National Child Passenger Safety Week
FEBRUARY 11-17, 2001
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Although use of passenger restraints for children is increasing for all age groups, traffic crashes continue to be the leading cause of death for all children ages 5 through 15 (as well as for older teens and young adults). National Child Passenger Safety Week places an emphasis on the importance of safely transporting children throughout their childhood. Whether children travel by car, bicycle, school bus, or as a pedestrian, it is everyone’s responsibility to make sure each trip is as safe as possible. This national event will provide an excellent opportunity to work with highway safety advocates to educate your community about all aspects of child passenger safety.

Over the past several years, members of the transportation, health, safety and law enforcement communities, along with many other national, state, and local organizations have joined together during the week of Valentine’s Day to heighten public knowledge about child passenger safety. It is essential to understand that child passenger safety not only focuses on seat belts and child safety seats, but booster seats, bicycle helmets, motorcycle helmets, pedestrian safety and school bus safety as well. Because National Child Passenger Safety Week features many of the child transportation issues involved with getting to school safely, this event provides a terrific avenue for teachers to incorporate daily lessons about safe travel to and from school. Children can participate in various transportation safety activities throughout the week, or each group can develop their own safe transportation theme and devote time each day to that particular subject.

Communities across the United States will join the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and a host of national partner organizations in celebrating National Child Passenger Safety Week from February 11 to 17, 2001. We encourage you to participate in National Child Passenger Safety Week and help protect children when they travel, not only during this “special” week, but every day of the year.

To learn more about what you can do to celebrate National Child Passenger Safety Week:

Visit the NHTSA website at

Talk to your Governors’ Highway Safety Representative (listed in the State and Regional Resourses Catalog)

Contact local Safe Kids Coalitions, Safe Communities Programs, or other health and safety organizations (listed in the National Organizations Resource Catalog)

In early 2001, NHTSA anticipates the release of a Child Passenger Safety Planner. For more information, visit

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