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Since its creation in 1961, USAID has become the principal US agency operating worldwide in support of democracy,health,economic development, humanitarian assistance and food security. USAID works through non-governmental and international organization and in cooperation with host governments to improve living conditions in the developing world. 

peaceful manifestation among youth


Banner of Guinea


The Republic of Guinea is abundantly rich in natural resources. It possesses over one third of the world’s known reserves of bauxite, which is used to produce aluminum, and a considerable quantity of gold, diamonds, uranium, and iron ore. In addition, Guinea’s soil, water and climate conditions give the country enormous agricultural potential. However, factors such as political instability, corruption, lack of a well defined fiscal policy and lack of a rational use and distribution of resources are hampering economic growth, resulting in a population that largely lives in condition of poverty. 

USAID takes on these challenges by promoting programs that strengthen democracy and economic growth, that invest in people and provide health and humanitarian more


Last updated February 22, 2008.
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