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                 This Federal Funding Report is a weekly compilation of items published in the Federal Register which affect Federal domestic assistance programs. No attempt is made to include Federal Register notices not directly related to Grants and Loans programs.  The summary consists of three parts:  (1) Federal Register Summary, (2) Early Warning Grants Report, and (3) Disaster Loan Applications.


                Periodically, a Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number will not be listed in the announcement.  There are two (2) basic reasons for this: 1) a CFDA number has been applied for and not yet received, or 2) the CFDA number has not been put in by the agency yet.  Please call the contact person listed in the Federal Register announcement for the correct CFDA number. The new number should appear in the next edition of the CFDA, which is published in June and December of each year.



                PART 1.                 FEDERAL REGISTER SUMMARY


(Each week, HIR summarizes information from Federal Register announcements that may significantly affect grants programs.  The Federal Register is available online from GPO Access at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/aces140.html.)  The House of Representatives' Federal Funding Report contains the following sections:


I.                     Availability of Funds - An expansion of the highlights, including synopsis on

              Notice, CFDA, and Federal Register references


                                                II.            Notice of Rules - Synopsis of rule-making notices affecting Grants with                                                                  CFDA  and Federal Register References


III.           Other Federal Register Notices - For items not falling into the Rules or Availability sections


                PART 2.                 EARLY WARNING GRANTS REPORT


(Listing of programs for which applications are being especially solicited and which have been mentioned in the Federal Register in recent weeks, listed in order of expiration date).


                PART 3.                 DISASTER LOAN APPLICATIONS


(Listing of areas for which Disaster Loan Programs are open, those with the most immediate closing dates listed first, those with the most recent disasters at the end.  This part is divided into two sections, reflecting type of loan.)


                                                I.              Economic Injury Loans - For business losses


II.            Physical Disaster Loans - For repair and replacement of real and

              personal property









HOUSE INFORMATION RESOURCES           WEEK OF:  May 19, 2008 – May 23, 2008




This section contains summaries of those Federal Register entries appearing during the last 2 weeks, which may significantly affect Federal domestic assistance programs.  For detailed information about a specific assistance program, the program can be found in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) by looking it up by its 5-digit program number.  Each summary represents H.I.R.'s interpretation of the major import of an entry and does not reflect the full content of the Federal Register announcement. Consult the Federal Register for the full text of items of interest.




DEPARTMENT:  Commerce                                                 CFDA#:  11.419 AMOUNT: $15,000,000           

PROGRAM TITLE:   Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards             

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                    PAGE:  30060    DEADLINE: 07/23/08     

CONTACT:  Elaine Vaudrevil                                                                           TELEPHONE: 301 713-3155, Ext. 103     

CONTACT:  Elizabeth Morgan                                                                         TELEPHONE: 301 713-3155, Ext. 166              

SUMMARY:  Applications are invited for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP) – FY 2009 Competition. The purpose of this document is to advise eligible coastal states and territories that OCRM is soliciting coastal and estuarine land conservation project proposals for competitive funding under the CELCP. States and territories must have submitted to NOAA a draft CELCP plan on or before May 1, 2008 in order to be eligible to participate in the FY2009 funding opportunity for (see Final Guidelines for Coastal and  Estuarine Land Conservation Program).  For more information on CELCP plan requirements, available at http://coastalmanagement.noaa.gov/land/media/CELCPfinal102Guidelines.pdf.  Applications may be submitted electronically at http://www.grants.gov or by mail to the address listed in this announcement. Applicants are strongly recommend to allow sufficient time for delivery of materials, electronically or by mail, by the July 23, 2008 deadline date.


