Declaration #11394 for the State of Vermont in the Counties of Caledonia, Grand Isle, and Lamoille; due to Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding occurring on 07/18/08. 


DEPARTMENT:  Agriculture                                               CFDA#: 10.778                 AMOUNT: $491,535

PROGRAM TITLE: Research on the Economic Impact of Cooperatives

FR Date: 08/25/08                                                                    PAGE: 49985     DEADLINE: 09/19/08

CONTACT: http:// www.rurdev.usda.gov/rbs/coops                                                  TELEPHONE:

SUMMARY:  Applications are invited for the Research on the Economic Impact of Cooperatives, for fiscal year 2008.. 


DEPARTMENT: Health and Human Services                   CFDA#: 93.583 AMOUNT: $125,163

PROGRAM TITLE:  Single Source Program Expansion Supplement

FR Date:  09/03/08                                                                   PAGE: 51499     DEADLINE: 09/30/05

CONTACT:  Carl Rubenstein                                                                                            TELEPHONE: 202 205-5933

SUMMARY: Applications are invited for Single Source Program Expansion Supplement, for fiscal year 2008 . 


DEPARTMENT: Labor                                                          CFDA#: 17.261 AMOUNT: $5,700,000

PROGRAM TITLE: Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) for Prisoner Re-entry Initiative Grants

FR Date: 09/05/08                                                                    PAGE:  51850    DEADLINE: 11/04/08

CONTACT:  http://www.grants.gov                                                                                TELEPHONE:

SUMMARY:  Applications are invited for Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) for Prisoner Re-entry Initiative Grants, for FY 2008.







DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                       CFDA#: 97.022

PROGRAM TITLE:  Flood Insurance                              

FR Date: 09/03/08                                                                                                PAGE:  51400

CONTACT: William Blanton, Jr.                                                                       TELEPHONE: 202 646-3151

SUMMARY:  Proposed rule regarding Flood Insurance in certain areas.










DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.030

PROGRAM TITLE: Community Disaster Loans

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50978

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Hampshire resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 24, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.031

PROGRAM TITLE: Coral Brown Fund Program

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50978

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Hampshire resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 24, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.032

PROGRAM TITLE: Crisis Counseling

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50978

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Hampshire resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 24, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.033

PROGRAM TITLE: Disaster Legal Services

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50978

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Hampshire resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 24, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.034

PROGRAM TITLE: Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50978

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Hampshire resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 24, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.046

PROGRAM TITLE: Fire Management Assistance Grants

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50978

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Hampshire resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 24, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.048

PROGRAM TITLE: Disaster Housing Assistance to Individuals and Households in Presidentially Declared Disaster Areas

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50978

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Hampshire resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 24, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.049

PROGRAM TITLE: Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance-Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals and Households

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50978

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Hampshire resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 24, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.050

PROGRAM TITLE: Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households-Other Needs

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50978

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Hampshire resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 24, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.036

PROGRAM TITLE: Disaster Grants – Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters)

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50978

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Hampshire resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 24, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.039

PROGRAM TITLE: Hazard Mitigation Grant

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50978

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Hampshire resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 24, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.030

PROGRAM TITLE: Community Disaster Loans

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE: 50978

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                TELEPHONE: 202 646-2705

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Mexico resulting from Severe Storms and Flooding beginning July 26, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.031

PROGRAM TITLE: Coral Brown Fund Program

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE: 50978

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                TELEPHONE: 202 646-2705

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Mexico resulting from Severe Storms and Flooding beginning July 26, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.032

PROGRAM TITLE: Crisis Counseling

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE: 50978

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                TELEPHONE: 202 646-2705

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Mexico resulting from Severe Storms and Flooding beginning July 26, 2008, and continuing.




DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.033

PROGRAM TITLE: Disaster Legal Services

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE: 50978

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                TELEPHONE: 202 646-2705

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Mexico resulting from Severe Storms and Flooding beginning July 26, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.034

PROGRAM TITLE: Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE: 50978

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                TELEPHONE: 202 646-2705

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Mexico resulting from Severe Storms and Flooding beginning July 26, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.046

PROGRAM TITLE: Fire Management Assistance Grant

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE: 50978

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                TELEPHONE: 202 646-2705

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Mexico resulting from Severe Storms and Flooding beginning July 26, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.048

PROGRAM TITLE: Disaster Housing Assistance to Individuals and Households in Presidentially Declared Areas

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE: 50978

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                TELEPHONE: 202 646-2705

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Mexico resulting from Severe Storms and Flooding beginning July 26, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.049

PROGRAM TITLE: Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance-Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals and Households

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE: 50978

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                TELEPHONE: 202 646-2705

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Mexico resulting from Severe Storms and Flooding beginning July 26, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.050

PROGRAM TITLE: Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households-Other Needs

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE: 50978

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                TELEPHONE: 202 646-2705

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Mexico resulting from Severe Storms and Flooding beginning July 26, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.036

PROGRAM TITLE: Disaster Grants-Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters)

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE: 50978

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                TELEPHONE: 202 646-2705

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Mexico resulting from Severe Storms and Flooding beginning July 26, 2008, and continuing.



DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.039

PROGRAM TITLE: Hazard Mitigation Grant

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE: 50978

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                TELEPHONE: 202 646-2705

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of New Mexico resulting from Severe Storms and Flooding beginning July 26, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.030

PROGRAM TITLE:  Common Disaster Loans                

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50979

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of Vermont resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 18, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.031

PROGRAM TITLE:  Coral Brown Fund Program           

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50979

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of Vermont resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 18, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.032

PROGRAM TITLE:  Crisis Counseling                            

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50979

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of Vermont resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 18, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.033

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Legal Services                  

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50979

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of Vermont resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 18, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.034

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)             

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50979

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of Vermont resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 18, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.046

PROGRAM TITLE:  Fire Management Assistance Grant           

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50979

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of Vermont resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 18, 2008.





DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.048

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Housing Assistance to Individuals and Households in Presidentially Declared Disaster Areas    

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50979

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of Vermont resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 18, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.049

PROGRAM TITLE:  Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance –Disaster Housing Operations for Individual and Households              

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50979

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of Vermont resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 18, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.050

PROGRAM TITLE:  Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households-Other Need

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50979

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of Vermont resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 18, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.036

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Grants-Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters)               

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50979

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of Vermont resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 18, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.039

PROGRAM TITLE:  Hazard Mitigation Grant                

FR Date: 08/29/08                                                                                                                                PAGE:  50979

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations in certain areas of the State of Vermont resulting from Severe Storms, a Tornado, and Flooding on July 18, 2008.






















 Below are deadlines for the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Programs that have appeared in the Federal Register in the past several weeks.





DEADLINE              CFDA NUMBER                                               PROGRAM TITLE











59.002   ECONOMIC INJURY DISASTER LOANS                                    CLOSING DATE:







59.008   PHYSICAL DISASTER LOANS                                                                      CLOSING DATE: