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Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 08-08

Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, Abstracts, and Web Documents
for Calendar Year 2007

by Laura Garner, compiler

National Marine Fisheries Service, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole MA 02543

Print publication date July 2008; web version posted July 7, 2008

Citation: Garner LS, compiler. Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, abstracts, and web documents for calendar year 2007. NEFSC Ref Doc 08-08; 32 p.

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The web version of this document links each bibliographic entry to an e-mail request to the senior NEFSC author or a contact acting in his/her stead, indicated by a hyperlink.  To request a copy of a work by postal mail, the address for the senior NEFSC author or contact is associated with the bracketed two-letter code at the end of the bibliographic entry. The key to the codes is as follows:

MF   =

NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, 212 Rogers Ave., Milford, CT 06460-6435

NB   =

NOAA/UMass Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program, c/o School for Marine Science & Technology, 706 South Rodney French Boulevard, New Bedford, MA 02744-1221

NG   =

NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, 28 Tarzwell Dr., Narragansett, RI 02882-1199

NS   =

NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, National Systematics Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, National Museum of Natural History, Room 57WC, MRC 0153, Washington, DC 20013-7012

OR   =

NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, ASRC Field Station, P.O. Box 190, Orono, ME 04473

RG   =

NOAA/Rutgers University Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program, c/o Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, P.O. Box 231, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0231

RI   =

NOAA/University of Rhode Island Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program, c/o Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett Bay Campus, Narragansett, RI 02882-1197

SH   =

NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, 74 Magruder Rd., Highlands, NJ 07732

VA   =

NOAA/Virginia Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA 23062

WH   =

NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026


The following bibliography consists of three sections: (1) anonymously peer-reviewed publications (“publications”); (2) transparently peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed publications (“reports”); (3) abstracts for oral presentations and poster displays; and (4) web pages and documents.  The bibliography covers works prepared by Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) employees which have a 2007 publication date.  Authors who were NEFSC employees at the time they composed their works, and/or who were NEFSC employees during all or part of 2007, are designated by capital letters.

Editorial treatment of bibliographic entries is based on the Council of Science Editors style manual, seventh[1] edition.

Works which have a pre-2007 publication date but which were not released until 2007, or which have a 2007 publication date but had not been released at the time this list was published, have been included in this issue.  They are noted by an asterisk (*) next to the publication date.

A hyperlinked list of organization acronyms has been included below.

Availability of reprints of publications and of photocopies of reports and abstracts varies for each work.  Any initial request for a reprint or photocopy should be directed to the sole/senior NEFSC author of the work.  See “Ordering Information” above for details.

Bibliographies of publications, reports, and abstracts for earlier years are available online at:

1. Council of Science Editors, Style Manual Committee.  2006.  Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers.  7th ed.   Reston, VA: The Council; 658 p.

List of Organization Acronyms


American Fisheries Society


American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists


Estuarine Research Federation


European Union for Bird Ringing


Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente E Dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources)


International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics


Journal of the Marine Biological Association


International Council for the Exploration of the Sea


Mid-Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association


North American Association of Fisheries Economists


Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization


National Association for the Practice of Anthropology


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Northeast Fisheries Science Center


National Marine Fisheries Service


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


North Pacific Marine Science Organization


Stock Assessment Workshop


Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee


US-Japan Natural Resources Aquaculture Panel


Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Able KW, Clarke PJ, CHAMBERS RC, Witting DA.  2007.  Transitions in the morphological features, habitat use, and diet of young-of-the-year goosefish (Lophius americanus). Fish Bull. 105:457-469. SH.

Allcock AL, Strugnell JM, Prodöhl P, Piatkowski U, VECCHIONE M.  2007.  A new species of Pareledone (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) from Antarctic Peninsula waters.  Polar Biol. 30:883-893.  NS.

BROOKS EN, Powers JE.  2007.  Generalized compensation in stock-recruit functions: properties and implications for management.  ICES J Mar Sci. 64:413-424.  WH.

Brooks RA, NIZINSKI MS, Ross SW, Sulak KJ.  2007.  Frequency of sublethal injury in a deepwater ophiuroid, Ophiacantha bidentata, an important component of western Atlantic Lophelia reef communities.  Mar Biol (Berl). 152:307-314.  NS.

Brousseau DJ, GOLDBERG R.  2007.  Effect of predation by the invasive crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus on recruiting barnacles Semibalanus balanoides in western Long Island Sound, USA.  Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 339:221-228.  MF.

Buggé DM, HÉGARET H, WIKFORS GH, Allam B.  2007.  Oxidative burst in hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) haemocytes.  Fish Shellfish Immunol. 23:188-196.  MF.

Carlton AG, Turpin BJ, Altieri KE, SEITZINGER SP, Reff A, Lim H-J, Ervens B.  2007.  Atmospheric oxalic acid and SOA production from glyoxal: results of aqueous photooxidation experiments.  Atmos Environ. 41:7588-7602.  RG.

Cartwright P, COLLINS AG.  2007.  Fossils and phylogenies: integrating multiple lines of evidence to investigate the origin of early major metazoan lineages.  Integr Comp Biol. 47:744-751.  NS.

Cartwright P, COLLINS AG.  2007.  Hydrozoa.  In: Daly M, Brugler MR, Cartwright P, Collins AG, Dawson MN, Fautin DG, France SC, McFadden CS, Opresko DM, Rodriguez E, Roman SL, Stake JL, eds.  The phylum Cnidaria: a review of phylogenetic patterns and diversity 300 years after Linnaeus.  Zootaxa. 1668:153-168.  NS.

Cartwright P, Halgedahl SL, Hendricks JR, Jarrard RD, Marques AC, COLLINS AG, Lieberman BS.  2007.  Exceptionally preserved jellyfishes from the Middle Cambrian.  PLoS ONE. 2(10):e1121 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001121.  NS.

Chigbu P, JEARLD A Jr, FOGARTY MJ.  2007.  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Jackson State University Program in Fish Stock Assessment.  J Geosci Ed. 55(6):541-549.  WH.

CLAY PM, OLSON J.  2007.  Defining fishing communities: issues in theory and practice.  In: Ingles P, Sepez J, eds.  Anthropology and fisheries management in the United States: methodology for research issue. NAPA Bull. 28:27-42. WH.

COLLINS AG.  2007.  Cubozoa.  In: Daly M, Brugler MR, Cartwright P, Collins AG, Dawson MN, Fautin DG, France SC, McFadden CS, Opresko DM, Rodriguez E, Roman SL, Stake JL, eds.  The phylum Cnidaria: a review of phylogenetic patterns and diversity 300 years after Linnaeus.  Zootaxa. 1668:151-152.  NS.

COLLINS AG.  2007.  Staurozoa.  In: Daly M, Brugler MR, Cartwright P, Collins AG, Dawson MN, Fautin DG, France SC, McFadden CS, Opresko DM, Rodriguez E, Roman SL, Stake JL, eds.  The phylum Cnidaria: a review of phylogenetic patterns and diversity 300 years after Linnaeus.  Zootaxa. 1668:171-173.  NS.

Daly M, Brugler MR, Cartwright P, COLLINS AG, Dawson MN, Fautin DG, France SC, McFadden CS, Opresko DM, Rodriguez E, Romano SL, Stake JL.  2007.  The phylum Cnidaria: a review of phylogenetic patterns and diversity 300 years after Linnaeus.  Zootaxa. 1668:127-182.  NS.

Dawe EG, HENDRICKSON LC, Colburne EB, Drinkwater KF, Showell MA.  2007.  Ocean climate effects on the relative abundance of shortfinned (Illex illecebrosus) and long-finned (Loligo pealeii) squid in the northwest Atlantic Ocean.  Fish Oceanogr. 16(4):303-316.  WH.

Durbin E, KANE J.  2007.  Seasonal and spatial dynamics of Centropages typicus and C. hamatus in the western North Atlantic.  Prog Oceanogr. 72:249-258.  NG.

Edwards KP, HARE JA, Werner FE, Seim H.  2007.  Using 2-dimensional dispersal kernels to identify the dominant influences on larval dispersal on continental shelves.  Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 352:77-87.  NG.

FABRIZIO MC, PESSUTTI JP.  2007.  Long-term effects and recovery from surgical implantation of dummy transmitters in two marine fishes.  J Exp Mar Biol Ecol. 351:243-254.  SH.

FAHAY MP.  2007.  Early stages of fishes in the western North Atlantic Ocean (Davis Strait, Southern Greenland and Flemish Cap to Cape Hatteras), vol 1.  Dartmouth (NS): NAFO Monograph Series; p 1-931.  SH c/o T NOJI

FAHAY MP.  2007.  Early stages of fishes in the western North Atlantic Ocean (Davis Strait, Southern Greenland and Flemish Cap to Cape Hatteras), vol 2.  Dartmouth (NS): NAFO Monograph Series; p 932-1696.  SH c/o T NOJI

FOGARTY MJ, Botsford LW.  2007.  Population connectivity and spatial management of marine fisheries.  Oceanography. 20(3):112-123.  WH.

FRIEDLAND KD, HARE JA.  2007.  Long-term trends and regime shifts in sea surface temperature on the continental shelf of the northeast United States.  Continent Shelf Res. 27:2313-2328.  NG.

FRIEDLAND KD, Miller MJ, Knights B.  2007.  Oceanic changes in the Sargasso Sea and declines in recruitment of the European eel.  ICES J Mar Sci. 64:519-530.  NG.

GREEN BS, CHAMBERS RC.  2007.  Maternal effects vary between source populations in the Atlantic tomcod Microgadus tomcod.  Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 344:185-195.  SH.

Guerra A, Martinell X, Gonzalez AF, VECCHIONE M, Gracia J, Martinell J.  2007.  A new noise detected in the ocean.  J Mar Biol Ass UK. 87:1255-1256.  NS.

Guerra A, Martinell X, Gonzalez AF, VECCHIONE M, Gracia J, Martinell J.  2007.  The sound of a surprising octopus.  JMBA Global Mar Environ. 2007(6):pnk.  NS.

