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Geographic distribution of CEE-TV database records

Retrospective Ecotoxicological Data and Current Information Needs for Terrestrial Vertebrates Residing in Coastal Habitat of the United States

B. A. Rattner, K. M. Eisenreich, N. H. Golden, M. A. McKernan, R. L. Hothem, T. W. Custer
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 49:257-265, 2005

Contact Barnett Rattner to request a reprint


Ranking Terrestrial Vertebrate Species for Utility in Biomonitoring and Vulnerability to Environmental Contaminants

Nancy H. Golden and Barnett A. Rattner

Reviews in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 176:67-136, 2003

Contact Barnett Rattner to request a reprint

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Use of Retrospective Data to Assess Ecotoxicological Monitoring Needs for Terrestrial Vertebrates Residing in Atlantic Coast Estuaries

Jonathan B. Cohen, Barnett A. Rattner and Nancy H. Golden

Ecotoxicology 12:365-375, 2003

Contact Barnett Rattner to request a reprint

 bar graph

Contaminant Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates Database: Trends and Data Gaps for Atlantic Coast Estuaries

Barnett A. Rattner, Jennifer L. Pearson, Nancy H. Golden, Jonathan B. Cohen, R. Michael Erwin and Mary Ann Ottinger

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 63:131-142, 2000

Contact Barnett Rattner to request a reprint


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Map from poster "Terrestrial Vertebrate Contaminant Exposure and Effects Data for Mid-Atlantic National Park Service Lands"

Terrestrial Vertebrate Contaminant Exposure and Effects Data for Mid-Atlantic National Park Service Lands

Betty K. Ackerson, Barnett A. Rattner, Moira A. McKernan
Presented at the 25th annual meeting of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, MD, 2005

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Map from "Retrospective Ecotoxicological Data and Information Needs for Terrestrial Vertebrates Residing in the Great Lakes and Coastal Habitats of the United States"

Retrospective Ecotoxicological Data and Information Needs for Terrestrial Vertebrates Residing in the Great Lakes and Coastal Habitats of the United States

Moira A. McKernan, Barnett A. Rattner, Betty K. Ackerson, Karen M. Eisenreich, Nancy H. Golden, Anne M. Meckstroth, Roger L. Hothem, Thomas W. Custer

Presented at the annual meeting of the Society Wildlife Society, Madison, WI, 2005

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Contaminants Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates Database: Analysis for the Northeast

Barnett A. Rattner, Jonathan B. Cohen, Nancy H. Golden, and Karen M.  Eisenreich

Presented at the Regional Vulnerability Assessment Program. Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities, 2003.

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Contaminant Exposure and Effects—Terrestrial Vertebrates Database for the United States

Barnett A. Rattner, Nancy H. Golden, Roger L. Hothem, Rebecca L. Kershnar, Tom W. Custer and Craig W. Meeusen

Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Journalists, Baltimore, Maryland, October 10, 2002

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Mercury Bioaccumulation in Terrestrial Vertebrates Residing in U.S. Coastal and Estuarine Habitat

Barnett A. Rattner, Karen M. Eisenreich, Nancy H. Golden, Rebecca L. Kershnar, Roger L. Hothem, and Sarah Gerould

Presented at the 23rd annual meeting of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2002

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Biomonitoring of terrestrial vertebrates in Atlantic Coast estuaries: Utility and Vulnerability indices

Nancy H. Golden, Barnett A. Rattner and Mary Ann Ottinger

Presented at the 22nd annual meeting of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, Maryland, 2001

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Contaminants Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates Database: Pacific Coast Patterns

Rebecca L. Kershnar, Roger L. Hothem, Nancy H. Golden and Barnett A. Rattner. 2001.

Presented at the Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Reno, California, September, 2001

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Use of the Contaminant Exposure and Effects--Terrestrial Vertebrates Database to Rank Ecotoxicological Data Gaps

Barnett A. Rattner, Nancy H. Golden, Jonathan B. Cohen and Karen M. Eisenreich

November 2002

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Contaminant Exposure and Effects--Terrestrial Vertebrates Database: Trends and Data Gaps for Chesapeake Bay Wildlife

Nancy H. Golden, Barnett A. Rattner and Karen M. Eisenreich

May 2003

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The examples below demonstrate the types of maps we can make. Click on the picture to view a pdf of the map. Please contact Barnett Rattner if there is a particular map you would like us to make for you.
Distribution of CEETV Records

Distribution of CEETV Records

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CEETV Atlantic Coast records

CEE-TV Records within 10 km of National Wildlife Refuges and National Parks on the Atlantic Coast

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Distribution of CEETV Records within Estuarine and Coastal Drainage Areas along the Atlantic Coast

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Contact: Barnett Rattner
Last modified: 06/15/2007
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