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Benefits Planning Query (BPQY)


Thumbnail view of BPQY report.The Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) provides a snapshot of your benefits and work history as it is stored in the Social Security Administration's (SSA's) electronic records. You may request this free report as often as you like, and use it to help ensure that information SSA has about you is current and correct. Beginning in October 2003 all SSA offices nationwide including the toll-free number have access to the BPQY software and can issue a BPQY report to you or your authorized representative.

The BPQY has much of the information you need to complete WorkWORLD's current situation. It is designed to communicate the essential facts as recorded by SSA, and shows in one place information that SSA stores about you in a number of databases.

The BPQY has improved the Social Security Administration's efforts to inform Social Security Disability Insurance beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income recipients about their disability benefits and use of the work incentives.

Topic Sections

You may read the remainder of this topic in sequence or jump to a specific section by clicking the links below:

·           Information included in the BPQY

·           Obtaining a BPQY

·           Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) Handbook

·           Allowing others to receive the BPQY

·           Resolving Discrepancies

·           Age 60 or Older

Information included in the BPQY

See the BPQY Handbook for detailed explanations of items listed on the BPQY. Some of the information on the BPQY report form includes:

·           Cash Benefits - For both SSDI and SSI shows the Type of Benefit, Current Status, Statutory Blindness, Date of Entitlement, Full Amount, Net Amount, Others Paid on This Record, Total Family Cash Benefit, Overpayment Balance, and Monthly Amount Withheld.

·           Health Insurance - Shows Medicare or Medicaid eligibility, and for Medicare (both Part A Hospital and Part B Medical) the date of coverage, premium amounts, and State Premium Buy-In.

·           Medical Reviews - For both SSDI and SSI, shows the Next Scheduled Medical Review, the Medical Re-Exam Schedule, and if deferred due to the Ticket to Work Program.

·           Representation - For both SSDI and SSI, indicates whether you currently have a Representative Payee or Authorized Representative.

·           SSDI Work Activity - Shows Trial Work Period months start date, end date, and months used, month of cessation, and current SGA level.

·           SSI Work Exclusions - Identifies any of the SSI work incentives that exclude earned income, with dates and dollar amounts, including Blind Work Expenses (BWE), Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWE), Student Earned Income Exclusions (SEIE), and PASS Exclusion.

·           Recent Earnings on Record - Shows all lifetime yearly work earnings from wages and self-employment, as well as monthly earnings for the most recent two years.

Obtaining a BPQY

The completed BPQY form (SSA-2459) and its cover letter (SSA-L634) are given to all beneficiaries who request it. There is no charge to you when you request a BPQY, and you may request one as often as you like from your local Social Security Administration field office or the SSA toll-free Help number. See Contacting the Social Security Administration for additional information about the toll-free number and finding the local field office responsible for your records. Each local field office has a person designated as the Work Incentive Liaison (WIL), who should be able to help with your BPQY request.

Due to SSA systems limitations, the SSA can produce a BPQY only for an SSDI beneficiary or SSI recipient under age 60. See the special section below, Age 60 or Older, if you are over age 59.

Normally, the BPQY is mailed directly to your address in SSA's records. With a proper written authorization, a Consent for Release of Information (SSA-3288) form, a BPQY is given to a representative, advocate or other organization (e.g., Benefits Planning, Assistance and Outreach (BPAO) organization). See the special section below, Allowing others to receive the BPQY, if someone other than yourself should receive the BPQY.

Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) Handbook

The SSA Modernized Return to Work (MRTW) Development Team wrote a handbook that helps everyone understand the process of obtaining a BPQY. The Handbook also contains detailed explanations of all the information contained on the completed BPQY. Additionally, it provides instructions for getting similar information if you are over age 59 (see special Age 60 or Older section below), and how to get erroneous information corrected (see special Resolving Discrepancies section below).

The WorkWORLD Help/Information System contains a copy of the BPQY Handbook in PDF format (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) which you can view or print by clicking the link below.

NOTE: Click here to see the internal Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) Handbook.

Allowing others to receive the BPQY

A signed consent is required only if the BPQY is sent to someone other than the person named on the BPQY, their Representative Payee, or their Authorized Representative. A signed Consent for Release of Information (SSA-3288) form must include the Social Security Number (SSN) or the Claim Number of the worker under whose work record the benefits are paid. (The Claim Number appears on the beneficiary's Medicare card.)

A copy of the SSA Consent for Release of Information form (SSA-3288) is included in the WorkWORLD Help/Information system in PDF format (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader). See the Social Security Administration Forms topic for additional information, or to view or print the form.

Resolving Discrepancies

It is important to note that the BPQY is a snapshot in time and may not reflect earnings or other information that has changed since the last time the electronic record was updated. Discrepancies or errors in any item on the BPQY must be resolved as soon as possible to avoid misunderstandings and over or under payments.

Discrepancies, errors, or questions on your BPQY should be directed to your local Social Security Office. A good resource in every SSA Office is the Work Incentives Liaison (WIL). They can help resolve discrepancies and ensure understanding.

Age 60 or Older

SSA can produce a BPQY only for an SSDI beneficiary or SSI recipient under age 60. The BPQY Handbook provides a form on page 15, titled Benefits Planning Information Request, which you can use to obtain similar information if you are 60 or older.

Remember that if someone other than yourself will receive the information, you need to sign a Consent for Release of Information (SSA-3288) form. An example form is shown on pages 13 and 14 of the BPQY Handbook.

Additional Information

The most recent revision of the BPQY Handbook is available in PDF (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) format from the SSA Chicago Region website at:


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