Web Systems Branch




                 This Federal Funding Report is a weekly compilation of items published in the Federal Register which affect Federal domestic assistance programs. No attempt is made to include Federal Register notices not directly related to Grants and Loans programs.  The summary consists of three parts:  (1) Federal Register Summary, (2) Early Warning Grants Report, and (3) Disaster Loan Applications.


                Periodically, a Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number will not be listed in the announcement.  There are two (2) basic reasons for this: 1) a CFDA number has been applied for and not yet received, or 2) the CFDA number has not been put in by the agency yet.  Please call the contact person listed in the Federal Register announcement for the correct CFDA number. The new number should appear in the next edition of the CFDA, which is published in June and December of each year.



                PART 1.                 FEDERAL REGISTER SUMMARY


(Each week, HIR summarizes information from Federal Register announcements that may significantly affect grants programs.  The Federal Register is available online from GPO Access at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/aces140.html.)  The House of Representatives' Federal Funding Report contains the following sections:


I.                     Availability of Funds - An expansion of the highlights, including synopsis on

              Notice, CFDA, and Federal Register references


                                                II.            Notice of Rules - Synopsis of rule-making notices affecting Grants with                                                                  CFDA  and Federal Register References


III.           Other Federal Register Notices - For items not falling into the Rules or Availability sections


                PART 2.                 EARLY WARNING GRANTS REPORT


(Listing of programs for which applications are being especially solicited and which have been mentioned in the Federal Register in recent weeks, listed in order of expiration date).


                PART 3.                 DISASTER LOAN APPLICATIONS


(Listing of areas for which Disaster Loan Programs are open, those with the most immediate closing dates listed first, those with the most recent disasters at the end.  This part is divided into two sections, reflecting type of loan.)


                                                I.              Economic Injury Loans - For business losses


II.            Physical Disaster Loans - For repair and replacement of real and

              personal property




HOUSE INFORMATION RESOURCES           WEEK OF:  June 30, 2008 – July 18, 2008



This section contains summaries of those Federal Register entries appearing during the last 2 weeks, which may significantly affect Federal domestic assistance programs.  For detailed information about a specific assistance program, the program can be found in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) by looking it up by its 5-digit program number.  Each summary represents H.I.R.'s interpretation of the major import of an entry and does not reflect the full content of the Federal Register announcement. Consult the Federal Register for the full text of items of interest.





DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                  CFDA#: 93.583                  AMOUNT: $1,312,414          

PROGRAM TITLE: The Wilson-Fish Program       

FR Date: 07/10/08                                                                    PAGE:  39704    DEADLINE:  None Listed  

CONTACT:   Carl Rubenstein                                                                                           TELEPHONE: 202 205-5933             

SUMMARY: Applications are invited for  The Wilson-Fish program, Single Source Program Expansion Supplement for fiscal year 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Housing and Urban Development       CFDA#: 14.235                  AMOUNT: $1,042,000  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Supportive Housing Program (SHP) 

                                      Shelter Plus Care (S+C)                                       14.238

                                      Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation                     14.249          

FR Date:  07/10/08                                                                   PAGE: 39840     DEADLINE: 09/15/08   

CONTACT:  SuperNOFA                                                                                                  TELEPHONE:  800 483-8929             

SUMMARY:  Applications are invited for Supportive Housing Program, Shelter Plus Care, and Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (SRO), for fiscal year 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Education                                                 CFDA#:  84.133                 AMOUNT: $950,000          

PROGRAM TITLE: Technologies for Successful Aging with Disabilities              

FR Date:  07/15/08                                                                   PAGE:  40541    DEADLINE: 08/29/08   

CONTACT: Donna Nangle                                                                                               TELEPHONE: 202 245-7462              

SUMMARY: Applications are invited for Technologies for Successful Aging with Disabilities, for fiscal year 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Education                                                 CFDA#: 84.326A               AMOUNT: $1,700,000          

