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Scene Smoking: Cigarettes, Cinema & the Myth of Cool

Teacher’s Guide for High School

Scene Smoking Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle


  1. 2. Expression that is protected by the First Amendment
  2. 4. The right to freedom of religion, speech, and press is protected by the ______ Amendment.
  3. 7. The ability to use critical thinking skills in accessing, analyzing, evaluating, and creating it is called ______ literacy.
  4. 8. ______ization associates tobacco use as a routine, natural, and acceptable part of everyday activities.
  5. 9. ______ placement.
  6. 10. The series of rough sketches that show the plot, action, characters, and setting of a film, used before actual filming begins is a ______ board.


  1. (2 words). 1. Going beyond one’s obligation to obey the law and being inclined to do the right thing is called ______ responsibility.
  2. 2. Expression that is protected by the First Amendment
  3. 3. The act of examining books, films, or other material and removing or suppressing what is considered objectionable or the governmental action to prohibit or restrict a given freedom or right.
  4. 5. To show or represent in picture or word.
  5. 6. ______ization associates tobacco use with popularity, success, attractiveness, independence, maturity, romance, fun, celebration, and relaxation.

Answers to Crossword:
Across: 2. Artistic freedom; 4. First; 7. Media; 8. Normal; 9. Product; 10. Story.
Down: 1. Social; 2. Amendment; 3. Censorship; 5. Depict; 6. Glamor

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Page last reviewed 02/28/2007
Page last modified 02/28/2007