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The Path of a Pandemic

How one virus spread from pigs and birds to humans around the globe. And why microbes like the H1N1 flu have become a growing threat.

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The Path of a Pandemic

How one virus spread from pigs and birds to humans around the globe. And why microbes like the H1N1 flu have become a growing threat.

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Newsweek What should Obama have done about release of detainee abuse photos?

    • dlongworth @Newsweek What is the point of releasing such photos other than to drive media hysteria? Just knowledge of such abuse is enough.  

    • csledzik @Newsweek Photos are a powerful thing. That being said, I think he made the right decision.  

    • ZoomBuzz @Newsweek i think he is right.  

    • Mica4Life @Newsweek he should have released selected pictures since he opened the door releasing the memos.  

    • EmpressEricka @Newsweek i honestly think hes doing the right thing. the US still has the abu grave fail hanging over its head, this will not help....  

    • EmpressEricka @Newsweek .... with our overall image and standing with the world... which seems to be something obama wants to focus on.  

    • renea0102 @Newsweek i think these types of photos do not need to be viewed by the public even though abuse is wrong  

    • lioness823 @Newsweek I really don't think they should be released. Ppl do not need to become desensitized to things like that.  

    • lioness823 @Newsweek Just so you know @SenJohnMcCain agrees w/Pres Obama's decision.  

    • BUZZARDSKORNER @Newsweek he did exactly the correct thing...we do not need to see this, nor do our enemies!!  

    • EShahan @Newsweek Better to release them & get everything out in the open. If not, the least he should do is explain what happened to transparency.  

    • linafinanyc @Newsweek release & publish the photos  

    • jaytin @Newsweek Pres should've let them be released for the subject to get more exposure & prevention to be further debated & outlined  

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‘Slaves to Industry’

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In the middle of coal-producing Appalachia, the daughter of a miner is standing up for the green movement.

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