HARE JA, Able KW.  2007.  Mechanistic links between climate and fisheries along the east coast of the United States: explaining population outbursts of Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus).  Fish Oceanogr. 16:31-45.  NG.

HARE JA, Walsh H.  2007.  Planktonic linkages among Marine Protected Areas on the south Florida and southeast United States continental shelf.  Can J Fish Aquat Sci. 64:1234-1247.  NG.

Harris JE, McBRIDE RS, Williams RO.  2007.  Life history of hickory shad in the St. Johns River, Florida.  Trans Am Fish Soc. 136:1463-1471.  WH.

Heath MR, LOUGH RG.  2007.  A synthesis of large scale patterns in the planktonic prey of larval and juvenile cod.  Fish Oceanogr. 16(2):169-185.  WH.

HÉGARET H, Mirella da Silva P, WIKFORS GH, Lambert C, De Bettignies T, Shumway SE, Soudant P.  2007.  Hemocyte responses of Manila clams, Ruditapes philippinarum, with varying parasite, Perkinsus olseni, severity to toxic-algal exposures.  Aquat Toxicol. 84:469-479.  MF.

HÉGARET H, WIKFORS GH, Soudant P, Lambert C, Shumway SE, Bérard JB, Lassus P.  2007.  Toxic dinoflagellates (Alexandrium fundyense and A. catenella) have minimal apparent effects on oyster hemocytes.  Mar Biol (Berl). 152:441-447.  MF.

HYDE KJW, O’REILLY JE, Oviatt CA.  2007.  Validation of SeaWiFS chlorophyll a in Massachusetts bay.  Continent Shelf Res. 27:1677-1691.  NG.

Ji R, Davis C, Chen C, Townsend D, MOUNTAIN DG, Beardsley R.  2007.  Influence of ocean freshening on shelf phytoplankton dynamics.  Geophys Res Lett. 34:L24607, doi:10.1029/2007GL032010.  WH c/o J HARE.

KANE J.  2007.  Zooplankton abundance trends on Georges Bank, 1977-2004.  ICES J Mar Sci. 64:909-919.  NG.

KANE J, ANDERSON J.  2007.  Effect of towing speed on retention of zooplankton in bongo nets [Note].  Fish Bull. 105:440-444.  NG.

Kennish MJ, Bricker SB, Dennison WC, Glibert PM, Livingston RJ, Moore KA, Noble RT, Paerl HW, Ramstack JM, SEITZINGER SP, Tomasko DA, Valiela I.  2007.  Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: case study of a highly eutrophic coastal bay system.  Ecol Appl. 17 (5): S3-S16 Suppl S.  RG.

Kirkley J, WALDEN JB, Ward J.  2007.  The status of USA’s commercial fisheries and management and crystal-balling the future.  Int J Global Environ Issues. 7(2/3):119-136.  WH.

KITTS A, PINTO DA SILVA P, ROUNTREE B.  2007.  The evolution of collaborative management in the Northeast USA tilefish fishery.  Mar Pol. 31(2):192-200.  WH.

LINK JS.  2007.  Under-appreciated species in ecology: “ugly fish” in the northwest Atlantic Ocean.  Ecol Appl. 17:2037-2060.  WH.

LINK JS, O’REILLY JE, FOGARTY MJ, DOW DD, VITALIANO J, LEGAULT CM, OVERHOLTZ WJ, GREEN J, PALKA D, GUIDA V, Brodziak JKT, METHRATTA EM, STOCKHAUSEN WT.  2007.  Energy flow on Georges Bank revisited: the Energy Modeling and Analysis eXercise (EMAX) in historical context.  J Northwest Atl Fish Sci. 39:83-101.  WH.

LOUGH RG, BROUGHTON EA.  2007.  Development of micro-scale frequency distributions of plankton for inclusion in foraging models of larval fish, results from a Video Plankton Recorder.  J Plankton Res. 29(1):7-17.  WH.

MacKENZIE CL Jr.  2007.  Causes underlying the historical decline in eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin, 1791) landings.  J Shellfish Res. 26(4):927-938.  SH.

Magel C, Wakefield K, Targett N, BRILL RW.  2007.  Activity in the pallial nerve of knobbed (Busycon carica) and channeled (Busycotypus canaliculatum) whelks recorded during exposure of the osphradium to odorant solutions.  Fish Bull. 105:485-492.  VA.

Malte H, Larsen C, Musyl MK, BRILL RW.  2007.  Differential heating and cooling rates in bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus); a model of non-steady state heat exchange.  J Exp Biol. 210:2618-2626.  VA.

Marancik KE, HARE JA.  2007.  Large-scale patterns in fish trophodynamics of estuarine and shelf habitats of the southeast United States.  Bull Mar Sci. 80:67-91.  NG.

Marra J, Trees C, O’REILLY JE.  2007.  Phytoplankton pigment absorption: a strong predictor of primary productivity in the surface ocean.  Deep-Sea Res I. 54:155-163.  NG.

McBRIDE RS, Johnson M.  2007.  Sexual development and reproductive seasonality of hogfish (Labridae: Lachnolaimus maximus), an hermaphroditic reef fish.  J Fish Biol. 71(5):1270-1292.  WH.

McBRIDE RS, Richardson AK.  2007.  Evidence of size-selective fishing mortality from an age and growth study of hogfish (Labridae: Lachnolaimus maximus), a hermaphroditic reef fish.  Bull Mar Sci. 80:401-417.  WH.

McCANDLESS CT, KOHLER NE, PRATT HL Jr, editors.  2007.  Shark nursery grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast waters of the United States.  Bethesda [MD]: Am Fish Soc Symp. 50; 402 p.  NG.

McCANDLESS CT, PRATT HL Jr, KOHLER NE, Merson RR, Recksieck CW.  2007.  Distribution, localized abundance, movements, and migrations of juvenile sandbar sharks tagged in Delaware Bay.  In: McCandless CT, Kohler NE, Pratt HL Jr, eds.  Shark nursery grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast waters of the United States.  Bethesda [MD]: Am Fish Soc Symp. 50; p 45-62.  NG.

McCANDLESS CT.  2007.  Preface.  In: McCandless CT, Kohler NE, Pratt HL Jr, eds.  Shark nursery grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast waters of the United States.  Bethesda [MD]: Am Fish Soc Symp. 50; p vii-ix.  NG.

Melrose  DC, Oviatt CA, BERMAN MS.  2007.  Hypoxic events in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, during the summer of 2001.  Estuar Coasts. 30(1):47-53.  NG.

Merson RR, PRATT HL Jr.  2007.  Sandbar shark nurseries in New Jersey and New York: Evidence of northern pupping grounds along the United States east coast.  In: McCandless CT, Kohler NE, Pratt HL Jr, eds.  Shark nursery grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast waters of the United States.  Bethesda [MD]: Am Fish Soc Symp. 50; p 35-43.  NG.

MESECK SL.  2007.  Controlling the growth of a cyanobacterial contaminant, Synechoccus sp, in a culture of Tetraselmis chui (PLY429) by varying pH: Implications for outdoor aquaculture production.  Aquaculture. 273(4):566-572.  MF.

MESECK SL, SMITH BC, WIKFORS GH, ALIX J, KAPAREIKO D.  2007.  Nutrient interactions between phytoplankton and bacterioplankton under different carbon dioxide regimes.  J Appl Phycol. 19:229-237.  MF.

MESECK SL, WIKFORS GH, ALIX J, SMITH B, DIXON M.  2007.  Impacts of a Cyanobacterium contaminating large-scale aquaculture feed cultures of Tetraselmis chui on survival and growth of bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians.  J Shellfish Res. 26(4):1071-1074.  MF.

METHRATTA ET, LINK JS.  2007.  Ontogenetic variation in habitat association for four groundfish species in the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank region.  Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 338:169-181.  WH.

METHRATTA ET, LINK JS.  2007.  Ontogenetic variation in habitat associations for four flatfish species in the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank region.  J Fish Biol. 70:1669-1688.  WH.

NIZINSKI MS.  2007.  Predation in subtropical soft-bottom systems: spiny lobster and molluscs in Florida Bay.  Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 345:185-197.  NS.

Nye JA, DAVIS DD, Miller TJ.  2007.  The effect of maternal exposure to contaminated sediment on the growth and condition in larval Fundulus heteroclitus.  Aquat Toxicol. 82(4):242-250.  SH.

OLSON JA.  2007.  Book review: Capturing the Commons: Devising Institutions to Manage the Maine Lobster Industry, by James M. Acheson.  Am Anthropol. 109:365-366.  WH.

OVERHOLTZ WJ, LINK JS.  2007.  Consumption impacts by marine mammals, fish, and seabirds on the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) complex during the years 1977-2002.  ICES J Mar Sci. 64(1):83-96.  WH.

Peyronnet A, FRIEDLAND KD, O’Maoileidigh N, Manning M, Poole WR.  2007.  Links between patterns of marine growth and survival of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, L.  J Fish Biol. 71:684-700.  NG.

Pineda J, HARE JA, Sponaugle S.  2007.  Larval transport and dispersal in the coastal ocean and consequences for population connectivity.  Oceanography. 20:24-41.  NG.

PINTO DA SILVA P. 2007. Da propriedade coletiva ao co-gerenciamento: lições da primeira Reserva Extrativista Marinha Brasileira. In: Prates AP, Blanc D, eds. Áreas Aquáticas Protegidas como Instrumento de Gestão Pesqueira. Brasilia [Brasil]: Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis. Série Áreas Protegidas do Brasil 4; p 159-178. WH.

PINTO DA SILVA P, FULCHER C.  2005*.  Human dimensions of marine fisheries: using GIS to illustrate land-sea connections in the Northeast U.S. herring, Clupea harengus, fishery.  Mar Fish Rev. 67(4):19-25.  WH.

Reid DG, Annala J, Rosen S, Pol M, CADRIN SX, Walsh SJ.  2007.  Current status of mobile and static sampling gears used in resource surveys.  ICES J Mar Sci. 64:1607-1609.  NB.

