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Puget Sound Basin NAWQA Study
U.S. Geological Survey
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Water Quality in the Puget Sound Basin

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Anderson, Chauncey, Williamson, A.K., Carpenter, Kurt, Black, R.W., Finella, Frank, Morace, Jennifer, Clark, Greg, and Johnson, Hank, 2005, Pesticides in surface waters of the Pacific Northwest -- Overview of USGS Regional Findings: Presentation by the U.S. Geological Survey at the 5th Washington Hydrogeology Symposium, Tacoma, Washington, April 12-14, 2005, 38 p. (PDF, 2 MB)

Anderson, Chauncey, Williamson, A.K., Carpenter, Kurt, Black, R.W., Finella, Frank, Morace, Jennifer, Clark, Greg, and Johnson, Hank, 2005, Pesticides in surface waters of the Pacific Northwest -- Overview of USGS Regional Findings [abs.]: 5th Washington Hydrogeology Symposium, Tacoma, Washington, April 12-14, 2005, Program, p. 33. (PDF, 2.13 MB)

Black, R.W., Munn, M.D. and Plotnikoff, R.W., 2004, Using macroinvertebrates to identify biota-land cover optima at multiple scales in the Pacific Northwest, USA: J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc., v. 23, no. 2, p. 340 - 362

Black, R.W., and Silkey, Mariabeth, 1998, Water-quality assessment of the Puget Sound Basin, Washington -- Summary of stream biological data through 1995: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4164, 78 p.

Bortleson, G.C., and Davis, D.A., 1997, Pesticides in selected small streams in the Puget Sound Basin, 1987 - 1995: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-067-97, 4 p.

Bortleson, G.C., and Ebbert, J.C., 2000, Occurrence of pesticides in streams and ground water in the Puget Sound Basin, Washington and British Columbia, 1996-98: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4118, 14 p.

Ebbert, J.C., Embrey, S.S., Black, R.W., Tesoriero, A.J., and Haggland, A.L., 2000, Water quality in the Puget Sound basin, Washington and British Columbia, 1996 - 98: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1216, 31 p.

Embrey, S.S., 2001, Microbiological quality of Puget Sound basin streams and identification of contaminant sources: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v. 37, no. 2, p. 407 - 421

Embrey, S.S., and Frans, L.M., 2003, Surface-water quality of the Skokomish, Nooksack, and Green-Duwamish Rivers, and Thornton Creek, Puget Sound Basin, Washington, 1995 - 98: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4190, 182 p.

Embrey, S.S., and Inkpen, E.L., 1998, Water-quality assessment of the Puget Sound Basin, Washington -- Nutrient transport in rivers, 1980 - 1993: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4270, 30 p.

Embrey, S.S., and Moran, P.W., 2006, Quality of streamwater in the Puget Sound Basin--A decade of study and beyond [poster]: Toxics in Puget Sound: Connecting Marine Environment to Human Health and the Economy, Puget Sound Action Team Forum, Seattle, Washington, April 5, 2006.

Erwin, M.L., and Tesoriero, A.J., 1997, Predicting ground - water vulnerability to nitrate in the Puget Sound Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-061-97, 4 p.

Inkpen, E.L., Tesoriero, A.J., Ebbert, J.C., Silva, S.R., and Sandstrom, M.W., 2000, Ground-water quality in regional, agricultural, and urban settings in the Puget Sound Basin, Washington and British Columbia, 1996-1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4100, 66 p.

Inkpen, E.L., and Embrey, S.S., 1998, Nutrient in the major rivers and streams of the Puget Sound Basin, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-009-98, 4 p.

Konrad, C.P., 2005, Geomorphic and ecologic consequences of hydrology changes in urban streams - Examples from the Pacific Northwest: Presentation by the U.S. Geological Survey at the USGS Workshop on Hydrologic Change and Ecological Response, Herndon, Virginia, February 9, 2005, 22 p.

MacCoy, D.E., and Black, R.W., 1998, Organic compounds and trace elements in freshwater streambed sediment and fish from the Puget Sound Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-105-98, 6 p.

Munn, M.D., Black, R.W., Haggland, A.L., Hummling, M.A., and Huffman, R.L., 1999, An assessment of stream habitat and nutrients in the Elwha River basin: Implications for restoration: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4223, 38 p.

Staubitz, W.W., 1994, National Water - Quality Assessment Program - Puget Sound Basin, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-108, 2 p.

Staubitz, W.W., Bortleson, G.C., Semans, S.D., Tesoriero, A.J., and Black, R.W., 1997, Water-quality assessment of the Puget Sound Basin, Washington -- Environmental setting and its implications for water quality and aquatic biota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4013, 76 p.

Tesoriero, A.J., Inkpen, E.L., and Voss, F.D., 1998, Assessing ground - water vulnerability using logistic regression: in: Proceedings of the Conference on Source Water Assessment and Protection 98, Dallas, TX, p. 157 - 165.

Tesoriero, A.J., Liebscher, Hugh, and Cox, S.E., 2000, Mechanism and rate of denitrification in an agricultural watershed: Electron and mass balance along groundwater flow paths: Water Resources Research, v. 36, no. 6, p. 1545 - 1559.

Tesoriero, A.J., Loeffler, F.E., and Liebscher, Hugh, 2001, Fate and origin of 1,2 - dichloropropane in an unconfined shallow aquifer: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 35, no. 3, p. 455 - 460.

Tesoriero, A.J., and Voss, F.D., 1997, Predicting the probability of elevated nitrate concentrations in the Puget Sound Basin - Implications for aquifer susceptibility and vulnerability: Ground Water, v. 35, no. 6, p. 1029 - 1039.

Voss, F.D., Embrey, S.S., Ebbert, J.C., Davis, D.A., Frahm, A.M., and Perry, G.H., 1999, Pesticides detected in urban streams during rainstorms and relations to retail sales of pesticides in King County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-097-99, 4 p.

Voss, F.D., and Embrey, S.S., 2000, Pesticides detected in urban streams during rainstorms in King and Snohomish Counties, Washington, 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4098, 22 p.

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