DEPARTMENT:  Transportation                                        CFDA#:  20.509                 AMOUNT: $12,000,000           

PROGRAM TITLE:  Formula Grants for Other Than Urbanized Areas              

FR Date: 05/21/08                                                                    PAGE:  29569   DEADLINE: 08/19/08    

CONTACT: Lorna R. Wilson (for general programs information)                              TELEPHONE: 202 366-2053      

CONTACT: FTA Regional Tribal Liaison (application-specific info) See Fed. Register, 05/21/08, page 29577              

SUMMARY: Applications are invited for Federal Transit Administration; Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program; Tribal Transit Program; for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008. This program authorizes direct grants “under such terms and conditions as may be established by the Secretary” to Indian tribes for any purpose eligible under FTA’s Nonurbanized Area Formula Program, 49 U.S.C. 5311.  Applicants may submit applications in one of three ways: (1) delivering five hard copies to Federal Transit Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC, 20590 Attention: Lorna R. Wilson; (2) sending by e-mail to fta.tribalprogram@dot.gov, or (3) filing electronically through the grants.gov Web site at http://www.grants.gov. Applicants applying by e-mail must fax signature documents to 202-366-7951, Attention: Lorna Wilson. Applicants should be aware that materials sent through the U.S. Postal Service are subject to significant delays in delivery due to the security screening process. Use of courier or express delivery services is recommended.









DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#:  59.002                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Economic Injury Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 05/19/08                                                                    PAGE:  28850    DEADLINE: 02/09/09   

CONTACT:  A. Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance, Washington, DC.             TELEPHONE: Not Listed              

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Economic Injury Disaster #11242 and #11243 for Aroostook County in the State of Maine; and for the following contiguous counties of Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset, and Washington, in the State of Maine, constitute a disaster area due to damage caused by Severe Storms and Flooding occurring on April 28, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#:  59.008                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Physical Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 05/19/08                                                                    PAGE:  28850    DEADLINE: 07/08/08   

CONTACT:  A. Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance, Washington, DC.             TELEPHONE: Not Listed              

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Physical Disaster #11242 and #11243 for Aroostook County in the State of Maine, constitute a disaster area due to damage caused by Severe Storms and Flooding occurring on April 28, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#:  59.002                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Economic Injury Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 05/19/08                                                                    PAGE:  28851    DEADLINE: 02/12/09   

CONTACT:  A. Escobar,  Office of Disaster Assistance, Washington, DC.            TELEPHONE: Not Listed              

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Economic Injury Disaster #11239 and #11240 for Union County in the State of Mississippi; and for the following contiguous counties of Benton, Lafayette, Lee, Marshall, Pontotoc, Prentiss, and Tippah, in the State of Mississippi, constitute a disaster area due to damage caused by Severe Storms and Tornadoes occurred on May 2, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#:  59.008                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Physical Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 05/19/08                                                                    PAGE:  28851    DEADLINE: 07/11/08   

CONTACT:  A. Escobar,  Office of Disaster Assistance, Washington, DC.            TELEPHONE: Not Listed              

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Physical Disaster #11239 and #11240 for Union County in the State of Mississippi, constitute a disaster area due to damage caused by Severe Storms and Tornadoes occurred on May 2, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#:  59.008                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Physical Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 05/19/08                                                                    PAGE:  28851    DEADLINE: 07/08/08   

CONTACT:  A. Escobar,  Office of Disaster Assistance, Washington, DC.            TELEPHONE: Not Listed              

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Physical Disaster #11244 for Adair, Caddo, Coal, Delaware, Haskell, Hughes, Johnston, Latimer, Logan, Love, Mayes, Mcintosh, Muskogee, Okfuskee, Ottawa, Pawnee, Pittsburg, Pushmataha, Rogers, Seminole, Sequoyah, and Tillman Counties in the State of Oklahoma, constitute a disaster area due to damage caused by Severe Storms, Tornadoes, and Flooding occurring on April 9, 2008 through April 28, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:   Small Business Administration            CFDA#:  59.002                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Economic Injury Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 05/22/08                                                                    PAGE:  29832    DEADLINE: 02/16/09   

CONTACT:  A. Escobar,  Office of Disaster Assistance, Washington, DC.            TELEPHONE:  Not Listed             

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Economic Injury Disaster #11249 and #11250 for Ottawa County in the State of Oklahoma; and for the following contiguous counties of Craig and Delaware, in the State of Oklahoma; Cherokee County in the State of Kansas; and McDonald and Newton Counties in the State of Missouri, constitute a disaster area due to damage caused by Severe Storms, Tornadoes, and Flooding occurring on May 10, 2008, and continuing.  



DEPARTMENT:   Small Business Administration            CFDA#:  59.008                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Physical Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 05/22/08                                                                    PAGE:  29832    DEADLINE: 07/14/08   

CONTACT:  A. Escobar,  Office of Disaster Assistance, Washington, DC.            TELEPHONE:  Not Listed             

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Physical Disaster #11249 and #11250 for Ottawa County in the State of Oklahoma, constitute a disaster area due to damage caused by Severe Storms, Tornadoes, and Flooding occurring on May 10, 2008, and continuing.  


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#:  59.002                                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Economic Injury Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                    PAGE:  30184                    DEADLINE: 02/16/09   

CONTACT:  A. Escobar,  Office of Disaster Assistance, Washington, DC.            TELEPHONE: Not Listed              

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Economic Injury Disaster #11247 and #11248 for Cleburne County in the State of Alabama; and for the following contiguous counties of Calhoun, Cherokee, Clay, Randolph, and Talladega, in the State of Alabama; and Carroll, Haralson, and Polk Counties in the State of Georgia, constitute a disaster area due to damage caused by Severe Storms and Tornadoes, occurred on May 11, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#:  59.008                                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Physical Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                    PAGE:  30184                    DEADLINE: 07/14/08   

CONTACT:  A. Escobar,  Office of Disaster Assistance, Washington, DC.            TELEPHONE: Not Listed              

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Physical Disaster #11247 and #11248 for Cleburne County in the State of Alabama, constitute a disaster area due to damage caused by Severe Storms and Tornadoes, occurred on May 11, 2008.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#:  59.002                                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Economic Injury Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                    PAGE:  30184                    DEADLINE: 02/16/09   

CONTACT:  A. Escobar,  Office of Disaster Assistance, Washington, DC.            TELEPHONE: Not Listed              

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Economic Injury Disaster #11251 for City and Borough of Juneau, in the State of Alaska; and for the following contiguous counties of Chatham Reaa, and Haines Borough, in the State of Alaska, constitute a disaster area due to damage caused by Increased Power Costs Due to Avalanche occurring on April 16, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#:  59.002                                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Economic Injury Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                    PAGE:  30184                    DEADLINE: 02/16/09   

CONTACT:  A. Escobar,  Office of Disaster Assistance, Washington, DC.            TELEPHONE: Not Listed              

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Economic Injury Disaster #11245 and #11246 for Torrance County in the State of New Mexico; and for the following contiguous counties of Bernalillo, San Miguel, Valencia, Guadalupe, Santa Fe, Lincoln, and Socorro, in the State of New Mexico, constitute a disaster area due to damage caused by Trigo Fire occurring on April 15, 2008, and continuing.


DEPARTMENT:  Small Business Administration             CFDA#:  59.008                                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Physical Disaster Loans              

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                    PAGE:  30184                    DEADLINE: 07/14/08   

CONTACT:  A. Escobar,  Office of Disaster Assistance, Washington, DC.            TELEPHONE: Not Listed              

SUMMARY:  Declaration of Physical Disaster #11245 and #11246 for Torrance County in the State of New Mexico, constitute a disaster area due to damage caused by Trigo Fire occurring on April 15, 2008, and continuing.






DEPARTMENT:  Education                                                 CFDA#:  84.051C               AMOUNT: $750,000           

PROGRAM TITLE:  Career and Technical Education – National Programs              

FR Date: 05/20/08                                                                    PAGE:  29121                    DEADLINE: 07/07/08   

CONTACT:  Scott Hess                                                                                                     TELEPHONE: 202 245-7772              