Reznick D, Meredith R, COLLETTE BB.  2007.  Independent evolution of complex life history adaptations in two families of fishes, live-bearing halfbeaks (Zenarchopteridae, Beloniformes) and Poeciliidae (Cyprinodontiformes).  Evolution. 61:2570-2583.  NS.

Risch D, Clark CW, Corkeron PJ, Elepfandt A, Kovacs KM, Lydersen C, Stirling I, VAN PARIJS SM.  2007.  Vocalizations of male bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) I: classification and geographical variation.  Anim Behav. 73(5):747-762.  WH.

Searcy SP, Eggleston DB, HARE JA.  2007.  Environmental influences on the relationship between juvenile and larval growth for Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus.  Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 349:81-88.  NG.

Searcy SP, Eggleston DB, HARE JA.  2007.  Is growth a reliable indicator of habitat quality and essential fish habitat for a juvenile estuarine fish?  Can J Fish Aquat Sci. 64:681-691.  NG.

SHEPHERD GR.  2007.  Using tagging data to assess fish populations.  Underwater Nat. 28(1)10-11.  WH.

SHERMAN K, Duda A.  2007.  A global approach for recovery and sustainability of fisheries in Large Marine Ecosystems.  Fisheries. 32(7):354-357.  NG.

SMITH BE, Ligenza TJ, ALMEIDA FP, LINK JS.  2007.  The trophic ecology of Atlantic cod: insights from tri-monthly, localized scales of sampling.  J Fish Biol. 71:749-762.  WH.

Steele JH, Collie JS, Bisagni JJ, Gifford DJ, FOGARTY MJ, LINK JS, Sullivan BK, Sieracki ME, Beet AR, MOUNTAIN DG, Durbin EG, PALKA D, STOCKHAUSEN WT.  2007.  Balancing end-to-end budgets of the Georges Bank ecosystem.  Prog Oceanogr. 74:423-448.  WH.

STOCKHAUSEN WT, FOGARTY MJ.  2007.  Removing observational noise from fisheries-independent time series using ARIMA models.  Fish Bull. 107:88-101. WH.

THUNBERG EM, KITTS A, WALDEN J.  2007.  A case study of New England groundfish fishing capacity reduction.  In: Curtis R, Squires D, eds.  Fisheries Buybacks.  Oxford [UK]: Blackwell Publishing; p 239-248.  WH.

Tibbetts IR, COLLETTE BB, Isaac R, Kreiter P.  2007.  Functional and phylogenetic implications of the vesicular swimbladder of Hemiramphus and Oxyporhamphus convexus (Beloniformes: Teleostei).  Copeia. 2007(4):808-817.  NS.

Trippel NA, Allen MS, McBRIDE RS.  2007.  Seasonal trends in abundance and size of juvenile American shad, hickory shad, and blueback herring in the St. Johns River, Florida, and comparison with historical data.  Trans Am Fish Soc. 136:988-993.  WH.

TYRRELL MC, LINK JS, MOUSTAHFID H, SMITH BE.  2007.  The dynamic role of pollock (Pollachius virens) as a predator in the northeast US continental shelf ecosystem: a multi-decadal perspective.  J Northwest Atl Fish Sci. 38:53-65.  WH.

Valentine PC, Collie JS, REID RN, Asch RG, GUIDA VG, Blackwood DS.  2007.  The occurrence of the colonial ascidian Didemnum sp. on Georges Bank gravel habitat – ecological observations and potential effects on groundfish and scallop fisheries.  J Exp Mar Biol Ecol. 342:179-181.  SH.

VITALIANO JJ, FROMM SA, PACKER DB, REID RN, PIKANOWSKI RA.  2007.  Recovery of benthic macrofauna from sewage sludge disposal in the NY Bight.  Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 342:27-40.  SH.

Wolkers H, Corkeron PJ, VAN PARIJS SM, Similä T, van Bavel B.  2007.  Accumulation and transfer of contaminants in killer whales (Orcinus orca) from Norway: indications for contaminant metabolism.  Environ Toxicol Chem. 26(8):1582-1590.  WH.

Young RE, VECCHIONE M, Roper CFE.  2007.  A new genus and three new species of decapodiform cephalopods (Mollusca: Cephalopoda).  Rev Fish Biol Fish. 17:353-365.  NS.


BELDEN D.  2007.  Estimates of cetacean and pinniped bycatch in the 2005 northeast sink gillnet and mid-Atlantic coastal gillnet fisheries.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-08; 16 p.  WH.

BELDEN D, ORPHANIDES CD.  2007.  Estimates of cetacean and pinniped bycatch in the 2006 Northeast sink gillnet and Mid-Atlantic coastal gillnet fisheries.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-20; 18 p.  WH.

Belkin IM, O’REILLY JE.  2007.  Propagation of temperature-salinity anomalies along North America’s eastern seaboard.  ICES CM. 2007/D:32; 1 p.  NG.

Belkin IM, O’REILLY JE.  2007.  Satellite climatology of SST and chlorophyll fronts in the Northeast U.S. Large Marine Ecosystem.  ICES CM. 2007/D:33; 1 p.  NG.

BRILL RW, Musyl M.  2007.  Acoustic, archival, and pop-up satellite tags and large pelagic fishes: a 30-year perspective.  In: Sheridan P, Ferguson JW, Downing SL, editors.  Report of the National Marine Fisheries Service Workshop on Advancing Electronic Tag Technology and Their Use in Stock Assessments, August 23-25, 2005.  NOAA Tech Memo NMFS F/SPO. 82; p 19-20.  VA.

CADRIN SX, Rothschild BJ, Wirgin I.  2007.  To lump, or to split? … maybe the wrong question for stock identification of fishery resources.  ICES CM. 2007/L:01; 16 p.  WH.

CADRIN SX, SHEPHERD G, SHEEHAN T, KUBIS S, MOSER J, WESTWOOD A.  2007.  Using information from electronic tags for stock assessment of Northeast fishery resources.  In: Sheridan P, Ferguson JW, Downing SL, editors.  Report of the National Marine Fisheries Service Workshop on Advancing Electronic Tag Technology and Their Use in Stock Assessments, August 23-25, 2005.  NOAA Tech Memo NMFS F/SPO. 82; p 60-61.  WH.

COLE TVN, GERRIOR P, MERRICK R.  2007.  Methodologies and preliminary results of the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service aerial survey program for right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in the northeast U.S., 1998-2006.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-02; 11 p.  WH.

COLE TVN, STIMPERT A, POMFRET L, HOULE K.  2007.  North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (RWSAS) 2002 results summary.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-18a; 6 p.  WH.

DeAlteris J.  2007.  Workshop to discuss bycatch reduction technologies to reduce sea turtle bycatch in Southern New England and mid-Atlantic inshore trawl fisheries.  NOAA Contract No. EA133F-05-SE6561.  Summary report; 8 p.  WH c/o H MILLIKEN.

DeCelles G, CADRIN SX.  2007.  An interdisciplinary assessment of winter flounder stock structure.  ICES CM. 2007/L:18; 20 p.  NB.

Drohan A, MANDERSON J, PACKER DB.  2007.  Essential fish habitat source document: black sea bass, Centropristis striata, life history and habitat characteristics (2nd Edition).  NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE. 200; 68 p.  SH.

Ecosystems Surveys Branch.  2007.  Resource Survey Report: bottom trawl survey -- winter 2007.  Informal report; 24 p.  WH c/o L DESPRES

Ecosystems Surveys Branch.  2007.  Resource Survey Report: bottom trawl survey -- spring 2007.  Informal report; 36 p.  WH c/o L DESPRES

Ecosystems Surveys Branch.  2007.  Resource Survey Report: sea scallop -- 2007.  Informal report; 24 p.  WH c/o L DESPRES

Färe R, Kirkley J, WALDEN JB.  2007.  Estimating capacity and efficiency in fisheries with undesirable outputs.  VIMS Mar Resour Rep. 2007-6; 76 p.  WH.

FOGARTY MJ, Hansford DC, Volstad JH.  2007.  Recommendations for reducing vessel selection bias in U.S. observer programs.  In: McVea TA, Kennelly SJ, eds.  Proceedings of the 5th International Fisheries Observer Conference – 15-18 May 2007, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  Cronulla [Australia]: NSW DPI, Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence; p 250-251.  WH.

GABRIEL WL, Gavaris S, editors.  2007.  Canada USA scientific discussions.  TRAC Proceedings Doc. 2007/02; 24 p.  WH.

GARNER LS.  2007.  NEFSC publications, reports, abstracts, and web pages/documents for calendar year 2006.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-14; 24 p.  WH.

Gavaris S, O’BRIEN L, Clark K, Hatt B.  2007.  Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Atlantic cod for 2007.  TRAC Ref Doc. 2007/04; 47 p.  WH.

Gavaris S, O’BRIEN L, MAYO R.  2007.  Update of allocation shares for Canada and the USA of the transboundary resources of Atlantic cod, haddock and yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank through fishing year 2008.  TRAC Ref Doc. 2007/01; 24 p.  WH.

ICES Mariculture Committee (MacLEAN SA, Chair).  2007.  Report of the Working Group on Pathology and Diseases of Marine Organisms (WGPDMO).  20–24 March 2007; Tenerife, Spain.  ICES CM. 2007/MCC:04; 86 p.  NG.

Johnson A, RICHARDS RA, Cullen D, Nguluwe B, LANG K.  2007.  Biology of large monkfish Lophius americanus.  ICES CM. 2007/K:11; 15 p.  WH.

Kalikoski D, PINTO DA SILVA P.  2007.  Avanços e desafios na implementação de gestão compartilhada no Brasil: liçoes comparativas do Fórum da Lagoa dos Patos (RS) e da Resex Marinha de Arraial do Cabo (RJ).  In: Costa AL, ed.  In the nets of coastal artesanal fishing [Nas redes da pesca artesanal costeira].  The Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Resources (IBAMA): Brasilia; p 115-154.  WH.

Lawson DD, DeAlteris JT.  2007.  Evaluation of a turtle excluder device (TED) in the scallop trawl fishery of the mid-Atlantic.  NOAA Contract No. EA133F-05-SE6561.  Final report; 145 p.  WH c/o H MILLIKEN.

