This Federal Funding Report is a weekly compilation of items published in the Federal Register which affect Federal domestic assistance programs. No attempt is made to include Federal Register notices not directly related to Grants and Loans programs.  The summary consists of three parts:  (1) Federal Register Summary, (2) Early Warning Grants Report, and (3) Disaster Loan Applications.


                Periodically, a Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number will not be listed in the announcement.  There are two (2) basic reasons for this: 1) a CFDA number has been applied for and not yet received, or 2) the CFDA number has not been put in by the agency yet.  Please call the contact person listed in the Federal Register announcement for the correct CFDA number. The new number should appear in the next edition of the CFDA, which is published in June and December of each year.



                PART 1.                 FEDERAL REGISTER SUMMARY


(Each week, HIR summarizes information from Federal Register announcements that may significantly affect grants programs.  The Federal Register is available online from GPO Access at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/aces140.html.)  The House of Representatives' Federal Funding Report contains the following sections:


I.                     Availability of Funds - An expansion of the highlights, including synopsis on

              Notice, CFDA, and Federal Register references


                                                II.            Notice of Rules - Synopsis of rule-making notices affecting Grants with                                                                  CFDA  and Federal Register References


III.           Other Federal Register Notices - For items not falling into the Rules or Availability sections


                PART 2.                 EARLY WARNING GRANTS REPORT


(Listing of programs for which applications are being especially solicited and which have been mentioned in the Federal Register in recent weeks, listed in order of expiration date).


                PART 3.                 DISASTER LOAN APPLICATIONS


(Listing of areas for which Disaster Loan Programs are open, those with the most immediate closing dates listed first, those with the most recent disasters at the end.  This part is divided into two sections, reflecting type of loan.)


                                                I.              Economic Injury Loans - For business losses


II.            Physical Disaster Loans - For repair and replacement of real and

              personal property












This section contains summaries of those Federal Register entries appearing during the last 2 weeks, which may significantly affect Federal domestic assistance programs.  For detailed information about a specific assistance program, the program can be found in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) by looking it up by its 5-digit program number.  Each summary represents H.I.R.'s interpretation of the major import of an entry and does not reflect the full content of the Federal Register announcement. Consult the Federal Register for the full text of items of interest.





DEPARTMENT:  Education                                                 CFDA#:   84.381A             AMOUNT: $900,000          

PROGRAM TITLE: Teachers for a Competitive Tomorrow              

FR Date:  06/04/08                                                                               PAGE:   31835                      DEADLINE: 09/17/08   

CONTACT:  Brenda Shade                                                                                               TELEPHONE:  202 502-7773            

SUMMARY:  Applications are invited for Teachers for a Competitive Tomorrow Baccalaureate Program for FY08.


DEPARTMENT:  Education                                                CFDA#:  84.326                  AMOUNT: $1,800,000          

PROGRAM TITLE:  Technical Assistances and Dissemination to Improve Services for Children with Disabilities              

FR Date: 06/05/08                                                                    PAGE:  32017    DEADLINE:  09/03/08  

CONTACT:   Rex Shipp                                                                                                     TELEPHONE:  202 245-7523             

SUMMARY:  Applications are invited for Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services for Children with Disabilities, for FY08.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration                                                           CFDA#:     59002                  

PROGRAM TITLE:   Economic Injury Disaster Loans            

FR Date:  06/03/08                                                                   PAGE:  31729    DEADLINE:  02/26/09  

CONTACT:  F. Adinolfe                                                                                                    TELEPHONE:   None Listed            

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Economic Injury Disaster #11262 and #11263 for Larimer, Weld and contiguous Counties of Adam, Boulder, Grand, Jackson, Logan, and Morgan in the State of Colorado; Kimball in the State of Nebraska; and Albany,  Laramie Counties in the State of Wyoming due to Severe Storms and Tornadoes occurring on May 26, 2008.



DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration                                                              CFDA#:    59008             

PROGRAM TITLE:   Physical Disaster Loans            

FR Date:  06/03/08                                                                   PAGE:  31729                    DEADLINE:  07/25/08  

CONTACT:  F. Adinolfe                                                                                                    TELEPHONE:   None Listed            

SUMMARY: Declaration of Physical Disaster #11262 and #11263 for Larimer and Weld Counties in the State of Colorado, due to Severe Storms and Tornadoes occurring on May 26, 2008.



DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration                                                              CFDA#:    59002                    

PROGRAM TITLE:   Economic Injury Disaster Loans            

FR Date:  06/03/08                                                                   PAGE:   31730   DEADLINE:  02/23/09  

CONTACT:   F. Adinolfe                                                                                                   TELEPHONE:   None Listed            

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Economic Injury Disaster #11260 and #11261 for Bibb, Carroll, Douglas, Emanuel, Jefferson, Jenkins, Johnson, Laurens, McIntosh, and Twigs Counties in the State of Georgia; due to Severe Storms and Flooding that occurred 05/11/08 through 05/12/08.

DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration                                                              CFDA#:    59008                    

PROGRAM TITLE:   Physical Disaster Loans            

FR Date:  06/03/08                                                                   PAGE:   31730   DEADLINE:  07/22/08  

CONTACT:   F. Adinolfe                                                                                                   TELEPHONE:   None Listed            

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Physical Injury Disaster #11260 and #11261 for Bibb, Carroll, Douglas, Emanuel, Jefferson, Jenkins, Johnson, Laurens, McIntosh, and Twigs; and the  contiguous Counties of Bleckley, Bullock, Burke, Candler, Cobb, Coweta, Crawford, Dodge, Fulton, Glascock, Glynn, Haralson, Heard, Houston, Jones, Liberty, Long, Mcduffie, Monroe, Montgomery, Paulding, Peach, Richmond, Screven, Tattnall, Toombs, Treutlen, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Wheeler, Wilkinson in the State of Georgia; Cleburne, and Randolph in the State of Alabama, due to Severe Storms and Flooding that occurred 05/11/08 through 05/12/08.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration                                                              CFDA#: 59002                   

PROGRAM TITLE:  Economic Injury Disaster Loans             

FR Date:  06/03/08                                                                 PAGE:   31730                     DEADLINE: 02/27/09   

CONTACT:  F. Aldinolfe                                                                                                   TELEPHONE:    None Listed           

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Economic Injury Disaster #11264 and #11265 for Butler County and the contiguous Counties of Iowa, Black Hawk, Bremer, Cerro Gordo, Chickasaw, Floyd, Franklin, Grundy, and Hardin in the State of Iowa; due to Severe Storms, Tornadoes and Flooding that occurred on 02/27/09.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration                                                              CFDA#: 59008                   

PROGRAM TITLE:  Physical Disaster Loans             

FR Date:  06/03/08                                                                 PAGE:   31730                     DEADLINE: 02/27/09   

CONTACT:  F. Aldinolfe                                                                                                   TELEPHONE:    None Listed           

SUMMARY:  Declaration of  Physical Injury Disaster #11264 and #11265 for Butler County  in the State of Iowa; due to Severe Storms, Tornadoes and Flooding that occurred on 02/27/09.


DEPARTMENT: Small Business Administration                                              CFDA#:    59002                

PROGRAM TITLE: Economic Injury Disaster Loans               

FR Date: 06/03/08                                                                    PAGE:  31730                    DEADLINE:   02/23/09 

CONTACT:.F. Aldinolfe                                                                                                    TELEPHONE:   None Listed           

SUMMARY: Declaration of Economic Disaster  #11258 and #11259 for the Counties of Barry, Jasper, and Newton and the contiguous Counties of Missouri, Barton, Dade, Lawrence, McDonald, and Stone in State of Missouri;  Benton and Carroll in the State of Arkansas; Cherokee and Crawford in the State of Kansas; and Ottawa in the State of Oklahoma, due to Severe Storms and Tornadoes that occurred on 05/23/08.