SUMMARY: Applications are invited for the Office of Vocational and Adult Education; Overview Information; Promoting Rigorous Career and Technical Education Programs of Study Through Statewide or Multi-State Articulation Agreements; for New Awards, Using Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Funds.  Purpose, Section 114( c) (1) of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Act), 20 U.S.C. 2324( c) (1), authorizes the Secretary to carry out research, development, dissemination, evaluation and assessment, capacity building, and technical assistance with regard to the career and technical education (CTE) programs under the Act. Notice of Intent to Apply: The Secretary strongly encourages each potential applicant to notify the Department by sending a short e-mail message indicating the applicant’s intent to submit an application for funding. The e-mail should include only the applicant’s intent to submit an application; it does not need to include information regarding the content of the proposed application. This e-mail notification should be sent no later than May 30, 2008 to Scott Hess at: scott.hess@ed.gov. Applications for grants under this competition may be submitted electronically using the Grants.gov Apply site at http://www.Grants.gov, or in paper format by mail or hand delivery, on or before the July 7, 2008 deadline date. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not wait until the application deadline date to begin the application process through Grants.gov.  
















DEPARTMENT:  Housing and Urban Development                                     CFDA#: 14.157         

PROGRAM TITLE:  Supportive Housing for the Elderly           

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                                                PAGE:  29983

CONTACT:  Yvonne Jefferson                                                                         TELEPHONE: 202 708-3000 

SUMMARY:  Final rule regarding the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner; Project Design and Cost Standards for the Section 202 and Section 811 Programs. This final rule revises HUD’s regulations that govern the Project design and cost standards for HUD’s section 202 supportive housing for the Elderly and section 811 Persons with Disabilities programs. This rule will also clarify the applicability of the project design and cost standards to section 811 group homes.


DEPARTMENT:  Housing and Urban Development                                     CFDA#: 14.181          

PROGRAM TITLE:  Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities                   

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                                                PAGE:  29983

CONTACT:  Yvonne Jefferson                                                                         TELEPHONE: 202 708-3000 

SUMMARY:  Final rule regarding the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner; Project Design and Cost Standards for the Section 202 and Section 811 Programs. This final rule revises HUD’s regulations that govern the Project design and cost standards for HUD’s section 202 supportive housing for the Elderly and section 811 Persons with Disabilities programs. This rule will also clarify the applicability of the project design and cost standards to section 811 group homes.



DEPARTMENT:  Labor                                                                                      CFDA#:  17.273        

PROGRAM TITLE:  Temporary Labor Certification for Foreign Workers               

FR Date: 05/22/08                                                                                                PAGE:  29942

CONTACT:  Sherril Hurd  (for H-2B Labor Certification Process)              TELEPHONE: 202 693-3700 

CONTACT:  Michael Ginley (for H-2B Enforcement Process info.)           TELEPHONE: 202 693-0745 

SUMMARY:  Proposed rule regarding the Employment and Training Administration; Labor Certification Process and Enforcement for Temporary Employment in Occupations Other Than Agriculture of Registered Nursing in the United States (H-2B Workers), and Other Technical Changes. The Department is proposing changes to modernize procedures for the issuance of labor certifications issued in connection with H-2B nonimmigrants admitted to perform temporary nonagricultural labor or services, and procedures to enforce compliance with attestations made by sponsoring employers. Specifically, the proposed rule re-engineers the application filing and review process by centralizing processing and by enabling employers to conduct pre-filing United States (U.S.) worker recruitment activities.


DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                CFDA#:  93.773        

PROGRAM TITLE:  Medicare – Hospital Insurance                   

FR Date: 05/22/08                                                                                                PAGE:  29699

CONTACT: Tzvi Hefter, (general information)                                              TELEPHONE: 410 786-4487

CONTACT: Judy Richter (moratorium & 25 percent patient threshold)    TELEPHONE: 410 786-2590 

SUMMARY:  Interim rule regarding the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Medicare Program; Changes for Long-Term Care Hospitals Required by Certain Provisions of the Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP Extension Act of 2007; 3-Year Moratorium on the Establishment of New Long-Term Care Hospitals and Long-Term Care Hospital Satellite Facilities and Increases in Beds in Existing Long-Term Care Hospitals and Long-Term Care Hospital Satellite Facilities; and 3-Year Delay in the Application of Certain Payment Adjustments. This interim final rule with comment period also implements a 3-year delay in the application of certain payment policies which apply payment adjustments for discharges from LTCHs and LTCH satellites that were admitted from certain referring hospitals in excess of various percentage thresholds.


DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                CFDA#:  93.774        

PROGRAM TITLE:  Medicare – Supplementary Medical Insurance                        

FR Date: 05/22/08                                                                                                PAGE:  29699

CONTACT: Tzvi Hefter, (general information)                                              TELEPHONE: 410 786-4487

CONTACT: Judy Richter (moratorium & 25 percent patient threshold)    TELEPHONE: 410 786-2590 

SUMMARY:  Interim rule regarding the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Medicare Program; Changes for Long-Term Care Hospitals Required by Certain Provisions of the Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP Extension Act of 2007; 3-Year Moratorium on the Establishment of New Long-Term Care Hospitals and Long-Term Care Hospital Satellite Facilities and Increases in Beds in Existing Long-Term Care Hospitals and Long-Term Care Hospital Satellite Facilities; and 3-Year Delay in the Application of Certain Payment Adjustments. This interim final rule with comment period also implements a 3-year delay in the application of certain payment policies which apply payment adjustments for discharges from LTCHs and LTCH satellites that were admitted from certain referring hospitals in excess of various percentage thresholds.


DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                CFDA#:  93.773        

PROGRAM TITLE:  Medicare – Hospital Insurance                   

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                                                PAGE:  30190

CONTACT:  Morton Marcus                                                                            TELEPHONE:  410 786-4477

CONTACT:  Donald Romano                                                                           TELEPHONE:  410 786-1401

SUMMARY:  Final rule regarding the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Medicare Program; Provider Reimbursement Determinations and Appeals. This final rule updates, clarifies, and revises various provisions of the regulations governing appeals before the intermediaries (for lesser disputes), and Administrator review of decisions made by the board.




DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                CFDA#:  93.774        

PROGRAM TITLE:  Medicare – Supplementary Medical Insurance                        

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                                                PAGE:  30190

CONTACT:  Morton Marcus                                                                            TELEPHONE:  410 786-4477

CONTACT:  Donald Romano                                                                           TELEPHONE:  410 786-1401

SUMMARY:  Final rule regarding the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Medicare Program; Provider Reimbursement Determinations and Appeals. This final rule updates, clarifies, and revises various provisions of the regulations governing appeals before the intermediaries (for lesser disputes), and Administrator review of decisions made by the board.


DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                CFDA#:  93.778        

PROGRAM TITLE:  Medical Assistance Program                      

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                                                PAGE:  30030

CONTACT:  Hunter McKay                                                                             TELEPHONE:  202 205-8999

SUMMARY:  Proposed rule regarding the Office of the Secretary; Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation; State Long-Term Care Partnership Program: Reporting Requirements for Insurers. This proposed rule sets forth proposed reporting requirements for private insurers that issue qualified long-term care insurance policies in States participating in the State Long-Term Care Partnership Program established under the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005.


DEPARTMENT:  Social Security Administration                                           CFDA#:  96.001        

PROGRAM TITLE:  Social Security – Disability Insurance                       

FR Date: 05/20/08                                                                                                PAGE:  29324

CONTACT: Dan O’Brien                                                                                   TELEPHONE: 410 597-1632        

SUMMARY: Final rule regarding the Social Security Administration (SSA); Amendments to the Ticket To Work and Self-Sufficiency Program. We are revising our regulations for the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (Ticket to Work Program), provides Social Security Disability Insurance and disabled Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries expanded options for access to employment services, vocational rehabilitation services, and other support services. We are revising our prior rules to improve the overall effectiveness of the program to maximize the economic self-sufficiency of beneficiaries through work opportunities.


DEPARTMENT:  Social Security Administration                                           CFDA#:  96.002        

PROGRAM TITLE:  Social Security – Retirement Insurance                     

FR Date: 05/20/08                                                                                                PAGE:  29324

CONTACT: Dan O’Brien                                                                                   TELEPHONE: 410 597-1632        

SUMMARY: Final rule regarding the Social Security Administration (SSA); Amendments to the Ticket To Work and Self-Sufficiency Program. We are revising our regulations for the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (Ticket to Work Program), provides Social Security Disability Insurance and disabled Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries expanded options for access to employment services, vocational rehabilitation services, and other support services. We are revising our prior rules to improve the overall effectiveness of the program to maximize the economic self-sufficiency of beneficiaries through work opportunities.


DEPARTMENT:  Social Security Administration                                           CFDA#:  96.004        

PROGRAM TITLE:  Social Security – Survivors Insurance                       

FR Date: 05/20/08                                                                                                PAGE:  29324

CONTACT: Dan O’Brien                                                                                   TELEPHONE: 410 597-1632        

SUMMARY: Final rule regarding the Social Security Administration (SSA); Amendments to the Ticket To Work and Self-Sufficiency Program. We are revising our regulations for the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (Ticket to Work Program), provides Social Security Disability Insurance and disabled Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries expanded options for access to employment services, vocational rehabilitation services, and other support services. We are revising our prior rules to improve the overall effectiveness of the program to maximize the economic self-sufficiency of beneficiaries through work opportunities.



DEPARTMENT:  Social Security Administration                                           CFDA#:  96.006        

PROGRAM TITLE:  Supplemental Security Income                    

FR Date: 05/20/08                                                                                                PAGE:  29324

CONTACT: Dan O’Brien                                                                                   TELEPHONE: 410 597-1632        

SUMMARY: Final rule regarding the Social Security Administration (SSA); Amendments to the Ticket To Work and Self-Sufficiency Program. We are revising our regulations for the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (Ticket to Work Program), provides Social Security Disability Insurance and disabled Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries expanded options for access to employment services, vocational rehabilitation services, and other support services. We are revising our prior rules to improve the overall effectiveness of the program to maximize the economic self-sufficiency of beneficiaries through work opportunities.














DEPARTMENT:  Transportation                                                                                     CFDA#:  20.205                    

PROGRAM TITLE:  Highway Planning and Construction       

FR Date: 05/19/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  28854

CONTACT: Trais Norris, Senior Environmental Planner, Caltrans                             TELEPHONE: 559 243-8178               

SUMMARY: Notice regarding the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), on behalf of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), is issuing this notice to advise the public that a Tier I Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be prepared for the State Route 180 Westside Expressway Route Adoption Study, located in Fresno County, California.


DEPARTMENT:  Transportation                                                                                      CFDA#:  20.205                   

PROGRAM TITLE:  Highway Planning and Construction     

FR Date: 05/19/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  28855

CONTACT:  David Scott, FHWA                                                                                    TELEPHONE: 608 829-7522              

SUMMARY:  Notice regarding the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), to advise the public that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be prepared on a proposal to improve the Zoo Interchange (I-94 and I-894/U.S. 45 interchange) and adjacent interchanges in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.


DEPARTMENT:  Transportation                                                                                      CFDA#:  20.205                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Highway Planning and Construction      

FR Date: 05/20/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  29173

CONTACT: Ron Kosinski, Deputy District Director, Caltrans, District 7  TELEPHONE: 213 897-0703              

SUMMARY:  Notice regarding the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); Limitation on Claims for Judicial Review of Actions by FHWA and Other Federal Agencies. These Actions relate to a proposed highway project to add a standard northbound HOV Lane and standardized Northbound Mixed-Flow Lanes, Median and Shoulder Alternative. Effective July 1, 2007, the FHWA assigned, and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) assumed environmental responsibilities for this project, and prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on a proposal for a highway widening improvement project in Los Angeles County, California.




DEPARTMENT:  Transportation                                                                                      CFDA#:  20.205                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Highway Planning and Construction      

FR Date: 05/21/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  29567

CONTACT: Charles J. O’Neill, Planning & Program Management, FHWA              TELEPHONE:  615 781-5772             

SUMMARY:  Notice regarding the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with the Tennessee Department of Transportation, to advise the public that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be prepared for a proposed highway project to construct a bypass around the City of Greensville, in Greene County, Tennessee.


DEPARTMENT:  Transportation                                                                                      CFDA#:  20.205                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Highway Planning and Construction      

FR Date: 05/21/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  29567

CONTACT: Charles J. O’Neill, Planning & Program Management, FHWA              TELEPHONE:  615 781-5772             

SUMMARY:  Notice regarding the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with the Tennessee Department of Transportation, is rescinding the Notice of Intent published on October 28, 1999, to prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on the Appalachian Development Highway System Corridor K (Relocated U.S. 64) project, from West of the Ocee River to State Route 68 near Ducktown, Polk County Tennessee. The proposed project was proposed to construct a 20 mile segment of Corridor K of the Appalachian Highway System (ADHS) in Polk County, Tennessee.


DEPARTMENT:  Transportation                                                                     CFDA#:  20.205                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Highway Planning and Construction        

FR Date: 05/22/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  29837    

CONTACT: Ken Myers, Planning & Environmental Program Manager, FHWA     TELEPHONE: 804 775-3353      

SUMMARY: Notice regarding the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); is issuing this notice to advise the public that FHWA is rescinding the Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the following five proposals: (1) Outer Connector in Stafford and Spotsylvania Counties; (2) I-77/I-81 Improvement Project in Wythe County; (3) Interstate 66 Multimodal Transportation and Environmental Study in Fairfax and Prince William Counties; (4) Route 20 South Bypass Improvement Project near Lynchburg; and (5) Spotsylvania Parkway in Spotsylvania County, in the State of Virginia.  


DEPARTMENT:  Education                                                                                              CFDA#:  84.133A                   

PROGRAM TITLE:  National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research      

FR Date: 05/20/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  29128

CONTACT:  Donna Nangle                                                                                              TELEPHONE: 202 245-7462              

SUMMARY: Notice regarding the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services; Disability and Rehabilitation Research Program. Notice of intent to fund down the grant slate for the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) program for Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS). The Secretary intends to use the grant slate developed for the TBIMS grant competition in fiscal year (FY) 2007 to make new grant awards for TBIMS centers in FY 2008. The Secretary takes this action because Congress requested that the Secretary fund two additional TBIMS centers in FY 2008.  


DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                               CFDA#:  93.567                  

PROGRAM TITLE:  Refugee and Entrant Assistance – Voluntary Agency Programs          

FR Date: 05/22/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  29773    

CONTACT:  Ronald A. Munia                                                                                         TELEPHONE: 202 401-4559

SUMMARY: Notice regarding the Administration for Children and Families; Office of Refugee Resettlement; Grant Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Office of Resettlement, Division of Community Resettlement, will award supplemental funds without competition to nine agencies: Church World Service, Ethiopian Community Development Council, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, International Rescue Committee, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, the United States Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and World Relief Corporation. The cost for these supplemental awards is $2.17 million to 2008 awards. Project Period: February 15, 2008 to January 31, 2010. 


DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                               CFDA#:  93.767                   

PROGRAM TITLE:  State Children’s Insurance Program      

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  30112

CONTACT:  Richard Strauss                                                                                            TELEPHONE:  410 786-2019             

SUMMARY: Notice regarding the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); Retrospective Adjustment for Additional Allotments To Eliminate Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Funding Shortfalls; Final SCHIP Allotments for FYs 2008 and 2009; Redistribution of Unused SCHIP FY 2005 Allotments To Eliminate FY 2008 Funding Shortfalls; Additional Allotments To Eliminate FY 2008 Funding Shortfalls; and Provisions for Continued Authority for Qualifying States To Use a Portion of Certain SCHIP Funds for Medicaid Expenditures.


DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                               CFDA#:  93.778                   

PROGRAM TITLE:  Medical Assistance Program      

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  30112

CONTACT:  Richard Strauss                                                                                            TELEPHONE:  410 786-2019             

SUMMARY: Notice regarding the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); Retrospective Adjustment for Additional Allotments To Eliminate Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Funding Shortfalls; Final SCHIP Allotments for FYs 2008 and 2009; Redistribution of Unused SCHIP FY 2005 Allotments To Eliminate FY 2008 Funding Shortfalls; Additional Allotments To Eliminate FY 2008 Funding Shortfalls; and Provisions for Continued Authority for Qualifying States To Use a Portion of Certain SCHIP Funds for Medicaid Expenditures.


DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                               CFDA#:  93.773                    

PROGRAM TITLE:  Medicare – Hospital Insurance     

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  30107

CONTACT:  Cindy Melanson                                                                                          TELEPHONE: 410 786-0310  

CONTACT:  Patricia Chmielewsi                                                                                      TELEPHONE: 410 786-6899

SUMMARY: Notice regarding the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Medicare and Medicaid Programs; The Joint Commission for Continued Deeming Authority for Critical Access Hospitals. This proposed notice with comment period acknowledges the receipt of a deeming application from the Joint Commission for continued recognition as a national accrediting organization for critical access hospitals (CAHs) that wish to participate in the Medicare or Medicaid programs.


DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                               CFDA#:  93.774                   

PROGRAM TITLE:  Medicare – Supplementary Medical Insurance     

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  30107

CONTACT:  Cindy Melanson                                                                                          TELEPHONE: 410 786-0310  

CONTACT:  Patricia Chmielewsi                                                                                      TELEPHONE: 410 786-6899

SUMMARY: Notice regarding the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Medicare and Medicaid Programs; The Joint Commission for Continued Deeming Authority for Critical Access Hospitals. This proposed notice with comment period acknowledges the receipt of a deeming application from the Joint Commission for continued recognition as a national accrediting organization for critical access hospitals (CAHs) that wish to participate in the Medicare or Medicaid programs.


DEPARTMENT:  Health and Human Services                                                               CFDA#:  93.778                   

PROGRAM TITLE:  Medical Assistance Program     

FR Date: 05/23/08                                                                                                                PAGE:  30107

CONTACT:  Cindy Melanson                                                                                          TELEPHONE: 410 786-0310  

CONTACT:  Patricia Chmielewsi                                                                                      TELEPHONE: 410 786-6899

SUMMARY: Notice regarding the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Medicare and Medicaid Programs; The Joint Commission for Continued Deeming Authority for Critical Access Hospitals. This proposed notice with comment period acknowledges the receipt of a deeming application from the Joint Commission for continued recognition as a national accrediting organization for critical access hospitals (CAHs) that wish to participate in the Medicare or Medicaid programs.





 Below are deadlines for the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Programs that have appeared in the Federal Register in the past several weeks.





DEADLINE              CFDA NUMBER                                               PROGRAM TITLE


07/07/08                 84.051C                                  Career and Technical Education – National Programs

07/23/08                 11.419                                     Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards

08/19/08                 20.509                                     Formula Grants for Other Than Urbanized Areas






59.002   ECONOMIC INJURY DISASTER LOANS                                    CLOSING DATE:


                Maine – various counties                                                                                   02/09/09

                Mississippi – various counties                                                                         02/12/09

                Alabama – various counties                                                                              02/16/09

                Alaska – various counties                                                                                  02/16/09

                Georgia – various counties                                                                                                02/16/09

                Kansas – Cherokee county                                                                                                02/16/09

                Missouri – McDonald and Newton counties                                                  02/16/09

                New Mexico – various counties                                                                        02/16/09

                Oklahoma – various counties                                                                            02/16/09





59.008   PHYSICAL DISASTER LOANS                                                                      CLOSING DATE:               



              MaineAroostook county                                                                                 07/08/08

              Oklahoma – various counties                                                                              07/08/08

              Mississippi – Union county                                                                                07/11/08

              AlabamaCleburne county                                                                                07/14/08

              New MexicoTorrance county                                                                          07/14/08                                

              OklahomaOttawa county                                                                                  07/14/08