LEGAULT CM, Stone HH, Waters C.  2007.  Stock assessment of Georges Bank yellowtail flounder for 2007.  TRAC Ref Doc. 2007/05; 67 p.  WH.

MANDERSON JP, PESSUTTI J, ROSENDALE J, PHELAN B.  2007.  Estuarine habitat dynamics and telemetered movements of three pelagic fishes: Scale, complexity, behavioral flexibility and the development of an ecophysiological framework.  ICES CM. 2007/G:02; 36 p.  SH.

MAYO RK, Brodziak JKT, BURNETT J, TRAVER M, COL L.  2007.  The 2005 Assessment of Acadian redfish, Sebastes fasciatus Storer, in the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank region.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-06; 32 p.  WH.

McARDLE K.  2007.  Ways to improve observer data.  In: McVea TA, Kennelly SJ, eds.  Proceedings of the 5th International Fisheries Observer Conference – 15-18 May 2007, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  Cronulla [Australia]: NSW DPI, Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence; p 264-265.  WH.

McBRIDE HM, JACKSON O, KUPCHA E, NORTH B.  2007.  Observer at-sea data collection project.  In: McVea TA, Kennelly SJ, eds.  Proceedings of the 5th International Fisheries Observer Conference – 15-18 May 2007, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  Cronulla [Australia]: NSW DPI, Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence; p 144-145.  WH.

McBRIDE RS, Richardson AK, Maki KL, Murphy MD.  2007.  Fishery and population characteristics of wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, in Florida and adjacent waters of the western North Atlantic Ocean.  Final Report.  Marine Fisheries Initiative Grant Program (NOAA Award Number NA17FF2882).  Prepared for US Dept Commer, NOAA, NMFS, Cooperative Program Division, St. Petersburg FL; pnk.  WH.

MERRICK RL, COLE TVN.  2007.  Evaluation of northern right whale ship strike reduction measures in the Great South Channel.  NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE. 202; 12 p.  WH.

MERRICK RL, Kelty R, Ragen T, Rowles T, Sandifer P, Schroeder B, Swartz S, Valette-Sivler N.  2007.  Report of the Protected Species SAIP Tier III Workshop.  NOAA Tech Memo NMFS F/SPO. 78; 79 p.  WH.

MILLIKEN HO, Belskis L, DuPaul W, Gearhart J, HAAS H, Mitchell J, Smolowitz R, Teas W.  2007.  Evaluation of a modified scallop dredge’s ability to reduce the likelihood of damage to loggerhead sea turtle carcasses.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-07; 31 p.  WH.

Mo TA, Jones S, MacLEAN SA, Bruno D, Ruane N.  2007.  Update information on progress made in the development of salmon louse vaccines and sea lice management strategies in ICES Member Countries.  In: ICES Mariculture Committee.  Report of the Working Group on Pathology and Diseases of Marine Organisms (WGPDMO).  20–24 March 2007; Tenerife, Spain.  ICES CM. 2007/MCC:04; p 17-18.  NG.

MURRAY KT.  2007.  Estimated bycatch of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in U.S. mid-Atlantic scallop trawl gear, 2004-2005, and in scallop dredge gear, 2005.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-04; 30 p.  WH.

MURRAY KT.  2007.  Use of observer data in estimating and mitigating loggerhead sea turtle bycatch in U.S. mid-Atlantic bottom otter trawl gear.  In: McVea TA, Kennelly SJ, eds.  Proceedings of the 5th International Fisheries Observer Conference – 15-18 May 2007, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  Cronulla [Australia]: NSW DPI, Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence; p 113-114.  WH.

NEFSC Vessel Calibration Group.  2007.  Proposed vessel calibration studies for NOAA FSV Henry B. Bigelow.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-12; 26 p.  WH c/o W GABRIEL

NELSON M, Garron M, MERRICK RL, PACE RM III, COLE TVN.  2007.  Mortality and serious injury determinations for baleen whale stocks along the United States eastern seaboard and adjacent Canadian Maritimes, 2001-2005.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-05; 18 p.  WH.

NIEMEYER M, Compiler; COLE TVN, CHRISTMAN CL, DULEY P, GLASS A, HOULE K, NELSON M, NIEMEYER M, POMFRET L, RONE BK, STIMPERT A, contributing authors.  2007.  North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (RWSAS) results summaries for the years 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, & 2006.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-18; 27 p.  WH.

NIEMEYER M, COLE TVN, CHRISTMAN C, DULEY P, GLASS A, NELSON M.  2007.  North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (RWSAS) 2006 results summary.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-18e; 6 p.  WH.

NIEMEYER M, COLE TVN, CHRISTMAN C, DULEY P, Nelson M.  2007.  North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (RWSAS) 2005 results summary.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-18d; 5 p.  WH.

Northeast Data Poor Stocks Working Group.  2007.  Monkfish assessment report for 2007.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-21; 232 p.  WH c/o J WEINBERG.

Northeast Data Poor Stocks Working Group.  2007.  Monkfish assessment summary for 2007.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-13; 12 p.  WH c/o J WEINBERG

Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  2007.  44th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (44th SAW): 44th SAW assessment report.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-10; 661 p.  WH c/o J WEINBERG

Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  2007.  44th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (44th SAW): 44th SAW assessment summary report.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-03; 58 p.  WH c/o J WEINBERG.

Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  2007.  45th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (45th SAW): 45th SAW assessment report.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-16; 370 p.  WH c/o J WEINBERG

Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  2007.  45th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (45th SAW).  45th SAW assessment summary report.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-11; 37 p.  WH c/o J WEINBERG

O’Boyle R, O’BRIEN L.  2007.  Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC) Proceedings.  TRAC Proceedings Doc. 2007/1; 35 p.  WH.

ORPHANIDES CD, MAGNUSSON GM.  2007.  Characterization of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic bottom and mid-water trawl fisheries based on vessel trip report (VTR) data.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-15; 154 p.  NG.

PACKER DB, Boelke D, GUIDA V, McGee L-A.  2007.  State of deep coral ecosystems in the northeastern region: Maine to Cape Hatteras.  In: Lumsden SE, Hourigan TF, Bruckner AW, Dor, G, eds.  The State of Deep Coral Ecosystems of the United States: 2007.  NOAA Tech Memo CRCP. 3; p 195-232.  SH.

PALMER MC, HOEY JJ.  2007.  Cooperative study fleets as a mechanism for fisheries monitoring.  In: McVea TA, Kennelly SJ, eds.  Proceedings of the 5th International Fisheries Observer Conference – 15-18 May 2007, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  Cronulla [Australia]: NSW DPI, Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence; p 74-77.  WH.

PALMER MC, WIGLEY SE, Hoey JJ, PALMER JE.  2007.  An evaluation of the Northeast Region’s Study Fleet Pilot Program and electronic logbook system: phase I and II.  NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE. 204; 79 p.  WH.

PALMER MC, WIGLEY SE.  2007.  Validating the stock apportionment of commercial fisheries landings using positional data from Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS).  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-22; 35 p.  WH.

PERRY DM, NELSON DA, REDMAN D, Metzler S, Katersky R.  2007.  Growth of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, in recirculating aquaculture systems.  NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE. 206; 12 p.  MF.

RICHARDS RA, MOSER J.  2007.  Development of tagging methods for monkfish, Lophius americanus.  Final report to Northeast Consortium; pnk.  WH.

RICHARDS RA, NITSCHKE P, CADRIN SX, RAGO P, Maguire J-J.  2007.  Population assessment of monkfish (Lophius americanus) in the Northeastern USA.  ICES CM. 2007/K:15; 42 p.  WH.

RICHARDS RA, NITSCHKE P, SOSEBEE K, LANG K.  2007.  Population biology of monkfish Lophius americanus.  ICES CM. 2007/K:04; 27 p.  WH.

Rone BK, COLE TVN, DULEY P, Nelson M, NIEMEYER M.  2007.  North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (RWSAS) 2003 results summary.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-18b; 5 p.  WH.

Rone BK, COLE TVN, DULEY P, Nelson M, NIEMEYER M.  2007.  North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (RWSAS) 2004 results summary.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-18c; 5 p.  WH.

Ross SW, NIZINSKI MS.  2007.  State of deep coral ecosystems in the US southeast region: Cape Hatteras to southeastern Florida.  In: Lumsden SE, Hourigan TF, Bruckner AW, Dor, G, eds.  The State of Deep Coral Ecosystems of the United States: 2007. NOAA Tech Memo CRCP 3; p 233-269.  NS.

ROSSMAN MC.  2007.  Allocating observer sea days to bottom trawl and gillnet fisheries in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions to monitor and estimate incidental bycatch of marine mammals.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-19; 17 p.  WH.

SHEPHERD GR, CADRIN SX, MOSER J, WESTWOOD A, KUBIS S.  2007.  Application of electronic data storage tags in studies of black sea bass and yellowtail flounder in the Northwest Atlantic.  In: Sheridan P, Ferguson JW, Downing SL, editors.  Report of the National Marine Fisheries Service Workshop on Advancing Electronic Tag Technology and Their Use in Stock Assessments, August 23-25, 2005.  NOAA Tech Memo NMFS F/SPO. 82; p 43-44.  WH.

SHERMAN K, Belkin I, O’REILLY JE.  2007.  Variability of Large Marine Ecosystems in response to global climate change.  ICES CM. 2007/D:20; 46 p.  NG.

STEHLIK LL.  2007.  Essential fish habitat source document: spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, life history and habitat characteristics, 2nd edition.  NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE. 203; 44 p.  SH.

SUTHERLAND SJ, SHEPHERD NL, PREGRACKE SE, BURNETT JM.  2007.  Accuracy and precision exercises associated with 2006 TRAC production aging.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-01; 20 p.  WH.

SUTHERLAND SJ, Van Eeckhaute L, Hatt B, MUNROE N, PREGRACKE SE, SHEPHERD NL, BURNETT JM.  2007.  Aging accuracy, precision, and inter-laboratory comparisons for the 2007 assessments of Georges Bank yellowtail flounder and eastern Georges Bank cod and haddock.  TRAC Ref Doc. 2007/06; 42 p.  WH.

THUNBERG EM.  2007.  Demographic and economic trends in the northeastern Unites States lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery, 1970-2005.  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-17; 64 p.  WH.

TORK M, LaFargue J.  2007.  Summary of Work Group 2: Observer Safety Work Group.  In: McVea TA, Kennelly SJ, eds.  Proceedings of the 5th International Fisheries Observer Conference – 15-18 May 2007, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  Cronulla [Australia]: NSW DPI, Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence; p 196-198.  WH.

VAN ATTEN AS.  2007.  Comparison of fishermen catch reports to observer data.  In: McVea TA, Kennelly SJ, eds.  Proceedings of the 5th International Fisheries Observer Conference – 15-18 May 2007, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  Cronulla [Australia]: NSW DPI, Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence; p 71-74.  WH.

VAN ATTEN AS, McARDLE K, QUINN, YOOS P.  2007.  Data quality in relation to observers’ length of employment.  In: McVea TA, Kennelly SJ, eds.  Proceedings of the 5th International Fisheries Observer Conference – 15-18 May 2007, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  Cronulla [Australia]: NSW DPI, Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence; p 355-357.  WH.

Van Eeckhaute L, TRAVER ML, MAYO R.  2007.  Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank haddock for 2007.  TRAC Ref Doc. 2007/07; 77 p.  WH.

VAN PARIJS SM, Southall B, Convenors and Workshop Co-Chairs.  2007.  Report of the 2006 NOAA National Passive Acoustics Workshop: Developing a Strategic Program Plan for NOAA’s Passive Acoustics Ocean Observing System (PAOOS), Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 11-13 April 2006.  NOAA Tech Memo NMFS F/SPO. 81; 64 p.  WH.

WARING GT, JOSEPHSON E, Fairfield CP, Maze-Foley K.  2007.  U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico marine mammal stock assessments -- 2006.  NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE. 201; 378 p.  WH.

WETMORE SE, KUPCHA E.  2007.  In-season fisheries management:  a study of Northeast fisheries observers and the 2006 Atlantic sea scallop fishing season.  In: McVea TA, Kennelly SJ, eds.  Proceedings of the 5th International Fisheries Observer Conference – 15-18 May 2007, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  Cronulla [Australia]: NSW DPI, Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence; p 116.  WH.

WIECZOREK D, DRAXLER AFJ, DESHPANDE AD, Waguespack YY, CHAMBERS RC, CLEARY TH.  2007.  Effects of sediment contaminants on winter flounder in estuaries along the east coast of the United States.  ICES CM. 2007/I:20; 11 p.  SH.

WIGLEY SE, RAGO P, SOSEBEE K, PALKA DL.  2007.  The analytic component to the Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology Omnibus Amendment: sampling design, and estimation of precision and accuracy (2nd edition).  NEFSC Ref Doc. 07-09; 156 p.  WH.


ALADE L.  2007.  Evaluating a movement-mortality model through simulation [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

Belkin IM, O’REILLY JE.  2007.  Propagation of temperature-salinity anomalies along North America’s eastern seaboard [abstract].  XXIV IUGG General Assembly: Earth, Our Changing Planet; 2007 Jul 2-13; Perugia, Italy; np.  NG.

Belkin IM, O’REILLY JE, HYDE KJW, Ducas T.  2007.  Satellite climatology of SST and chlorophyll fronts in the Northeast U.S. Large Marine Ecosystem [abstract].  XXIV IUGG General Assembly: Earth, Our Changing Planet; 2007 Jul 2-13; Perugia, Italy; np.  NG.

Belkin IM, SHERMAN K.  2007.  Increased warming of Large Marine Ecosystems over the last 25 years [abstract].  International Scientific Conference: Large Marine Ecosystems of Russia in the Epoch of Global Changes (Climate, Resources, Management); 2007 Oct 11-12; Rostov-on-Don, Russia; np.  NG.

BERMAN MS, Melrose C.  2007.  Annual cycles in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island [abstract].  ERF 2007 – Science and Management: Observations/Syntheses/Solutions; 2007 Nov 4-8; Providence RI; np.  NG.

BISACK KD. 2007 A comparison of days-at-sea, closures and ITQs in the control of harbor porpoise bycatch and cod landings. [abstract]. Fourth NAAFE Biennial Forum; 2007 Mar 27-30; Merida, Mexico; np. WH.

BLOGOSLAWSKI WJ.  2007.  A review of shellfish hatchery disease incidents from 1971-2006 [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):652-653.  MF.

BLOGOSLAWSKI WJ.  2007.  Overview, 27th Milford Aquaculture Seminar [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):651.  MF.

BROOKS EN, Siegfried K.  2007.  Modeling natural mortality and the consequences for biological reference points [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

BROWN CL, Bolivar RB.  2007.  Feeding strategies for cost-containment in tilapia culture [abstract].  First International Conference on Aquaculture, 2007 Aug 5-8, Hanoi, Vietnam; np.  MF.

BUCKLEY LJ, CALDARONE EM, Clemmesen C.  2007.  A multi-species growth model based on fluorometrically derived RNA/DNA ratios and temperature: results from a meta-analysis [abstract].  31st Annual Larval Fish Conference, 2007 Jul 9-12, St. John’s NF; np.  NG.

BUCKLEY LJ, LOUGH RG, MOUNTAIN DG.  2007.  Phenologic patterns result in an optimal window for survival of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae on Georges Bank [abstract].  4th International Zooplankton Production Symposium on Human and Climate Forcing of Zooplankton Populations; 2007 May 28 - Jun 1; Hiroshima, Japan; p 140.  WH.

BUCKLEY LJ, LOUGH RG, MOUNTAIN DG.  2007.  Seasonal trends in mortality and growth of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae on Georges Bank result in an optimal window for survival [abstract].  ECONORTH Symposium; 2007 Mar 12-15; Tromsø, Norway; np.  WH.

CADRIN SX.  2007.  Accounting for population structure in stock assessment: past, present and future [abstract].  AIFRB 50th Anniversary Symposium, Future of Fishery Science in North America; 2007 Feb 12-15; Seattle WA; np.  NB.

CADRIN SX.  2007.  Bridging disciplinary gaps for ecosystem science through collaborative research, advanced technologies and education [abstract].  Invited keynote address for Session III - EBM Tools: Filling Information, Knowledge and Institutional Gaps.  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  NB.

CADRIN SX, Hogan F.  2007.  Age determination of skate species in Massachusetts waters [abstract].  23rd Annual Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society; 2007 Jul 11-16; St. Louis MO; np.  NB.

CADRIN SX, Martins D, Jacobson N, Barkley A, Rothschild B.  2007.  Reducing bycatch of haddock and other groundfish on Georges Bank through hardware and software solutions [abstract].  Haddock 2007: International Symposium on Haddock Conservation, Harvesting and Management; 2007 Oct 25-26; Portsmouth NH; np.  NB.

CADRIN SX, MOSER J, WESTWOOD A.  2007.  Studying movement of yellowtail flounder with electronic tags [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  NB.

CADRIN SX, Rothschild BJ, Wirgin I.  2007.  To lump, or to split? … maybe the wrong question for stock identification of fishery resources [abstract].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; pnk.  NB.

CANDELMO A, DESHPANDE AD, Weis JS.  2007.  Behavior and condition responses of young-of-the-year bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) to contaminants accumulated via experimental trophic transfer [abstract].  Hudson Delaware SETAC 23rd Annual Spring Meeting - Rivers at Risk: Stressors and Solutions; 2007 Apr 26-27; Stockton NJ; p 7.  SH.

CANDELMO A, DESHPANDE AD, Weis JS.  2007.  Behavior and condition responses of young-of-the-year bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) to contaminants accumulated via experimental trophic transfer [abstract].  2007 Meadowlands Symposium; 2007 May 15-17; Lyndhurst NJ; p 7.  SH.

CANDELMO A, DESHPANDE AD, Weis JS.  2007.  Trophic transfer and effects on bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, consuming contaminated prey [abstract].  ERF 2007 – Science and Management: Observations/Syntheses/Solutions; 2007 Nov 4-8; Providence RI; np.  SH.

CHAMBERS RC, GREEN BS.  2007.  Reproductive and recruitment patterns in weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, associated with the Hudson River Estuary [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  SH.

CHAMBERS RC, GREEN BS, DAVIS DD.  2007.  Parental and environmental influences on variation in winter flounder early life-stages [abstract].  31st Annual Larval Fish Conference, 2007 Jul 9-12, St. John’s NF; np.  SH.

Chemin L, HÉGARET H, WIKFORS GH, Shumway SE.  2007.  Development of best management practices to mitigate the risk of transplanting harmful algae along with shellfish [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):654.  MF.

CHOROMANSKI J, STILES S, JEFFRESS D.  2007.  Overwintering survival and observations of laboratory reared bay scallops 2005-2006 [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):654.  MF.

CHUTE AS, HART DR.  2007.  Verification of annual growth increments on the shells of Atlantic sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) using closed areas and stable isotopes [abstract].  16th International Pectinid Workshop; 2007 May 11-13; Halifax NS; np.  WH.

CLAY PM.  2007.  Impacts and equity: applied anthropology and fisheries management [abstract].  Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association; 2007 Nov 28 - Dec 2; Washington DC; p 1.  WH.

CLAY PM, STEINBACK SR, WALLMO K.  2007.  Using the marine recreational fisheries statistics survey to estimate regional rates of subsistence fishing [abstract].  Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association; 2007 Nov 28 - Dec 2; Washington DC; p 19.  WH.

COL L, JACOBSON L.  2007.  Environmental effects on distribution and catchability of silver hake in Northeast Fishery Science Center bottom trawl surveys [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

COLBURN LL.  2007.  Cultural identity and transformation in rural and urban New England fishing communities [abstract].  Global Insecurities, Global Solutions, and Applied Anthropology in the 21st Century: The Society for Applied Anthropology 67th Annual Meeting; 2007 Mar 28-31; Tampa FL; p 72.  WH.

