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How to Implement a Community-Based Designated Driver Program

  Program Planning
  Program Marketing

Tips for Specific Groups


  Educators/College Groups
  Criminal Justice
  Medical and Health Care Community
  Hospitality Industry and Retailers
  Armed Forces

Publicity and Promotion
  Working with the Media
  Calendar of Year Round Ideas
  Media Q&A

  Partners and Resources


News releases tell your story. They are typically released on the day of the event for publicity, or following an event to describe what took place.


A letter to the editor appeals to the public to support your efforts. It informs the community about the impaired driving problem and the steps you are taking to remedy it. Send the letter 10 days to two weeks before your activity.


The op-ed is a brief statement from an opinion leader in the community on a subject in which he or she is considered an authority. These statements can influence public opinion and are opportunities for the media to support your cause. You should send the op-ed to the newspapers you have identified seven to 10 days prior to the event.


The drop-in article is a pre-written news story. It can be used to inform your community about impaired driving, the need for highly visible enforcement and prevention activities such as designating sober drivers. It can also be used in your community newspapers, on web pages or in newsletters.


Radio stations are required to broadcast public announcements to the community. You should

Photo of Man Getting into Taxi

accompany the scripts with a letter explaining how impaired driving is a problem in your community and ask for the station's support in your efforts to reduce the problem. Suggest that traffic reporters can remind listeners about the You Drink & Drive. You Lose. campaign and urge them to designate a sober driver. It is a good idea to place a follow-up call to the station to make sure they've received the scripts, and to further encourage their use.


Just like radio stations, newspapers and magazines often use print PSAs. You should send the PSAs (along with a cover letter) to newspapers approximately two to three weeks before your event. Placement of these free ads in the weeks prior to the event can help raise awareness of the problem and build momentum for enforcement period efforts.

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