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Asian Development Bank

Our Scope

Regional Market

The market for US goods and services that is generated through ADB lending activity is regional, including 38 Developing Member Countries in East, South and Central Asia and the Pacific.

Since the United States is one of the 67 member countries of the ADB, US firms are eligible to bid on all ADB-funded procurement and consulting opportunities.

The table below lists the Developing Member Countries of ADB.

The Regional Market
Afghanistan Kyrgyz Republic Samoa
Armenia Lao PDR Solomon Islands
Azerbaijan Maldives Sri Lanka
Bangladesh Marshall Islands Tajikistan
Bhutan Micronesia Thailand
Cambodia Mongolia Timor-Leste
China, PR Myanmar Tonga
Cook Islands Nauru Turkmenistan
Fiji Islands Nepal Tuvalu
India Pakistan Uzbekistan
Indonesia Palau Vanuatu
Kazakhstan Papua New Guinea Vietnam
Kiribati Philippines