COLBURN LL.  2007.  Multidimensional approaches and scale to understanding social change in fishing communities, Parts I and II [abstract].  Global Insecurities, Global Solutions, and Applied Anthropology in the 21st Century: The Society for Applied Anthropology 67th Annual Meeting; 2007 Mar 28-31; Tampa FL; p 54.  WH.

COLE TVN, PACE R, DULEY P, NIEMEYTER M, CHRISTMAN C, GLASS A, MERRICK RL.  2007.  Seasonal distribution patterns of North Atlantic right whales in the Gulf of Maine, 2002-2006 [abstract].  17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; 2007 Nov 29 - Dec 2; Cape Town, South Africa; np.  WH.

COLLETTE BB.  2007.  Is Oxyporhamphus a halfbeak or a flyingfish? [abstract].  ASIH 87th Annual Meeting; 2007 Jul 15; St. Louis MO; p 95.  NS.

COLLETTE BB.  2007.  Is Oxyporhamphus a halfbeak or a flyingfish? [abstract].  XII Congress of European Ichthyologists; 2007 Sep 14; Dubrovnik, Croatia; p 8-9.  NS.

Collins AB, McBRIDE RS.  2007.  Hogfish Cooperative Research Project: science with spearfishers [abstract].  AFS Florida Chapter 27th Annual Meeting; 2007 Feb 20-22; Ocala FL; np.  WH.

Collins AB, McBRIDE RS.  2007.  Hogfish Cooperative Research Project: science with spearfishers [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

CROXTON AN, WIKFORS GH, Soudant P, Schulterbrandt Gragg RD.  2007.  In vitro effects of PAHs on eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, hemocytes [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):654-655.  MF.

Cullen DW, Johnson AK, LANG K, RICHARDS RA.  2007.  Comparing age and growth estimates for large individuals of the American monkfish (Lophius americanus V.) using illicium and vertebral ageing methods [poster].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; np.  WH.

Curti K, Collie J, JACOBSON LD, LINK JS.  2007.  Age-structured multispecies model of the Georges Bank fish community [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

DAVIS DD, CHAMBERS RC, Wirgin I.  2007.  Population differences in early life-stage toxicity in Atlantic tomcod, Microgadus tomcod, to PCB congeners [abstract].  31st Annual Larval Fish Conference, 2007 Jul 9-12, St. John’s NF; np.  SH.

DeCelles G, CADRIN SX.  2007.  An interdisciplinary assessment of winter flounder stock structure [abstract].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; pnk.  NB.

DESHPANDE AD, DOCKUM BW, DRAXLER AJF.  2007.  Polychlorinated biphenyl congeners and organochlorine pesticides in young-of-the-year bluefish from seven nursery estuaries within the New York Bight and the assessment of site fidelity based on chemical fingerprints [abstract].  2007 Meadowlands Symposium; 2007 May 15-17; Lyndhurst NJ; p 7.  SH.

Dewar H, Prince E, Musyl M, BRILL RW, Sepulveda C, Lou J, Foley D, Seraphy J, Domeier M, Nasby-Lucas N, Snodgrass D, Laurs M, Block B, McNaughton L.  2007.  Movements and behaviors of swordfish in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans examined using pop-up satellite tags [abstract].  In: Wexler J, Margulies D, co-chairs.  Proceedings of the 58th Tuna Conference Lake Arrowhead, California, May 21-24, 2007: Regime Shifts and Effective Management in a Pelagic Ecosystem; p 13.  VA.

DULEY P, COLE TVN, PACE R.  2007.  Small format photogrammetry of North Atlantic right whales off the northeastern US [abstract].  17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; 2007 Nov 29 - Dec 2; Cape Town, South Africa; np.  WH.

FOGARTY MJ.  2007.  Efficacy of Marine Protected Areas in a temperate system: a case study of Georges Bank [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

FOGARTY MJ.  2007.  Prospects for ecosystem-based fishery management: lessons from Georges Bank [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

FOGARTY MJ, LINK JS, OVERHOLTZ W.  2007.  Toward an ecosystem approach to fishery management on the US northeast continental shelf [abstract].  63rd Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference; 2007 Apr 22-25; Groton CT; np.  WH.

FRIEDLAND KD.  2007.  Menhaden biology & life history; feeding practices & filter rates of menhaden [abstract].  Menhaden Science and Policy Symposium; 2007 Nov 30; Narragansett RI; np.  NG.

FULCHER C, THUNBERG EM, Brodziak J.  2007.  Harvest strategies for a transboundary resource with a price premium for size: Georges Bank haddock [abstract].  Fourth NAAFE Biennial Forum; 27-30 Mar 2007; Merida, Mexico; np.  WH.

Gaichas S, Skaret G, Falk-Petersen J, LINK JS, OVERHOLTZ W, Megrey BA, Gjoester H, Stockhausen W, Dommasnes A, Aydin K.  2007.  A comparison of community and trophic structure in four marine ecosystems based on energy budgets and system metrics [abstract].  PICES 16th Annual Meeting: The Changing North Pacific: Previous Patterns, Future Projections, and Ecosystem Impacts; 2007 Oct 26 - Nov 5; Victoria BC; p 183.  WH.

Gaichas S, Skaret G, Falk-Petersen J, LINK JS, OVERHOLTZ W, Megrey BA, Gjoester H, Stockhausen W, Dommasnes A, Aydin K.  2007.  A comparison of community and trophic structure in four marine ecosystems based on energy budgets and system metrics [abstract].   2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; pnk.   WH.

Gallager SM, Taylor R, Vine N, Prasad L, Swaminarayan S, Gupta R, David N, York A, Howland J, RAGO PA, HART D, Rosenkranz G.  2007.  Development of an optical image database and processing tools for automated classification of benthic habitat and enumeration of commercially important scallop stocks [poster].  Alaska Marine Science Symposium; 2007 Jan 21-24; Anchorage AK; np.  WH.

GAMBLE RJ, LINK JS, Fulton EA.  2007.  An analytical solution for solving availability interaction terms in multispecies ecosystem models [abstract].  2007 World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling; 2007 Jun 19-22; Cape Cod MA; p 30.  WH.

GAMBLE RJ, MOUSTAHFID H, TYRRELL MC, SMITH BE, LINK JS.  2007.  A simulator of multi-species interactions using a guild-based biomass production model [abstract].  2007 World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling; 2007 Jun 19-22; Cape Cod MA; p 91.  WH.

GAMBLE RJ, MOUSTAHFIED H, TYRELL MC, SMITH BE, LINK JS.  2007.  An aggregate biomass model: the search for tradeoffs [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

Gaylord S, Clark CW, Vu E, VAN PARIJS SM.  2007.  Using the acoustic template and energy detector tool in XBAT to detect humpback whale and fish calls throughout the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary from January 2006 to March 2007 [abstract].  3rd International Workshop on the Detection and Classification of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics; 2007 Jul 24-26; Boston MA; np.  WH.

GOLDBERG R.  2007.  Culture systems and habitat evaluation branch overview -- molluscan aquaculture [abstract].  UJNR Aquaculture Panel 36th Scientific Symposium: Aquaculture Technologies for Invertebrates; 2007 Oct 29-30, Durham NH and 2007 Nov 2, Milford CT; np.  MF.

Good CP, COLE TVN, Jaquet N, Read AJ.  2007.  Spatial and temporal overlap of fixed fishing gear with North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Gulf of Maine [abstract].  17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; 2007 Nov 29 - Dec 2; Cape Town, South Africa; np.  WH.

GUIDA VG, LINK JS, O’REILLY JE, DOW DD, FOGARTY MJ, VITALIANO J, LEGAULT CM, OVERHOLTZ WJ, GREEN JR, PALKA DL, Brodziak JKT.  2007.  Trophic network modeling of the marine ecosystem in the Northeastern US: how do blind men “see” an elephant? [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  SH.

HAAS HL, Carr HA, DeAlteris JT, MILLIKEN HO, Trapani C.  2007.  Using side scan sonar to monitor for sea turtles in pot fisheries [abstract].  27th Sea Turtle Symposium, 2007 Feb 22-28; Myrtle Beach SC; np.  WH.

HAGGERTY C, CHOROMANSKI J, STILES S.  2007.  Advancing technology in aquaculture: a continuous water quality monitor for scallop genetic lines [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):659.  MF.

HART DR.  2007.  When do marine reserves increase fishery yield? [abstract].  World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling; 2007 June 19-22; Centerville MA; np.  WH.

HART DR, JACOBSON LD, Seaver A.  2007.  Evaluation of length-based models for assessing the U. S. Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) fishery [abstract].  16th International Pectinid Workshop; 2007 May 11-13; Halifax NS; np.  WH.

HART DR, JACOBSON LD, CHUTE AS, Seaver A.  2007.  Length-based assessment modeling [abstract].  ICES Methods Working Group; 2007 Mar 13-22; Woods Hole MA; np.  WH.

HÉGARET H, WIKFORS GH, Gonçalves M, DaSilva M, Soudant P, Shumway SE.  2007.  In vitro interactions between several species of harmful algae and hemocytes of two species of clams [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):659.  MF.

HÉGARET H, WIKFORS GH, Smolowitz R, Shumway SE.  2007.  Effect of the harmful alga Prorocentrum minimum on the hemocyte response of quahogs Mercenaria mercenaria with various levels of QPX infection [abstract].  Fourth Symposium on Harmful Algae in the US; 2007 Oct 29 - Nov 1; Woods Hole MA; np.  MF.

HOEY JJ, Meredith E, Woodhead C.  2007.  Cooperative research: partnerships in marine science [poster].  63rd Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference; 2007 Apr 22-25; Groton CT; np.  WH.

Hunsperger H, WIDMAN JC Jr, MILKE L, MESECK SL, VEILLEUX DJ, DIXON MS, WIKFORS GH.  2007.  Dietary arachidonic acid supplementation in bay scallops during early development [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):660.  MF.

HYDE KJW, Oviatt CA, O’REILLY JE.  2007.  Spatial, seasonal and interannual phytoplankton variability in Massachusetts Bay [abstract].  ERF 2007 – Science and Management: Observations/Syntheses/Solutions; 2007 Nov 4-8; Providence RI.  SCI-027. NG.