PROGRAM TITLE: The IDEA Partnership Project              

FR Date: 07/15/08                                                                    PAGE: 40548     DEADLINE:  08/14/08  

CONTACT: Debra Price-Ellingstad                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 245-7481              

SUMMARY: Applications are invited for the IDEA Partnership Project for fiscal year 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Education                                                 CFDA#: 84.326N               AMOUNT: $800,000          

PROGRAM TITLE: National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities           

FR Date: 07/15/08                                                                    PAGE: 40548     DEADLINE: 08/14/08   

CONTACT:  Judy Shanley                                                                                                TELEPHONE: 202 245-6538              

SUMMARY: Applications are invited for the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, for fiscal year 2008.





DEPARTMENT: Small Business Administration                                                                          CFDA#: 59.008                      

PROGRAM TITLE: Physical Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 07/08/08                                                                    PAGE: 39068     DEADLINE: 08/25/08   

CONTACT: Alan Escobar                                                                                                 TELEPHONE:  None Listed             

SUMMARY: Declaration of Physical Disaster  Loan #11308 in the Primary Counties of Adams, Calhoun, Clark, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Hancock, Henderson, Jasper, Lawrence, Mercer, Pike, and Rock Island  for the State of Illinois resulting from severe storms and flooding occurring on June 01, 2008 and continuing.



DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration                                                          CFDA#: 59.002         

PROGRAM TITLE: Economic Injury Disaster Loans             

FR Date: 07/10/08                                                                    PAGE: 39777                     DEADLINE:  04/03/09  

CONTACT:  A. Escobar                                                                                                    TELEPHONE: None Listed              

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Economic Injury Disaster Loan #11313 and 11314 in the Primary County of Norfolk and the contiguous Counties of Bristol, Middlesex, Plymouth, Suffolk, and Worcester resulting from an Apartment Fire occurring on June 14, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration                                                          CFDA#: 59.008         

PROGRAM TITLE: Physical Disaster Loans             

FR Date: 07/10/08                                                                    PAGE: 39777                     DEADLINE:  09/02/08  

CONTACT:  A. Escobar                                                                                                    TELEPHONE: None Listed              

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Physical  Disaster Loan #11313 and 11314 in the Primary County of Norfolk and the contiguous Counties of Bristol, Middlesex, Plymouth, Suffolk, and Worcester resulting from an Apartment Fire occurring on June 14, 2008.
































DEPARTMENT:  Education                                                                                              CFDA#:   84.032                    

PROGRAM TITLE:   Federal Family Education Loan Program            

FR Date: 07/01/08                                                                    PAGE:  37694     

CONTACT:  Nikki Harris                                                                                                   TELEPHONE: 202 219-7050              

SUMMARY:  Proposed Rule regarding the Federal Family Education Loan, comments to be received by August 15, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Education                                                                                              CFDA#: 84.038                     

PROGRAM TITLE:   Federal Perkins Loan Program            

FR Date:  07/01/08                                                                   PAGE:   37694      

CONTACT:   Nikki Harris                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 219-7050              

SUMMARY:  Proposed Rule regarding the Federal Perkins Loan Program, comments to be received by August 15, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Education                                                                                              CFDA#:  84.268                 

PROGRAM TITLE: William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program     

FR Date: 07/01/08                                                                  PAGE:  37694  

CONTACT:   Nikki Harris                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 219-7050             

SUMMARY: Proposed Rule regarding the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, comments to be received by August 15, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Agriculture                                                                                            CFDA#:   10.567                    

PROGRAM TITLE:  Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations             

FR Date: 07/03/08                                                                    PAGE:   38155      

CONTACT: Lillie F. Ragan                                                                                                TELEPHONE:  703 305-2662             

SUMMARY:  Proposed Rule regarding the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations.












DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.030                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Community Disaster Loans             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886              

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Nebraska resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding beginning on May 22, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.031                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Coral Brown Fund             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Nebraska resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding beginning on May 22, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.032                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Crisis Counseling             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Nebraska resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding beginning on May 22, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.033                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Legal Services             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Nebraska resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding beginning on May 22, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.034                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Nebraska resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding beginning on May 22, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.046                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Fire Management Assistance Grant             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Nebraska resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding beginning on May 22, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.048                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Housing Assistance to Individuals and Households in Presidential Declared Disaster Areas             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Nebraska resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding beginning on May 22, 2008, and continuing.



DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.049                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Presidential Declared Disaster Assistance-Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals and Households             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Nebraska resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding beginning on May 22, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                  CFDA#:   97.050                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Presidential Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households-Other Need             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Nebraska resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding beginning on May 22, 2008, and continuing.



DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.036                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Grants-Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters)        

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Nebraska resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding beginning on May 22, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.039                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Hazard Mitigation Grant             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Nebraska resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding beginning on May 22, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.030                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Community Disaster Loans             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of West Virginia resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, mudslides, and landslides during the period of June 3-7, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.031                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Coral Brown Fund             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of West Virginia resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, mudslides, and landslides during the period of June 3-7, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.032                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Crisis Counseling             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of West Virginia resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, mudslides, and landslides during the period of June 3-7, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.033                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Legal Services             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of West Virginia resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, mudslides, and landslides during the period of June 3-7, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.034                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of West Virginia resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, mudslides, and landslides during the period of June 3-7, 2008.

DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.046                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Fire Management Assistance Grant             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of West Virginia resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, mudslides, and landslides during the period of June 3-7, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.048                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Housing Assistance to Individuals and Households in Presidential Declared Disaster Areas             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of West Virginia resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, mudslides, and landslides during the period of June 3-7, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.049                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Presidential Declared Disaster Assistance-Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals and Households             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886              

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of West Virginia resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, mudslides, and landslides during the period of June 3-7, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.050                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Presidential Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households-Other Need             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of West Virginia resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, mudslides, and landslides during the period of June 3-7, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.036                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Grants-Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters)        

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of West Virginia resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, mudslides, and landslides during the period of June 3-7, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency and Management Agency                   CFDA#:   97.039                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Hazard Mitigation Grant             

FR Date:  06/30/08                                                                   PAGE:   36884      

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of West Virginia resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, mudslides, and landslides during the period of June 3-7, 2008.





DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.030                 

PROGRAM TITLE:  Community Disaster Loans    

FR Date:  07/03/08                                                                                                               PAGE: 38237

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of  Illinois resulting severe storms and flooding beginning on June 1, 2008 and continuing.



DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.031                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Coral Brown Fund Program    

FR Date:  07/03/08                                                                                                               PAGE: 38237

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of  Illinois resulting severe storms and flooding beginning on June 1, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.032               

PROGRAM TITLE:  Crisis Counseling    

FR Date:  07/03/08                                                                                                               PAGE: 38237

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of  Illinois resulting severe storms and flooding beginning on June 1, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.033                 

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Legal Services Program    

FR Date:  07/03/08                                                                                                               PAGE: 38237

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of  Illinois resulting severe storms and flooding beginning on June 1, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.034                 

PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)    

FR Date:  07/03/08                                                                                                               PAGE: 38237

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of  Illinois resulting severe storms and flooding beginning on June 1, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.046                 

PROGRAM TITLE:  Fire Management Assistance    

FR Date:  07/03/08                                                                                                               PAGE: 38237

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of  Illinois resulting severe storms and flooding beginning on June 1, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.048                 

PROGRAM TITLE:  Individual and Household Housing    

FR Date:  07/03/08                                                                                                               PAGE: 38237

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of  Illinois resulting severe storms and flooding beginning on June 1, 2008 and continuing.




DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.049                

PROGRAM TITLE:  Individual and Household Disaster Housing Operations    

FR Date:  07/03/08                                                                                                               PAGE: 38237

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Illinois resulting severe storms and flooding beginning on June 1, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.050                 

PROGRAM TITLE:  Individual and Household Program-Other Needs    

FR Date:  07/03/08                                                                                                               PAGE: 38237

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Illinois resulting severe storms and flooding beginning on June 1, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.036                 

PROGRAM TITLE:  Public Assistance Grants    

FR Date:  07/03/08                                                                                                               PAGE: 38237

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Illinois resulting severe storms and flooding beginning on June 1, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                       CFDA#:  97.039                 

PROGRAM TITLE:  Hazard Mitigation Grant Program    

FR Date:  07/03/08                                                                                                               PAGE: 38237

CONTACT: Peggy Miller                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886             

SUMMARY:  Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Illinois resulting severe storms and flooding beginning on June 1, 2008 and continuing.



DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                         CFDA#:   97.030    PROGRAM TITLE:  Community Disaster Loans             

FR Date: 07/03/08                                                                                                                  PAGE:  38237       

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                 TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886              

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Minnesota resulting from severe storms and flooding beginning June 7, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                         CFDA#:   97.031    PROGRAM TITLE:  Coral Brown Fund             

FR Date: 07/03/08                                                                                                                  PAGE:  38237       

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                 TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886              

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Minnesota resulting from severe storms and flooding beginning June 7, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                         CFDA#:   97.032    PROGRAM TITLE:  Crisis Counseling             

FR Date: 07/03/08                                                                                                                  PAGE:  38237       

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                 TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886              

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Minnesota resulting from severe storms and flooding beginning June 7, 2008 and continuing.




DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                         CFDA#:   97.033    PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Legal Services

FR Date: 07/03/08                                                                                                                  PAGE:  38237       

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                 TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886              

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Minnesota resulting from severe storms and flooding beginning June 7, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                         CFDA#:   97.034   PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Unemployment Assistance   (DUA)          

FR Date: 07/03/08                                                                                                                  PAGE:  38237       

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                 TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886              

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Minnesota resulting from severe storms and flooding beginning June 7, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                         CFDA#:   97.046    PROGRAM TITLE:  Fire Management Assistance Grant             

FR Date: 07/03/08                                                                                                                  PAGE:  38237       

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                 TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886              

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Minnesota resulting from severe storms and flooding beginning June 7, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                         CFDA#:   97.048    PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Housing Assistance to Individuals and Households in Presidential Declared Disaster Areas

FR Date: 07/03/08                                                                                                                  PAGE:  38237       

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                 TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886              

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Minnesota resulting from severe storms and flooding beginning June 7, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Agency                                                 CFDA#:   97.049   

PROGRAM TITLE:  President Declared Disaster Assistance-Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals and Households        

FR Date: 07/03/08                                                                                                                  PAGE:  38237       

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                 TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886              

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Minnesota resulting from severe storms and flooding beginning June 7, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                         CFDA#:   97.050   PROGRAM TITLE:  Presidential Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households-Other Needs             

FR Date: 07/03/08                                                                                                                  PAGE:  38237       

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                 TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886              

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Minnesota resulting from severe storms and flooding beginning June 7, 2008 and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                         CFDA#:   97.036    PROGRAM TITLE:  Disaster Grants – Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters)            

FR Date: 07/03/08                                                                                                                  PAGE:  38237       

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                 TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886               

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Minnesota resulting from severe storms and flooding beginning June 7, 2008 and continuing.



DEPARTMENT:  Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                         CFDA#:   97.039    PROGRAM TITLE:  Hazard Mitigation Grants             

FR Date: 07/03/08                                                                                                                  PAGE:  38237       

CONTACT:  Peggy Miller                                                                                                 TELEPHONE: 202 646-3886              

SUMMARY: Major Disaster and Related Determinations for damage in certain areas of the State of Minnesota resulting from severe storms and flooding beginning June 7, 2008 and continuing.






























 Below are deadlines for the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Programs that have appeared in the Federal Register in the past several weeks.





DEADLINE              CFDA NUMBER                                               PROGRAM TITLE












59.002   ECONOMIC INJURY DISASTER LOANS                                    CLOSING DATE:









59.008   PHYSICAL DISASTER LOANS                                                                      CLOSING DATE: