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Section 508 Standards Available in Other Languages and Formats March 3, 2003


Recognizing the international interest in access to information technology, the Board has posted on its website translations of its section 508 standards in Spanish and Japanese. The standards, issued under section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, apply to electronic and information technology procured by Federal agencies. They provide specific criteria for computer hardware and software, websites, phone systems, fax machines, copiers, and similar technologies. The new translations are posted on the section 508 page.

The Board also enhanced the range of available alternate formats by a adding a text-to-speech version of the standards that can be downloaded from its site. Known as a Digital Talking Book, this format runs on software that uses synchronized speech and marked-up text files to provide audible output. This format also offers advanced navigational features. In addition, the Board has posted a version of the standards that is formatted for Braille printing. Users can download a copy to their computer for use with a Braille printer.