Jacobson N, CADRIN SX.  2007.  Projecting multispecies yield: a critical step for management of New England groundfish [abstract].  63rd Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference; 2007 Apr 22-25; Groton CT; np.  NB.

Ji R, Davis C, Chen C, Townsend D, MOUNTAIN DG, Beardsley R.  2007.  Modeling the influence of North Atlantic freshening on phytoplankton dynamics in the Nova Scotian and Gulf of Maine region [abstract].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; pnk.  NG c/o J HARE.

Johnson AK, RICHARDS RA, Cullen D, Nguluwe B, LANG K.  2007.  Biology of large American monkfish, Lophius americanus [abstract].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; pnk.  WH.

KAPAREIKO DN, PITCHFORD S, LIM HJ ALIX JH, MESECK SL, DIXON MS, WIKFORS GH.  2007.  Further progress in isolation and evaluation of new, probiotic bacteria for use in shellfish hatcheries.[abstract]. 27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):660-661.  MF.

KAPAREIKO DN, SENNEFELDER G, Babb I, Tedeschi D.  2007.  The Aquanaut-LISICOS program – providing teachers with the tools and experiences to promote marine science in the classroom [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):660.  MF.

KITTS A.  2007.  Review of property rights approaches in fisheries management [abstract; invited talk].  New York Sea Grant Limited Access Privilege Program Workshop; 2007 Dec 3; East Setauket NY; np.  WH.

KITTS A.  2007.  Selected LAPP case studies [abstract; invited talk].  New York Sea Grant Limited Access Privilege Program Workshop; 2007 Dec 3; East Setauket NY; np.  WH.

KOCIK JF, HAWKES J, SHEEHAN TF, MUSIC P, Beland KF.  2007.  Assessing estuarine and coastal migration and survival of Atlantic salmon smolts in Maine using ultrasonic telemetry [abstract].  AFS Symposium: Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment; 2007 Jun 18; Halifax NS; np.  OR.

Lankin KF, Peck MA, BUCKLEY LJ, BENGTSON DA.  2007.  Effects of temperature and growth rate on metabolism of larval and juvenile haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) [abstract].  31st Annual Larval Fish Conference, 2007 Jul 9-12, St. John’s NF; np.  NG c/o K SHERMAN.

Lawson D, DeAlteris J, Gearhart J, MILLIKEN HO, Newman E.  2007.  Evaluation of a turtle excluder device (TED) in the scallop trawl fishery of the Mid-Atlantic [abstract].  AFS 2007 Symposium: Developing Tools for Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management: Incentive Programs, Bycatch Quantification, and Gear Technology; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

LI Y.  2007.  Phytoplankton ecology and aquaculture [abstract].  UJNR Aquaculture Panel 36th Scientific Symposium: Aquaculture Technologies for Invertebrates; 2007 Oct 29-30, Durham NH and 2007 Nov 2, Milford CT; np.  MF.

LI Y, WIKFORS GH, ALIX JH, MESECK SL, STILES S.  2007.  Winter-spring phytoplankton dynamics in Milford Harbor, Connecticut – relevance to over-winter survival of bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):663.  MF.

LINK JS, COL L, OVERHOLTZ WJ, O’REILLY JE, GUIDA VG, GREEN J, DOW D, PALKA DL, LEGAULT CM, VITALIANO J, GRISWOLD C, FOGARTY MJ, FRIEDLAND KD.  2007.  Evaluating the role of small pelagics in the Gulf of Maine: EMAX scenarios of energy flow [abstract].  PICES 16th Annual Meeting: The Changing North Pacific: Previous Patterns, Future Projections, and Ecosystem Impacts; 2007 Oct 26 - Nov 5; Victoria BC; p 37.  WH.

LINK JS, Field J, Gaichas S, Townsend H, TYRRELL M.  2007.  Applications of ecosystem modeling in fishery management: an overview [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

LINK JS, FRIEDLAND KD, HARE JA, OVERHOLTZ WJ, TAYLOR MH.  2007.  An orientation to the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank ecosystem [abstract].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; pnk.  WH.

LINK JS, IDOINE J.  2007.  Mortality of shrimp Pandalus borealis: local influence of predation in the Gulf of Maine [abstract].  PICES 16th Annual Meeting: The Changing North Pacific: Previous Patterns, Future Projections, and Ecosystem Impacts; 2007 Oct 26 - Nov 5; Victoria BC; p 70.  WH.

LINK JS, Stockhausen WT, Skaret G, OVERHOLTZ WJ, Megrey BA, Gjoesaeter H, Gaichas S, Dommasnes A, Falk-Petersen J, Aydin K, KANE J, Mueter F, FRIEDLAND K, HARE J.  2007.  A comparison of trends in the biotic communities from four marine ecosystems: synchronies, differences, and commonalities [abstract].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; pnk.  WH.

Loehrke J, Bigelow T, Martins, CADRIN SX.  2007.  Tagging methodology applied to two New England fishery resources: past, present and future [abstract].  EURING 2007; 2007 Jan 14-21; Dunedin NZ; np.  NB.

Loehrke J, Martins D, CADRIN SX.  2007.  Is biocomplexity important for New England Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) resources? [abstract].  ERF 2007 – Science and Management: Observations/Syntheses/Solutions; 2007 Nov 4-8; Providence RI; SCI-052.  NB.

LOUGH RG, O’BRIEN L, BUCKLEY LJ.  2007.  Differential egg mortality of George Bank cod and haddock [abstract].  NAFO/PICES/ICES Joint Symposium on Reproductive and Recruitment Processes of Exploited Marine Fish Stocks; 2007 Oct 1-3; Lisbon, Portugal; np.  WH.

MacKENZIE CL Jr.  2007.  The near disappearance of starfish (Asterias forbesi) and its effects upon molluscan landings in the estuaries of the northeastern U.S.  [abstract].  10th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration (ICSR); 2007 Nov 12-16; Vlissingen, The Netherlands; p 31.  SH.

MAGNUSSON GM, BISACK KD.  2007.  Allocating marine mammal take limits between fisheries [abstract].  Fourth NAAFE Biennial Forum; 2007 Mar 27-30; Merida, Mexico; np.  WH.

Maki KL, McBRIDE RS.  2007.  Reproductive biology of wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, from the Atlantic coast of Florida and the Bahamas [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

MANDERSON JP.  2007.  Knowing where you are: adaptive fisheries sampling in a dynamic ocean with real time access to Integrated Ocean Observation Systems (IOOS) [abstract].  MACOORA Annual Meeting; 2007 Oct 9-10; Baltimore MD; np.  SH.

MANDERSON JP, PESSUTTI J, ROSENDALE J, PHELAN B.  2007.  Estuarine habitat dynamics and telemetered movements of three pelagic fishes: Scale, complexity, behavioral flexibility and the development of an ecophysiological framework [abstract].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; np.  SH.

Mangum A, Ozbay G, Griffith JJ, WIKFORS GH, Coyne KJ.  2007.  The effect of carbon dioxide (CO2) on grazing activities for Karlodinium veneficum [abstract].  Fourth Symposium on Harmful Algae in the US; 2007 Oct 29 - Nov 1; Woods Hole MA; np.  MF.

McBRIDE RS.  2007.  Patterns and processes of fish reproduction: a primer [abstract].  Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 27th Annual Meeting; 2007 Feb 20-22; Ocala FL; np.  WH.

McBRIDE RS, Funk JM, Collins AB.  2007.  Classification schemes for monandric, protogynous fishes: a review and extension of Moe’s (1969) model [poster].  AFS Florida Chapter 27th Annual Meeting; 2007 Feb 20-22; Ocala FL; np.  WH.

McBRIDE RS, Richardson AK, Maki KL.  2007.  Age, growth, and mortality of wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, from the Atlantic coast of Florida and the Bahamas [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

McBRIDE RS, SUTHERLAND SJ, BURNETT JM , KOHLER NE.  2007.  History and applications of ageing living marine resources at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center [abstract].  First International Sclerochronology Conference; 2007 Jul 17-21; St.  Petersburg FL; np.  WH.

McBRIDE RS, Thurman PE, Bullock LH.  2007.  Regional variations of hogfish life history (Labridae: Lachnolaimus maximus) in Florida: consequences for spawning biomass and egg productions models [poster].  NAFO/PICES/ICES Joint Symposium on Reproductive and Recruitment Processes of Exploited Marine Fish Stocks; 2007 Oct 1-3; Lisbon, Portugal; np.  WH.

Megrey BA, HARE JA, Dommasnes A, Gjøsæter H, Stockhausen W, OVERHOLTZ W, Gaichas S, Skaret G, Falk-Petersen J, LINK JS.  2007.  A cross-ecosystem comparison of temporal variability in recruitment of functionally analogous fish stocks [abstract].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; pnk.  WH.

Megrey BA, HARE JA, Dommasnes A, Gjoester H, Stockhausen W, OVERHOLTZ W, Gaichas S, Skaret G, Falk-Petersen J, LINK JS, FRIEDLAND KD.  2007.  Recruitment variation in functionally equivalent fish stocks: a cross-ecosystem comparison [abstract].  PICES 16th Annual Meeting: The Changing North Pacific: Previous Patterns, Future Projections, and Ecosystem Impacts; 2007 Oct 26 - Nov 5; Victoria BC; p 193.  WH.

Melrose DC, BERMAN MS.  2007.  Spatial and temporal patterns in chlorophyll fluorescence in Narragansett Bay, RI [abstract].  ERF 2007 – Science and Management: Observations/ Syntheses/Solutions; 2007 Nov 4-8; Providence RI; np.  NG.

MESECK SL.  2007.  The importance of nutrients, light duration, light intensity, and pH when growing large volumes of phytoplankton [abstract].  UJNR Aquaculture Panel 36th Scientific Symposium: Aquaculture Technologies for Invertebrates; 2007 Oct 29-30, Durham NH and 2007 Nov 2, Milford CT; np.  MF.