DEPARTMENT: Small Business Administration                                              CFDA#:    59008                

PROGRAM TITLE: Physical Disaster Loans               

FR Date: 06/03/08                                                                    PAGE:  31730                    DEADLINE:   07/22/08 

CONTACT:.F. Aldinolfe                                                                                                    TELEPHONE:   None Listed           

SUMMARY: Declaration of Physical Disaster  #11258 and #11259 for the Counties of Barry, Jasper, and Newton in the State of Missouri, due to Severe Storms and Tornadoes that occurred on 05/23/08.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration                                           CFDA#: 59.002                     

PROGRAM TITLE:  Economic Injury Disaster Loans              

FR Date:  06/05/08                                                                   PAGE: 32067     DEADLINE: 03/02/09   

CONTACT:.A.Escobar                                                                                                      TELEPHONE:  None List ed           

SUMMARY: Declaration of Economic Disaster #11269 and #112270 for Brevard County and the contiguous Counties of Florida Indian River, Orange, Osceola in the State of Florida, due to Wildland Fires occurring on 5/11/08 through 05/13/08.                                           






DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration                                           CFDA#: 59.008                     

PROGRAM TITLE:  Physical Disaster Loans              

FR Date:  06/05/08                                                                   PAGE: 32067     DEADLINE: 07/29/08   

CONTACT:.A.Escobar                                                                                                      TELEPHONE:  None Listed           

SUMMARY: Declaration of Physical Disaster #11269 and #112270 for Brevard County and the contiguous Counties of Florida Indian River, Orange, Osceola in the State of Florida, due to Wildland Fires occurring on 5/11/08 through 05/13/08.                                           


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration                                              CFDA#:  59.002                 

PROGRAM TITLE: Economic Injury Disaster Loans               

FR Date:  06/05/08                                                                   PAGE: 32068     DEADLINE: 03/02/09   

CONTACT:.A. Escobar                                                                                                     TELEPHONE:   None Listed           

SUMMARY:.Declaration of Economic Disaster #11266 and #11267 for Hinds County and the contiguous Counties of Mississippi, Clairborne, Copiah, Madison, Rankin, Simpson, Warren, and Yazoo in the State of Mississippi, due to Severe Storms and Tornadoes occurring on 04/04/08.                                                                                              


DEPARTMENT: Small Business Administration                                              CFDA#:   59.008                

PROGRAM TITLE: Physical Disaster Loans               

FR Date:  06/05/08                                                                   PAGE:  32068    DEADLINE:  07/28/08 

CONTACT:.A. Escobar                                                                                                     TELEPHONE:     None Listed         

SUMMARY: Declaration of Physical Disaster #11266 and #11267 for Hinds County in the State of  Mississippi, due to Severe Storms and Tornadoes occurring on 04/04/08.                                  










DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                                   CFDA#:    93.773               

PROGRAM TITLE:  Medicare –Hospital Insurance, and Programs             

FR Date:  06/05/08                                                                   PAGE:   32088    

CONTACT:  Steve Miller                                                                                                   TELEPHONE:  410 786-6656        

SUMMARY:  Final rule regarding Medicare – Hospital Insurance, and Programs.


DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                                   CFDA#:    93.774               

PROGRAM TITLE:  Medicare –Supplementary Medical Insurance Program             

FR Date:  06/05/08                                                                   PAGE:   32088    

CONTACT:  Steve Miller                                                                                                   TELEPHONE:  410 786-6656             

SUMMARY:  Final rule regarding Medicare Supplementary Medical Insurance Program.



DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                                   CFDA#:    93.778               

PROGRAM TITLE:  Medical Assistance Program             

FR Date:  06/05/08                                                                   PAGE:   32088    

CONTACT:  Steve Miller                                                                                                   TELEPHONE:   410 786-6656            

SUMMARY:  Final rule regarding Medical Assistance Program



















 Below are deadlines for the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Programs that have appeared in the Federal Register in the past several weeks.





DEADLINE              CFDA NUMBER                                               PROGRAM TITLE


09/17/08                                 84.381                                                     Teachers for a Competitive Tomorrow

09/03/08                                 84.326                                                     Technical Assistance










59.002   ECONOMIC INJURY DISASTER LOANS                                    CLOSING DATE:









59.008   PHYSICAL DISASTER LOANS                                                                      CLOSING DATE: