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Washita River, Prairie, Foss Reservoir
Archeological finds on the refuge indicate a prior civilization of nomadic hunters. Bison horns, antlers, stone scrapers and points chronicle the Native American's dependence on the wildlife resources. Pottery shards, fire rings, and pole marks have also been found on the refuge. Initial surveys indicated the existence of village and burial sites on the refuge dating back to the 1500's. The nomads tended to use the same camp site year after year as they moved through the area. Most activity occurred on the second terrace level overlooking the Washita River. The area was probably also a camp ground for General Custer's 7th Cavalry. Very little excavating has been done on the refuge. Known or suspected sites are protected from disturbance.

When this area was first settled it was a rolling prairie of bluestem, grama, and buffalo grass. The more fertile soils were transformed into cropland. After the Dust Bowl days of the 1930's many of the old homesteads were abandoned as families moved to town. Many of the highly erodible sites have been taken out of crop production and placed back into native prairie.

This area of western Oklahoma produces a considerable amount of oil and gas. Custer County is located on top of the Anadarko Basin, one of the largest known reserves of natural gas. There are seven active wells on the refuge.

The Washita National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1961 under the Fish & Wildlife Coordination Act primarily to provide a resting and feeding area to migrating and wintering waterfowl. The 8,075 acre refuge on the mixed grass plains of west-central Oklahoma is superimposed on the upper reaches of Foss Reservoir. The reservoir was developed by the Bureau of Reclamation. The lower portion above the dam is administered as a State Park. The reservoir and waterfowl refuge are ideally located since they are in a part of the Central Flyway.
Southwest Region 2 Refuges | National Wildlife Refuge System | USFWS National Site