MESECK SL, ALIX JH, DIXON MS, SMITH BC, WIKFORS GH.  2007.  Feeding a cyanobacterium contaminant to juvenile bay scallops Argopecten irradians irradians: effects on scallop growth and survival [abstract].  Aquaculture 2007: Science for Sustainable Aquaculture; 2007 Feb 26 - Mar 2; San Antonio TX; pnk.  MF.

MESECK SL, ALIX JH, DIXON MS, SMITH BC, WIKFORS GH.  2007.  Managing microbial “weeds” in microalgal aquaculture-feed culture [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):663-664.  MF.

MESECK SL, SMITH BC, ALIX JH, DIXON MS, WIKFORS GH.  2007.  The effects of a microbial weed on the growth and survival of juvenile bay scallops Argopecten iradians iradians [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):664.  MF.

MILKE LM, Bricelj M, MESECK SL, WIKFORS GH, Parrish C.  2007.  Growth and stress response of bivalve molluscs in response to different microalgal diets and arachidonic acid supplementation [abstract].  UJNR Aquaculture Panel 36th Scientific Symposium: Aquaculture Technologies for Invertebrates; 2007 Oct 29-30, Durham NH and 2007 Nov 2, Milford CT; np.  MF.

MILKE LM, MESECK SL, WIKFORS GH.  2007.  Method development of cortisol (ELISA) for bivalves [abstract].  Aquaculture 2007: Science for Sustainable Aquaculture; 2007 Feb 26 - Mar 2; San Antonio TX; pnk.  MF.

Miller MJ, Kimura S, FRIEDLAND KD, Knights B, Kim H, Jellyman DJ, Tsukamoto K.  2007.  Potential effects of ocean-atmospheric changes on recruitment of temperate anguillid eels in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans [abstract].  2nd International Symposium on Diadromous Fishes: Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment; 2007 Jun 18-21; Halifax NS; np.  NG.

MILLER TJ.  2007.  A likelihood-based framework for inferring regional movement and mortality rates of migratory species using both conventional and archival tags [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

MILLIKEN HO, DeAlteris J, DuPaul W, HAAS H, Silva R, Smolowitz R.  2007.  Two fishing gear modifications to reduce sea turtle bycatch [abstract].  27th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium; 25 Feb – 1 Mar 2007; Myrtle Beach SC; np.  WH.

MILLIKEN HO, Smolowitz R.  2007.  Designing gear solutions for rare events: interactions with threatened or endangered protected species [abstract].  AFS 2007 Symposium: Developing Tools for Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management: Incentive Programs, Bycatch Quantification, and Gear Technology; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

MOUSTAHFID H, TYRRELL MC, GAMBLE RJ, LINK JS.  2007.  Expanded logistic production model to account for predator-prey interactions: an application that partitions mortality and yield for longfin squid [abstract].  2007 World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling; 2007 Jun 19-22; Cape Cod MA; p 44.  WH.

MOUSTAHFID H, TYRRELL MC, LINKS JS, SMITH BE, GAMBLE RJ.  2007.  Accounting for predation mortality in single species models of longfin squid (Loligo pealeii) [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

MUNROE TA.  2007.  Estimating species diversity of the flatfishes (Teleostei: Pleuronectiformes): current progress and future research needs [abstract].  2007 Annual Meeting, The Ichthyological Society of Taiwan; 2007 Jun 23-24; Taipei, Taiwan; np.  NS

Mussoline S, Clark CW, Dickey R, Hatch L, MERRICK RL, Thompson M, Wiley D, VAN PARIJS SM.  2007.  Acoustic distribution and movement patterns of North Atlantic right whales in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary during winter months in 2006 and 2007 [abstract].  3rd International Workshop on the Detection and Classification of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics; 2007 Jul 24-26; Boston MA; np.  WH.

NELSON DA, PERRY DM, Cuevas KM, REDMAN DH, Roy JJ.  2007.  What works better for feeding juvenile black sea bass Centropristis striata: 100% or 80% satiation diet? [abstract].  Aquaculture 2007: Science for Sustainable Aquaculture; 2007 Feb 26 - Mar 2; San Antonio TX; p 650.  MF.

O’BRIEN L.  2007.  Using life-history models to explore environmental effects on stock reproductive potential of several cod stocks [abstract].  NAFO/ICES/PICES Joint Symposium on Reproductive and Recruitment Processes of Exploited Marine Fish Stocks; 2007 Oct 1-3; Lisbon, Portugal; np.  WH.

OLSON JA.  2007.  Constructing the ecosystem and the cultural politics of governance [abstract].  [abstract].  Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association; 2007 Nov 28 - Dec 2; Washington DC; pnk.  WH.

OVERHOLTZ WJ, JACOBSON LD, LINK JS.  2007.  An ecosystem approach for assessment advice and biological reference points for the Gulf of Maine- Georges Bank herring complex [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

Ozbay G, Chambliss SS, WIKFORS GH, Coyne KJ.  2007.  Investigating prediction tools for harmful algal blooms Prorocentrum minimum and Karlodinium veneficum using fluorescent probes and flow cytometry [abstract].  Aquaculture Europe 2007 Conference, Competing Claims; 2007 Oct 24-27; Istanbul, Turkey; np.  MF.

PACE RM III, Kraus SD, Hamilton PK, Knowlton AR.  2007.  Life on the edge: examining North Atlantic right whale population viability using updated reproduction data and survival estimates [abstract].  17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; 2007 Nov 29 - Dec 3; Cape Town, South Africa; np.  WH.

Patrician MR, Biedron IS, Esch HC, WENZEL FW, Hall LA, Glass AH, Baumgartner MF.  2007.  Evidence of the first known western North Atlantic right whale calf (Eubalaena glacialis) born outside of the southeastern U. S. calving grounds [abstract].  Right Whale Consortium Meetings; 2007 Nov 7-8; New Bedford MA; np.  WH.

PINTO DA SILVA P, KITTS AW. 2007. Collaborative management in the Northeast US: research and praxis. [abstract]. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association; 2007 Nov 28 - Dec 2; Washington DC; np. WH.

Powers JE, BROOKS EN.  2007.  “Payback” on underages and overages of catch allocations: sustainability of decision rules and winners and losers of monitoring strategies [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

Powers JE, BROOKS EN.  2007.  Development of model-based ecosystem management criteria [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

Pranovi F, LINK JS.  2007.  Comparative analysis of trophic webs of South New England and Northern Adriatic Sea [abstract].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; pnk.  WH.

Pranovi F, LINK JS.  2007.  Ecosystem exploitation and trophodynamic indicators: a comparison between the Northern Adriatic Sea and Southern New England [abstract].  6th European Conference on Ecosystem Modeling; 2007 Nov 27-30; Trieste, Italy; p 425-426.  WH.

RICHARDS RA.  2007.  Population biology and assessment of American monkfish (Lophius americanus) [abstract].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; pnk.  WH.

RICHARDS RA, Maguire J-J.  2007.  An investigation of the population dynamics of monkfish (Lophius americanus) in the Northeastern USA [abstract].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; pnk.  WH.

Roberts S, WIKFORS GH, Sunila I, Goetz F.  2007.  Gene expression profiling and cellular characteristics of Crassostrea virginica hemocytes: evaluating interactions of physical stress and disease exposure [abstract].  Aquaculture 2007: Science for Sustainable Aquaculture; 2007 Feb 26 - Mar 2; San Antonio TX; pnk.  MF.

Ross SW, Quattrini AM, NIZINSKI MS.  2007.  Megafaunal communities of deep-sea coral habitats of the Southeastern United States [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  NS.

ROUNTREE BP, KITTS A, PINTO DA SILVA P.  2007.  The challenges and outcomes of collaborative behavior in the NE tilefish fishery [abstract].  13th International Symposium on Society & Resource Management (ISSRM); 2007 Jun 17-21; Park City UT; np.  WH.

ROWE S, NORDAHL V, HART D.  2007.  Long-term monitoring of sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) off the Northeast United States [poster].  16th International Pectinid Workshop; 2007 May 11-18; Halifax, NS.  J Shellfish Res. 26:pnk.  WH.

Roy JJ, REDMAN DH, PERRY DM, NELSON DA.  2007.  The effect of two commercial feed diets on growth of juvenile black sea bass Centropristis striata held at two temperatures [abstract].  Aquaculture 2007: Science for Sustainable Aquaculture; 2007 Feb 26 - Mar 2; San Antonio TX; p 798.  MF.

Schaffler JJ, Jones CM, Reiss CS, HARE JA.  2007.  Patterns of larval Atlantic croaker ingress into Chesapeake Bay [abstract].  31st Annual Larval Fish Conference, 2007 Jul 9-12, St. John’s NF; np.  NG.

SHEEHAN TF, RENKAWITZ MD, BROWN RW.  2007.  Targeted trawl survey for early marine phase Atlantic salmon postsmolts in Penobscot Bay, Maine (2001-2005) [abstract].  AFS 137th Annual Meeting; 2007 Sep 2-6; San Francisco CA; np.  WH.

SHERMAN K, Belkin I, O’REILLY JE.  2007.  Variability of Large marine Ecosystems in response to global climate change [abstract].  2007 ICES Annual Science Conference; 2007 Sep 17-21; Helsinki, Finland; pnk.  NG.

SHERMAN K, Belkin I, O’REILLY JE, HYDE KJW.  2007.  Effects of climate-induced warming on biological productivity in Large Marine Ecosystems [abstract].  Second Global Conference on Large Marine Ecosystems; 2007 Sep 11-13; Qingdao, China; np.  NG.

Shumway SE, HÉGARET H, WIKFORS GH.  2007.  Mitigating the risk of introduction of harmful algae via transfer of bivalve molluscs [abstract].  Fourth Symposium on Harmful Algae in the US; 2007 Oct 29 - Nov 1; Woods Hole MA; np.  MF.

SMITH BC, Persson A, WIKFORS GH.  2007.  Oysters consuming cultures and collected natural dinoflagellate cycts [abstract].  27th Annual Milford Aquaculture Seminar; 2006 Dec 6-8; Groton CT.  J Shellfish Res. 26(2):669.  MF.

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